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User Reviews for Calm

4.77 out of 5
1.8M Ratings
3 years ago, Ak hockey907
Great app, use it every night
I love the Calm app! I stumbled upon a television commercial about it a few years ago and decided to give it a try. I have had trouble falling asleep for years, and was honestly skeptical that an app would put me to sleep. Boy was I wrong! I love the different options - sleep stories, music, meditation - each one is interesting, and while I can’t say I’ve managed to get to end of a story…well that’s the point. I’m out within five minutes. I’ve read some reviews about the expense - here’s the thing - what is your sleep and a relaxed mindset worth to you? Divide that annual cost by 365 and you’re paying a pittance for your health. Check back around the holidays - the makers of Calm run specials sometimes that make it even more worthwhile. I had just renewed my annual fee two summers ago, when an end of year special came around. It was a lifetime subscription that was going to save hundreds of dollars over the years. I knew I wouldn’t get the remainder of my annual fee (8 months left) refunded if I jumped on the lifetime subscription, but it was still worth the jump. This is a must have app. *App makers - please put the sleep check-in back! With the latest update it is gone, and it was something that really helped understanding factors that affect sleep.
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2 years ago, dg5753
Why did I get the subscription?
I’m a 41 year old male who has struggled with OCD and panic since age 6. I’ve gone through the doctors and medications. I thought I knew everything about diaphragmatic breathing, as it has been drilled into my head over the years. A couple weeks ago, my heart rate shot up. For the first time in my life, I was confident it wasn’t a panic attack and actually a heart attack. I stumbled out my apartment door, sweat dripping down my face and the few clothes covering my body. I dropped my phone on the way down the stairs but happened to call 911 right beforehand. Medics arrived. After about 10 minutes, they knew and I knew it was panic. I went back upstairs and started searching for every app I could think of. I found calm. I tried the first 7 days and was hooked. Some may think… well I don’t have panic or OCD. It’s not for me. It’s so much more than that. I listened to a series by Lebron James that was amazing. There are different breathing techniques and meditations for sleep, work, anxiety, movement… etc… I know I’ve said a lot and probably more than anyone needs. If I would have had the Calm app a few weeks ago during the worst panic attack of my life, I probably wouldn’t have had to call 911. At least try the trial. It’s very much worth it.
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4 years ago, calm girl10
So relaxing and amazing
I absolutely love love love this app!!!!♥️ once I could not go to sleep so I turned on some of the calm music and I fell asleep 10 minutes later. I was amazed. I have been getting better sleep since than. Also whenever I am feeling stressed or anxious about someone or something, I listen to one of the daily calms or the next day on the meditation trial. Right away it’s as if you were brought into some beautiful relaxing world where there are these voices saying “It will be ok no matter what. This will pass.” And it does its amazing how calming and peaceful this app is. Next, mood check in. The mood check in helps me express and release good and bad feelings and thoughts. Enjoy the good ones and let go of the bad ones. It even gives you a chance to write a little about them. It’s like your own personal diary, but way better. Last but definitely not least, I Believe this app can make you a better person. To be happier, to live life longer. It can be a real life changer. And just know that it’s never to late to start fresh again. It’s never to late to change yourself. But most of all, it’s never to late lo be the big change in the world, that you have wished for. And calm can help with all of that. This is a total recommendation for anyone.
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4 years ago, CaylieHan
Sleep, anxiety, & life saver all in one app
Honestly, I had come to a point in my life where I insomnia and anxiety were at an all time high , I was on anxiety meds, sleep meds, anything they could do to try & get my anxiety and insomnia under control & even when the pills weren’t really helping, I decided to try this app out because even doctors had recommend it, while yes- price tag can seem like a lot, BUT I used this one night while my anxiety was setting in and I was asleep half way through the sleep story and when I woke in the morning I was in disbelief. Nothing, I mean nothing had helped me until I found this app. The meditation & sleep stories are amazing. I am so grateful for this app. Now, the only reason I didn’t give it 5 stars would be due to a recommend I have for the creators, they should create a watch or something that can track your sleep & in the morning provide meditations, music, sleep stories that reflected how you slept the night before. For example, if someone woke up a lot, or of people were waking up frequently and having a hard time going back to sleep & maybe making suggestions for a meditation they could choose that one as more personal, or for anxiety with sleep or sleeplessness, things like that. I don’t know that would be my only recommendation, but overall and amazing app that’s worth the price.
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4 years ago, a ds42gme
Pls read
Dear calm, I have had your app since my middle school years. I’ve got to say, your app was AMAZING with 15 sleep stories and 2 and 1/2 meditations, this wasn’t a problem for me because I also use headspace. Yes, they're your competition but I wasn't choosing sides. Anyways, over time you guys added feature that you really focused on for 2 weeks at a time and just gave up on it. Next, you decreased the amount of sleep stories which was ha a huge problem for me because I was NOT getting enough sleep to keep my grades up. It got so bad that I stole my mother's phone just to sleep (she Had the Premium subscription). So I was like, ”ok, I'll just use headspace ONLY for sleep and calm for meditation. Then, you took away the 7 days of calm AKA: YOUR MAIN TRIAL AND ONLY TRIAL MEDITATION LEFT after you premiumfied the 7 days of something (forgot). I mean like BRU, I have other options. I started using headspace which is a great alternative if you don't have much money. I recommend bringing back some stuff from premium and reduce the price. To counteract this, put one 15 second ad at the beginning. Of every session of meditation for people without premium. Therefore, there is more than one reason to get it and it's CHEAPER. That's a win-win situation. I hope you come to the right decision. Whatever it is, I probably wouldn't stop using the app. Thank you for your time.
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2 years ago, JoyfulBookDragon
Great App-Needs a few little tweaks
Calm has great stories, meditations and more. I love it and have the full version. I love Anna Acton, Eric Braa, and other soothing voices. Some of them, however, are just a bit...jarring. I know everyone has different tastes but I like to listen to voices directing me during meditation or towards sleep that don’t jump out at me. Please, Calm, add more voices like Eduardo Ballerini, Ramon Tikaram, Chiké Okonkwo, May Charters and Jerome Flynn. Cillian Murphy is a great guest sleep story teller but please don’t just use celebrities because of name value. They don’t all make good storytellers/meditation guides. Some write the stories and I am grateful to those who come up with such wonderful sleep stories for adults. The ones that travel back in time, especially aboard old trains are outstanding! Just curate the voices a little better because some of us are too sensitive to the nuances of voice to listen to many of the meditations/stories. That’s kind of a waste. I end up listening to the same ones over and over. Please make the sleep stories at least 35 minutes, too. For those of us who need longer to drift away. Finally, since you are now making playlists, how about one that is just long train stories? Thanks so much!
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3 years ago, Apelli0727
App is in accessible for blind user, buttons unlabeled
Hello, I really like the content on your app and it has really helped me to develop my practice. However because of the issues described in the title I probably will no longer subscribe to calm next year. I am blind, and use the screen reader voiceover. I can play the videos for the content well enough with play pause, fastforward but the biggest barrier I am facing is that the mountains which you tap on in the for you tab to bring up the settings are unlabeled. I was trying to turn off the babbling Brook sound, accessible apps need to have text labels to accompany any clickable items. I would love to resubscribe once you have resolved these issues, buttons for the mood check-in feature are also unlabeled or nonexistent. The box breathing technique does not speak anything aloud or refresh on its own. A better way to accomplish that might be to use a metronome with 44 times signature. I am happy to speak to a developer more about my feedback and suggestions for how to resolve these issues, but I think that especially since healthcare providers are starting to recommend your service to their users, many of them who use Medicaid and Medicare and are disabled the app absolutely should be more accessible. Thank you for your timely consideration and namaste. I look forward to working with you in making the meditation community more inclusive.
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2 years ago, Cudnakshiesnjxixisjjeuduufu
The best way to calm anxiety
I’m a 19 y/o college student that suffers from an anxiety disorder. I feel anxious most of the time and when things to actually feel anxious about present themselves it can be absolutely debilitating for me physically and emotionally. However calm allows me to find hope in my current predicaments, and is amazing at calming me down. I really enjoy the soundscapes and meditation but my favorite thing is definitely the sleep story’s. Listening to a bedtime story made for little kids mostly is really strangely therapeutic. There are more adult options but give the kiddy one’s a try. I feel like I’m one of the last demographics that these sleep story’s would reach but they make me feel more secure and able to connect back to the security of childhood. But anyways I highly recommend this app, the subscription is a bit pricey but the quality isn’t matched anywhere else. Falling asleep, calming down, feeling secure, and gaining more confidence & hope have all been easy and peaceful to do with this app. I’ve been falling asleep with my headphones on every night so I can listen to this without disturbing my roommate. But I feel like he would enjoy it too. After just the first day of the free trial I’m hooked.
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6 years ago, bioeric
Great, but limited content, needs more
This app has really changed how well I sleep. And for that I am truly grateful to the developers. They definitely deserve all the accolades the app has been receiving. I do have one major criticism thought that I wish I could get them to pay attention to at this time. They apps content is very limited in comparison to other similar apps. The major area of limitation is the sleep stories section. There are only a handful of sleep stories that can not even get you through a month of nights without having to listen to the same stories over and over again. Many users I know are focusing in on the sleep stories section because they work. However, all have the same complaint as I do; just not enough stories and having to listen to the same stories over and over again. Hey for little kids, this particular flaw is fine. Heck, I have read the Fantastic Mr. Fox to my youngest literally over a 100 times to get him to sleep. For us adults, the developers of calm need to realize we need more variety in our sleep stories. If this app only had more, I would be elated to change my rating to 5 out of 5 stars without a days hesitation.
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4 years ago, nmbr1sk8r
Great but needs more voices
I love this app and use it all the time. Loads of new content added constantly. The length of the meditations is perfect. I love the series like 7 days of calm, 7 days of sleep, etc. the breathing exercises are so helpful. One area for improvement would be that currently most of the meditations, especially new content, is narrated by the same woman. It would be really helpful if these same sessions were recorded with a male voice, so listeners could have an option. It would also be helpful if there were a more diverse selection of voices throughout the meditations. (This is done in the master classes and sleep stories, but I’d like to see it in the meditations too). A second area would be a review of the content of the gratitude meditations, which make assumptions and are therefore injurious for some listeners. For example I am in the middle of fighting a long term disease. Suggestions like you should be grateful for your health are not helpful and actually harmful for me. I’d really like to cultivate more gratitude but I can’t get through any of these meditations without being triggered. A review by someone working with diverse populations could help this. Other than this, I love the app. It has been designed so well and my mental health has improved dramatically since starting to use it. Highly recommended!
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2 years ago, tashhi
It will help you through sleepless nights - worth the annual membership
I originally received a Calm membership for a year through Verizon and mostly knew it as a meditation app. I would probably give the meditation side of the app 3 stars. It has variety and guided options but if you are a meditator, it isn’t very helpful. The search feature also isn’t useful. I look for sound meditation with chimes at various times depending on how long I would like to meditate. And if I want a guided meditation, I want to be able to search by length, not topic. But all that being said, the sleep story side of this app is 5 stars. It has saved me from sleepless nights and eased me back to sleep when I’ve woken in the night due to anxiety and illness. While I don’t use it every night, when I do, I am asleep within minutes. On nights when I’m having a hard time sleeping, one to two will ease me to sleep. There’s great variety from fiction to nonfiction, different types of narrators, and different journeys from walking through a bookstore to riding a train to taking a trip to space. I highly recommend the paid version for these sleep stories. I’ve even enjoyed some of the children’s versions!
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3 years ago, Hobokittycat
My doctor recommended it to me and I love it
I’ve always struggled with anxiety and not being able to calm down. All of the features which this app has to offer really help me when I’m studying (I like having soundscapes or music on), relaxing (breathing exercises or meditation), and getting ready for bed (sleep stories and body scans). It is so worth it to pay for the subscription, and even before I paid for the subscription (my doctor recommended the app to me not knowing I had the free version of it for about 3 years already) there was a lot of content available. I love the calendar features as well, and the check-ins are a great way for me to reflect on my day and practice gratitude. One suggestion I have though are podcasts! I like to listen to people talking about any subject while I’m doing tasks around the house or just trying to sleep (sometimes the silence is a lot and I can’t focus on sleeping with my thoughts). If you guys made some soft spoken or any kind of podcast in which there wasn’t a lot of yelling and loud talking, I’d totally listen in. (I know there are some masterclasses and lesson type things available on the app already, but they’re just not podcasts)
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1 year ago, yyghuiiu
Amazing! (With updated review!)
I'm asleep in minutes! Meditations are great! Reliefs anxiety! Best app! This app really helps me fall asleep! I recommend 100%! One thing though! The app is a little slow, which is fine, maybe it's just my iPad but if you know how to, please fix this! Ok this app is amazing! Sleep stories ALWAYS make me fall asleep! I have tried other apps, but this app is the one that gets me to fall asleep. I mainly do the sleep stories, but I've tried the mediation too and there great too! I love your music! I also love the daily check in! Best app ever! Updated feedback: I just thought of something, I don't know if you have this, but if you don't could you add the option to make playlists of your favorite calm stories, music, and meditations. You could have playlists of your favorite music that makes you fall asleep! UPDATE alright so we had a lifetime membership and then it quit so that was sad. But main thing—unless your a member or something it’s hard to use calm to its full potential. In fact, you can barely do anything. Still am firm to my claim—calms one of the best of its kind, and is really awesome! Helpful for all! Maybe more things for non members?
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6 months ago, shelbyxrae
PLEASE add a repeat button for sleep stories!
I downloaded this app because I struggle to sleep. I cannot get my mind to stop racing without something to “distract” it and having the many wonderful sleep stories with soothing narrators is a GODSEND that I immediately got a Premium subscription when my free trial ended. I pretty much exclusively use this app for the sleep stories because that is what is most effective for me. However, I find myself jolting awake when the sleep stories end and that is not ideal after 30-40 minutes. To combat this I started using the playlists exclusively but those are still only a few hours long, none anywhere nears 8 hours. PLEASE add a repeat button to the sleep stories so they can play on loop, or even allow the ability for us to create our own playlists out of our favorite stories! I would love that so much. Because Calm is no longer serving my needs in helping me stay asleep I have found myself using it less and less and have opted for the app “Slumber: calm stories & sleep” because they DO have a repeat button on their stories, as well as a whole category of long stories that last for 3+ hours. The subscription is also considerably cheaper. If this isn’t a feature added to Calm soon I will sadly have to cancel my subscription.
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5 years ago, amberkaymccoy
Helping High School Students Stay CALM
I am a high school teacher at a high preforming high school in my area. My students are often so stressed out and sleep deprived I feel so helpless to help them. This year I decided to dedicate one day a week to meditating before we started class. We do this every Thursday for the first 10-15 minutes of class. The response has been so positive from my students I am thinking of doing it two days a week next year. The students LOVE Thursday!! They have told me it’s the favorite part for their week. Some students have even gotten the app for themselves. I have heard so many times this year, “I needed that!” or “I needed to hear that today.” After on session one of my boys said, “Man I was so upset about losing those 5 points on my English test and now I have let it go. This really works. What did you all think about?” You know you are doing something right when teenagers open up and start talking. Thank you for this product and allowing me the opportunity to give my students at least 15 minutes a week to destress, calm down, learn to love themselves and just breath! Can’t wait to see what the future has in store for me and my students as we take this CALM journey.
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3 years ago, SweetnessandLight
Review of Calm
I really am indebted to Calm for working in my life during this pandemic helping me w my emotions, sleep help and maybe keeping me at a level arresting the memory decline that seemed to be coming on w it’s debilitating force. (I don’t use words like fighting it because most things should not be put into adversarial roles) I wish I had more from our guide Jeff on how to meditate. I really relate to his presentation because he seems quintessentially California to me. I’ve been meditating since I was 6 or so, brought up Vedantist Hindu, born Jewish and am now a ChristianI am an aging hippie. I meditate w my cat on my lap, I simply press my hands on her sides and she grounds me and then is the anchor; her occasionally purring. I love the pictures and the nature scenes. By the way I have been meditating every single day since November. If I might be of assistance, I’m not sure how maybe I could do a Spark or something. I wish there were Something way to dialog - I have been on the site. Maybe I could look more deeply into community of Calm. Thanks for saving my life as a process. This is one place I like to be every single day (sometimes night) contact me if you are interested in my story of success.
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4 years ago, Mr.BLT
Hooked on Day 2...
This morning I woke at 4am in an unfamiliar state of presence and ‘calm’. I drank water, started reading The Power Of Now (Eckhart Tolle), and after the introduction simply knew in that presence that I wanted to say hello to me, to consciousness, to the now. I put down the book and played Day 2 - How to Meditate on this app I had just downloaded yesterday. I am now finding my Homebase, through the calming inspiration narrated by Jeff Warren, and when I opened my eyes I was filled with such peace in this moment (now 5am) that tears welled up. I embraced this expression of my self and felt pure joy. This moment demanded a review of this app that I am grateful to invest in after my 7 day trial. Everything else I enjoy about the logistics, user-friendly UI, and clean beauty of the app itself are all cherries on top of what I gained internally after only two days of meditating...breathing...feeling. Thank you, developers. I am humbly grateful for your inspirations. On that note, my one request would be to incorporate the ability to Bluetooth or google cast the sessions and what not. I’d love to play it through my tv when resting in bed or Bluetooth speaker when sitting by the pool! 🥰
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5 years ago, TinySenshi
Sleep Stories are AMAZING!
This App is my absolutely favorite to use when I’m going to sleep. I got it solely for the sleep stories and I’m absolutely obsessed. It’s like being a kid again and getting a beautiful story read to you by a soothing voice. While I use the app mainly for sleep stories I’ve used the meditation, background music, and breathing exercise options on the app as well. I used to use Headspace for a lot of my meditation sessions but with Calm having so many additional features I switched over fairly quickly. The only problem I have with this app is that I can’t set up a playlist/cue of the stories I want to fall asleep to. Sometimes I can’t fall asleep right away so I have to go through the process of unlocking my phone, setting up another story, and trying to settle down once again just to set up another story to be read. It quickly becomes irritating, especially on nights when I can’t fall asleep easily and have to go through the process of setting up an additional three stories and eventually giving up in the end. So if that can somehow be added then it’ll get my full 5 stars. But having nights where I’m on and off my phone throughout the night definitely makes me feel frustrated enough to keep it at 4 stars.
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3 years ago, mikethehousekey123
I like it but……….
Ok so to start off I like it but I can barely even use anything. I was trying to do the 7 day sleep meditation but I can only do the first day and I had to repeat the first day over and over and over. All because I didn’t have the premium and the premium is $70 a year. I didn’t want to get it because that would waste my money but everything is locked for premium. So here is what I am thinking that you should do I think you should make it 50/50. Like 50% of the stuff that is locked for the premium and make it not premium so it can be fair to those who don’t have the premium and to those who have it. Now let’s talk about the price we should make it reasonable enough to get and instead of $70 let’s make it 35 dollars so it can be fair and people would be happy if they had the premium or not because they get a reasonable price and they get to use many of the meditations if they have it and if they don’t. Sorry if this was confusing but I want it to be fair because the price and the amount of meditations that you can use without the premium wasn’t fair so I wanted to make it reasonable and fair. So now I want to hear what you have to say because there are many other people that might agree with me but I am wondering if you do too
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2 years ago, KCF 96
Improved over time
I want to say I tried this app back in 2015 or 2016. I took a break from it for a while after I found Insight Timer because I much preferred the content on that app (comes from thousands of creators and is free). I REALLY do not enjoy Tamara’s voice and refuse to listen to it which eliminates about 30% of the content on this app (previously her voice accounted for 90% so this is an improvement). This is what originally led me to explore other apps. They’re really beginning to expand on variety now and I don’t have to listen to that god-awful Mid-Atlantic-like accent while I’m trying to meditate or go to sleep. I love the sleep stories and my boyfriend has also grown to look forward to picking one out. One thing I noticed recently that I would like to call out to the developers was that I had turned on Jay Shetty’s sleep meditation and noticed I was able to still listen to my background music of choice from the home page. This was really really cool and something I hope I’m able to do to customize the background sounds for my other meditations. If it’s a new feature or something please continue to offer it! I like being able to choose from more than just “music” or with “rain” in the background sometimes. Thanks!
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2 years ago, Rhiannon Fall
Well worth the money
This app is a must-have for everybody. Firstly, I love the student discount they offer. The regular subscription is a bit pricy for me currently as a college student but the student discount makes helpful mindfulness tools accessible to stressed college students. The app contains incredibly helpful grounding techniques, guided meditations, and breathing exercises. With anxiety especially, sometimes the physical symptoms can worsen the psychological symptoms. It’s very beneficial to be able to focus your attention on how you’re presently feeling, how slowly you’re breathing to help calm yourself down. I really love using the check-in tools in the mornings and before bed, to track how I’ve been feeling over a span of time. It makes it easier to tell my psychiatrist and therapist how I’ve been feeling and for how long. I also love the sleep stories and soundscape features to help me sleep. Sometimes with my anxiety, laying in bed in silence with my thoughts keeps me awake for hours after getting ready for sleep. It’s helpful to have a relaxing neutral stimulus to focus my attention on rather than my thoughts. All in all, a very useful app with plenty of tools.
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5 years ago, Cntygrl
Meditation app w/ you in mind
I recommend this app to anyone looking for a meditation app. I have even given gift subscriptions to friends looking to mediate because they are so in tune with their clients needs. They are always looking at feedback, offering content to meet needs and finding things to offer I didn’t even know I wanted. The narrators are wonderful & plentiful so if one doesn’t cut it for you, you can change. There is also calming sounds, perfect sleep stories and A daily check in to see how you feel and offer suggestions on what might help. Their Master classes are great for learning things like mindful eating, better sleep, how to relax, and even improving your performance in life. All star narrators like Lebron James, Matthew McConaughey, Lucy Liu, Bindi Irwin, Bob Ross, Jerome Flynn, Leona Lewis, Jason Kidd & more read sleep stories & give advice on how to improve aspects of your life. Sabrina Carpenter & Sam Smith give music mixes to help you sleep or relax. They even have a calm body to help you wake up, warm up/cool down from your workout, reset for the afternoon and wind down for the evening. This app is for your whole body not just your mind. Keep up the amazing work Calm. This app is worth every penny.
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2 years ago, Sazuli
The navigation is worse than before not better
Impossible to give feedback on the app. I want to ask you to take out the dialog box asking me if “I’m sure?” If I have to get out my glasses to read it then I’m awake! Defeating the purpose of the app! Sometimes I want to listen again and I’m not going to do your little therapy session first. Please make it easy to listen to a story again without a lot of navigation. A good app should not require more than three steps to find things but now it is hit or miss. They eliminated some buttons so I can’t find what I want. I can’t find a favorites button anymore. The changes you made are not an improvement. There are good things here to help sleep if you can find them but by the time you do you will be wide awake. // I finally found the Favorites. You need to separate the Daily Calm Favorites from the others. It’s too many to find the stories. Like I said this App has good content but it’s badly organized// I wish you would make a text menu because with the icons it requires so much scrolling. Overall the navigation is a hassle for what should be a relaxing app.I
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3 years ago, DanceMomHolly
Love the app just one recommendation!
There’s so much to this app there’s bed time stories, breathing exercises, music, sessions to help relax, meditate, and help u sleep, there’s also (one of my favorites) where u can have a calming background when on or off your phone, they have quotes to help motivate you, there’s daily check in’s you can do, you can set timers and reminders for things and so much more! There is a free app trial but you do have to pay after the trial ends but I think in my opinion it’s worth buying the app! My one recommendation though is that I think the calm app should add some more journaling to the app something more than the check ins because I think journaling is a great way to help you feel your releasing your past or just writing how happy you are if that makes sense plus if it’s not to much maybe add something to remind you to get off your phone and go outside or do some focusing hour on school work or something like that. Overall the calm app is a great app and I totally recommend if you have anxiety, or are having trouble sleeping! -if your reading this have a good day/night/rest of your day/night!
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6 years ago, Gabbyellen
Love This App!
I am a lifelong insomniac. I spend most nights staring at the ceiling for an hour or more before I fall asleep if I do at all. This app has helped so much in getting myself into "sleep mode" and calming down & stopping my brain from rewinding the day or cycling through the next day's schedule. I occasionally listen to music but I mostly stick to the readings. My only request is to get Matthew McConaughey to do more readings! I have tried listening to others and they just don't work. I'd say my biggest complaint is they are all reading as though they are reading to an audience that's awake and aware. They are either too loud (even on the lowest setting) or reading with too much inflection which excites one rather than lulling one to sleep. MM knew his audience and his reading is in a very soft tone, his voice is calming and relaxing and he also seems to lower his voice as the story goes on, barely above a whisper by the end. All in all his is the perfect presentation and the only one I can fall asleep to! So please keep this story in rotation and if you can convince him to do more, please do! Otherwise I am content listening to the same story night after night.
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3 years ago, nehdhdhennej
My opinion about the calm app.
Dear-Publisher,I have had this app for year and I love it so much, it helps me a lot but I deleted the app and downloaded it back and I’m glad I did. I know you may not have the some opinion as me but I think this app is outstanding. If the creator or person that published this app sees this, I just wanna tell how thankful I am that you made this all because it helps a lot. I know that some of the stories cost money but it’s still worth downloading the app. I recommend listening to “sleep paws” and “the secret lagoon” they are both amazing bedtime stories for all ages! There is no age policy for this app if you ask me I just think that there is only one thing that could make the app better which is making the stories a lower price or just making it cost 0 dollars itself because some of the stories look very interesting but I cannot read them because I have to do a trial and that’s the reason why umm giving this app 4 starts! So if the person who published this app sees this review I just wanna say thanks for making my life so much more easier but please Mack some of the stories more reasonable of price because I have read all of the stories which are the ones that don’t cost money.
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4 years ago, DownInNYC
Life changing
I found this app because someone I know recommend I try it for the sleep stories. I’m a very busy person and my mind tends to race and sometimes I just can’t turn it off when I’m trying to sleep or relax. I tried one of the free sleep stories and I sacked out pretty quickly. I also tried the free background soundtracks and music when I was trying to concentrate. All worth the price of free admission. But then I tried the mediation. I’d always thought of meditation as new age mumbo jumbo. But many of the smartest people I know all have stories about when they started doing it and how it changed their life. So on a uncharacteristically unbusy Saturday I decided to try the meditation course. And now I realize how simple and profound it all is. It’s essentially just having then skill to not let your thoughts control how you feel. Not letting your emotions get the best of you. Once you can control your impulses, you are a different person. It’s really life changing. This course starts slow and you can see real benefits after a week or so. I know have my own story about when I started meditation and when my life changed for the better.
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5 years ago, jtr4fa
Grateful for this app
Over the last 5 months, I’ve been on a journey of personal growth. There was a lot that I was complacent about in life and I was tired of it. At the beginning, I had heard from my brother about meditation and all the benefits of it. I was half-invested, not sure if I believed all the claims (I hadn’t read any studies). So, I tried it a couple of times, but hadn’t had that meditation where it clicked yet. After a couple months though, I did some more research and started to meditate more regularly. While I am finally feeling more comfortable meditating alone, Calm helped guide me the entire way. There have been so many days where the messages and techniques from Calm have been extremely impactful on my life. The creators of this app did an absolutely fantastic job. And that’s not to say that the ultimate goal is to only meditate by myself. After a couple of days of mediating on my own, I love to come back to a guided session of the 21 days of calm and hear a message/lesson again. All in all, I highly recommend using Calm if you want to learn great techniques of meditation and also be inspired to improve and grow as a person.
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4 years ago, straea
Not great for the chronically ill
I downloaded this app when Apple recommended it. I have tried several guided meditation apps and am always open to the possibility of finding another one to add to my options for meditating alone. I could not open the app the first time without agreeing to be charged a subscription at the end of a one-week free trial. The app then asked me a few questions to try to determine what to recommend — how familiar I am with meditation, how often I meditate, and what I’d like to focus on in guided meditation. It then recommended I try a one-week course on stress. I figured I would give it a try, but I did not make it 60 seconds into the very first lesson before the person leading the meditation falsely claimed that a variety of physical chronic illnesses are *caused by* stress, the same utter garbage that some people claimed to me way back when I was diagnosed over 20 years ago. I immediately stopped the course but decided to try something else before giving up on the app. I tried a few of the daily meditations, but like another recent reviewer, I found the style of the person who always leads them doesn’t really mesh with my style. Then I had an anxiety attack and only later realized that I had forgotten this app was on my phone when doing things to calm myself. At that point I finally deleted it.
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2 years ago, r3view2020g
The offer a 7 day FREE Trial and then auto bill your credit card thereafter. A friend was gracious enough to purchase me a 1 year gift certificate to the program; however, when I signed up, the app would not accept my gift certificate info and stated I would be billed on my credit card after the free trial was up. I have attempted for HOURS to go into the app to cancel the premium subscription and to also delete my account. The app just takes you in circles and gives you no avenue to cancel. When I try to delete my account, I get an error stating I have to cancel my subscription first, which the app will not allow me to do. I have also tried deleting my credit card info from my phone in settings and removing the app subscription that way and it does not work either. I ultimately had to cancel my credit card and have it reissued to prevent the auto charge subscription from taking place and now am without my credit card for several days. I did not want to wait for the charge to go through and then have to wait 90 days for me to get the charge deleted/reversed. This practice with the developers to make it impossible to cancel is shady.. they also do not provide any contact customer service email or phone number to contact to cancel or address billing concerns.
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2 years ago, Alisso1950
I never ever write reviews especially for Apple Store. Usually never worth my time, but this is the first app I’m going to give a review on. This is the best app to seriously go to sleep to. Last night was the first night I tried this and literally my wife and I passed out!! I have a very big night owl, with my sleeping schedule being so messed up I thought I was about to have to start taking sleep medication again. This app is worth the $70 a year and I’m legit day 1 into my free trial. I absolutely love it. For me to write a review and say I love this app comes to me as a big shocker. I thought it was going to be a trash app at first, but I definitely got proven wrong when one sleep soundtrack come on and I went from being so energetic to so CALM in a matter of minutes. One of the most relaxing nights I’ve had in a while and I usually toss and turn all night long and it also takes me forever to go to sleep. I am just 23 years old and I worked in so many manufacturing and labor jobs on night shift I didn’t think I would ever go to sleep as fast as this app made me.
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5 years ago, Tulicat
So effective, a help in healing, in finding peace
I LOVE this ap. I had a near death experience (NDE) a little over a year ago. The emotional path that can follow was a little tough, as was seeing and feeling the imperfectness of being a human more intensely. Thanks to a few friends who had raved about meditation apps at a family reunion (not mine), I search and found this ap a few weeks after the NDE. I love the effective, short Daily Calm meditation (~10-12 minutes), so easy to fit in, so effective in creating a calming break for the mind which can bring at least a moment’s peace, and can also help bring a much longer peaceful perspective reset. There’s even a three minute emergency meditation, nighttime sleep meditations, specific areas of interest series as well as wonderful option of Master Classes. Check it out. My longest streak (it tracks this for you) was 27 day, just after the NDE, but some were just a day or two before I miss a day or two. Focusing on the breath ... your breath ... following it. So effective. And the reflections at the end, with the beautiful daily picture ... are daily gems. Thanks to Tamara Levitt, thanks to Daily Calm.
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4 years ago, Mrs zamayoa
Worth every penny
It almost seems like everyone in the world has anxiety and depression nowadays. I dont want another problem like addiction to drugs so I was endlessly in search of alternative help. I just want to be more in control of my emotions. Hormones play a big part in my emotions. An instance that makes me furious, sad, depressed, hopeless, and aggravated one day could be the same instance on another day and it wouldn’t bother me a bit. Due to my fluctuations in emotions due to hormone changes I didn’t want to take pill(s) daily. So I stumbled across this app and gave it a try. NEVER LOOKED BACK. It’s wonderful for stopping me in my tracks and calming me down. But you do it often and the lessons follow in your life. I love love love the coach’s voice. I am a private person and don’t share my feelings which is helpful to some, but I don’t need to when I practice with the help of this app. You can choose how much time you want to spend. A lot or a little. There’s even an “emergency calm” selection, I haven’t used but am saving it for when I need that best friend to say “everything is going to be ok!”
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3 years ago, Kimmi624
Doesn’t work as well as it should for the money
I paid $70 for this thing, and the sleep feature does not work correctly for me at all! I set it for three hours usually, because I like the noise to continue until I know for sure that I have fallen asleep. It never fails that once it stops, it jars me out of sleep, assuming I have fallen asleep quickly enough. Unfortunately that’s exactly what keeps happening to me. I use this app on my iPad, and usually after the first song, if I am listening to sleep music, it completely stops playing, and then I get a message telling me that my timer ran out. Even though the timer underneath clearly shows that I have close to three hours still left on it. This literally happens almost every night so I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t even try to fall asleep until at least two songs have played. I like the app otherwise, but it’s absolutely ridiculous that I have to do that after having spent so much money on this thing!! I like the sleep stories as well, but I wish there was some way to set them on repeat because I don’t always fall asleep quickly enough and I wouldn’t mind having them play multiple times.
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5 years ago, Thea Boodhoo
One year, huge difference
I picked up Daily Calm after I realized my insurance had such a high mental health deductible that it would effectively never cover weekly therapy sessions. So I looked for other ways to get through a really stressful series of major life events including the death of a family member. I thought I’d try meditation. I’ve been using this app to guide short mediation sessions about an average of four times a week for over a year and it’s genuinely helped me. I can honestly say I’ve gained a life skill that I use every day even when the app is closed - closing my eyes and focusing on the breath for a few seconds even while I’m on the train or in a waiting room or about to go to an intense meeting at the office. This app isn’t the only way to gain that skill by any means, but it’s the one I picked up and it’s been pretty great. If you’re going through a hard time, the other things that have helped me the most with the depression and anxiety are gardening, hiking, in-person tabletop gaming, and cannabis microdosing. Crazy sounding combo, I realize, but I’m in *such* a better place than I was a year ago. Thanks for helping, Daily Calm.
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4 years ago, Mr brake your back
Pretty cool app
This app was created to help people who are struggling with anxiety, daily stress, sleeping problems, or even depression. The app has many different resources and techniques given to help people. It has breathing exercises which can help people who are dealing with anxiety or stress. These breathing techniques are proven effective by Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) techniques. The app has calming music to listen to while doing work or to help fall asleep. For someone who is struggling with depression the app gives many tips with the focus on mental health. These tips are how to maintain a strong mental health. I downloaded this app since I saw a lot of advertising for it. My first impressions of the app were just okay. Once I figured out how to navigate around the app and use all of the features I began to enjoy it more and more. One of my favorite features about the app is the stories to help you fall asleep. One of the parts of the app that I did not like very much is that you have to pay to get a majority of the features. Although they do have a free 7 day subscription, I feel that you need to use it longer to get a good effect from the app. Overall I think that app is pretty cool and interesting.
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5 years ago, tiffanymking
Unhappy customer 😠😤🤬
If I could leave 0 * I would!! I downloaded this app to try it out, didn’t even end up using it during the 3 free day trial I was given. Tried deleting it and canceling so I wouldn’t be charged the $70 and it would t allow me to. I have tried canceling with no progress, I’ve also tried to get ahold of the app developer and Apple as well to cancel the charge beforehand and no luck. Now I got charged from my bank and also a $30 charge because their wasn’t enough to cover from the account I have set up for t Apple account. I am now trying to figure out how to cancel and delete the app I i won’t be charged next year, because it says my trial is good til November 12, 2020 and I didn’t want it this time much less next year so now I’m trapped. This is the last thing I thought I could do, maybe the calm app will see this review and answer me back! I am not happy!!! And now I have been charged $70 for an app I do NOT want or need and not to mention the $30 over draft fee from my bank. 😡😡😤🤬 I do NOT want this app and DO NOT want to be charged again in a year. The only thing it seems to allow me to do is change the trial to a lesser anoint or an extra amount for next years after the November 12th trial is over but would not and still will not let me cancel or edit anything. PLEASE HELP ME FIX THIS MESS!! —signed an UNHAPPY customer 😡
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5 years ago, RipplesGuy
Elegant. Useful. Compelling.
I’ve been using Calm for about two years now; It is hard to believe I’ve logged several hundred meditation sessions. My mind still wonders. A lot. AND: I’ve strengthened several key muscles: concentration, clarity, equanimity, friendliness (which I learned about from Jeff Warren’s incredible 30-day meditation course included in the app). I’ve recommended this app more than any other (I’ve tried, enjoyed, and positively reviewed several of the popular meditation apps), and I’ve heard from even occasional meditators that it has improved their skill and outlook. Another thing Jeff taught me: you don’t measure how effective/useful meditation is based on how many times your mind wanders when you sit, you look at how often and how smoothly you find yourself applying the concepts and activating the muscles you gain from sitting. The number of times I smile and notice something in a typical day is in the dozens. This app has definitely enriched my daily experience. It is worth trying, it is worth paying for, it is worth prioritizing in your life. (May you be happy; may you be strong; may you feel like you belong.)
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3 years ago, Seashell60
Thankful and learning each day to be Calm
My doctor had shared with me about the benefits of meditation.... I needed something to help when I was anxious as well something to help me relax. Shortly after that doctor visit I found the Calm app. Its been 5 years. It had been a stressful day and there was an introduction to the app and I took the 10 minutes and did the breathing and really focused on relaxing. I went back to work and I immediately told everyone about Calm.... I have been using it ever since! The time I meditate is my time to focus, to breathe and to just be in the moment. I had horrible insomnia and started the body scans... I tried the sessions without buying the subscription but soon found that I wanted more of the sessions after I did the first; so I bought the subscription and have never regretted it once! It's been a godsend. I love the bedtime stories and the daily Calm.... there is so much on this app that has helped me. I love that the app is adding new things. Thank you Tamara and your wonderful team for sharing and helping me bring peace and calm into my life!
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2 years ago, Samantha Twotwins
Latest layout just has so many design and access flaws
This was such a wonderful app, At some point, a year ago? they redesigned the layout and made it stressful to use. It was so simple before, you wanted a sleep story? You could scroll through every one simply and fluidly. now they are all separated, train stories from nature from featured or whatsoever and you have to spend your time searching through multiple tabs, that shudder as you scroll, not fluid anymore, the last thing you want to do when you’re looking to get to sleep. And though on each there’s a See All tab, you only see all of that category - making it really difficult to just access all sleep stories. And these sleep categories are all buried among daytime use tabs, meditations, daily get up and go stuff, mental fitness. Who thought this was a good idea?? The layout design is too specified and difficult to just go and find what you want. Also, while I’m glad there is more kid content being added for parents it would be nice if they added other stories at the same pace, and also backed off some of the more cheesy approaches to new stories that seems to have begin to pervade. Bummer when a great thing is “improved” and made far less nice.
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3 years ago, tanglepuffs
So disappointed lately
This app was fabulous originally, but they have “improved” some functions so they are not easy to use any more. For example, we listen to the same Eric Braa episodes every night, but now they have moved them out of the instant display of my faves and buried them so I have to search for them in the middle of the night. They no longer have new Eric Braa episodes and his voice is so soothing. The recently used episodes should appear near the top of the category list so we can find them easily, not on the home page! Give us a way to make our own category(s). Give us a way to remove all the children’s stories from the adult content. Give us a way to totally delete content that is a trigger for us. And finally, in the middle of the night, a dialog sometimes pops up that I have to put my glasses on to read so I can dismiss it! That should NEVER happen. I wish someone would listen. I used to give feedback on each new story, but it never did any good so I stopped. I don’t feel they listen anymore and I’m disappointed.
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4 years ago, rising sun 6
The absurd paywall ruins the experience
There’s only 1 subscription option and it’s for a $70. Yes it’s for a year but we’re in a crisis right now, the bill to save people from being evicted hasn’t been signed yet still and people are still without adequate jobs especially gig workers. The current subscription offer takes advantage of this and is not the type of app I would want to use to relieve stress and anxiety as it is clearly only wants to relieve nearly empty bank accounts. What... people are supposed to decide between making you richer or being responsible for their families and paying their rent and utilities. Ppl are supposed to decide whether their emotional and mental health to ease the stress in their lives is more important than the actual issues going on. Yes some people can pay $70, either they can afford it or they’re bad at money and should be using it elsewhere. Come up with more sub options please, at least break down the $70 into manageable chunks. You could probably even charge more that way, I’m sure that would make your pockets happy.
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4 years ago, HeatherRocks999
Much Needed Self Care in a Pandemic World
I don’t know how I would be making it through the Covid 19 stress without this app. As someone who struggles with anxiety even in the best of times, I decided to try this app out to deal with the stress of the pandemic. I am so glad I decided to pay for full access to all of the features! I am learning how to meditate in ways that will benefit me for the rest of my life. I have recommended this app to all of my friends. The targeted sessions for different aspects of life (stress, sleep, anxiety, etc) are so helpful. There are meditations that are very short for when I need to be centered quickly to deal with a difficult situation and meditations that are longer for when I have time to do a more intensive session. A nice bonus is the relaxing music that I play while I’m working to keep a peaceful vibe throughout my work day. Unlike some meditation instructions, this app does not push any agenda that is targeted toward or against any particular faith, which I know has turned some people away from meditation apps in the past. I am so grateful for what this app has brought to my mind and spirit!
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5 years ago, Teagan 123456789
I really like your sleep story’s everyone I started I’ve been at least getting to fall asleep faster but I know you can’t do much about this but I just can stand the guy who is in most of the story’s I want to read, his name is Alan sklar or something like that and some other boys I can’t remember the names of I just want to tell you so maybe you could make most of them girls because I think they have a more smooth voice witch in Science is proven to be better to listen to at night and it soothes people to listen to witch in most cases reacts to better sleep including me but in all I think you app is helping millions in ways you can’t imagine better sleep can help with better minds you could save lives if they have better minds they can think before they end there life sleep is extremely important all you need to do now Is get a good add that will intrigue people that need help and they won’t just turn the volume down on the adds they will listen. Please take this into consideration I’ve already lost someone to choice of death you could save people from that. Yes it might seem impossible Just TRY.
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4 years ago, Charlene V.
Revolutionary Sleep App - Must Get!
Forget melatonin and L-theanine pills. This app is all you’ll need to truly unwind, relax and fall peacefully asleep in no time. There is a variety of stories and meditations for pretty much every taste and style to put even the most persistent of insomniacs to sleep. With soothing, calming voices like Tamara Levitt’s and Eric Braa’s you are all but guaranteed to completely let go of your stressful thoughts, relax, and fall asleep in no time! While this app is great as is, I do have some suggestions that could improve it even further and bring it to the next, absolute highest level: 0) allow for bookmarking, or better yet, make the app remember where you left off in a particular story if you try a different story half way through, but then decide to go back or if you close the app and want to go back to that story you started 1) allow the user to preset the ‘stop time’ on longer meditations/stories. 2) allow sorting of all content by length of time 3) allow stitching of different clips (i.e. so users can piece together their own content from existing clips). Thank you and keep up the great work!
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5 months ago, LT1926825
So helpful for tinnitus, headaches, anxiety post concussion
I’ve suffered from tinnitus (ringing in my ears), migraines, and anxiety since a concussion several years ago. I never pay for apps, but the Calm App is so helpful that, after paying for 1 year, I’ve decided to pay for a lifetime membership. I love that I can choose to listen to a male, as many female voices increase my symptoms. It’s wonderful to have such a vast choice of categories to turn to. I love the 4 to 7 day training sessions for things like decreasing pain, decreasing anxiety, decreasing headaches, and falling asleep. When my tinnitus is bad, I use one of the sleep meditations to help overpower the sound and allow me to fall asleep. When I have a headache, I lie down and listen to a calming meditation, and the headache resolves, or at least decreases. These guided meditations really help soothe my anxiety. The different daily meditations help teach what to do for various issues, and you can save the ones you especially like. I highly recommend the 30 day Intro to Meditating, as it helps you become adept at meditation. This app is so worth getting!
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4 years ago, Lynne11
I don’t feel alone
During this time of isolation due to the pandemic, my daughter suggested I download this app. She’s been using it for a while and has premium. I downloaded it and I’m using the free service for now. This usually is not my “cup of tea“ and thought I would just try it. I have had a lot of anxiety and feel isolated and alone. I signed up and they have a very nice welcome letter. I tried one of the meditations and it is current with the times, it’s very relatable and because of that it has helped a lot. When I received the second long letter which I’m sure is a form letter but very well done, it has made me feel as if I am part of a community and a family which I do not have. Thank you from the bottom my heart for this wonderful app. There are plenty of meditations to choose from when you are first starting out and don’t understand the reviews about not having free meditations. This is a great stepping stone for someone who is new to meditation and I for one am very grateful. Great app. The meditations really are working for me and I recommend this to anyone who needs a little calm in their life.
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11 months ago, Laura Teel
I think it’s wonderful
My daughter was on her computer after school one day and was searching for calming music when calm came up & she did the 7 days of anxiety day1 meditation & was so much calmer. Every scene then she has been using calm. She went through the next couple of times & each time she found a new meditation, she would do it. Then she started doing the meditation regularly & being so calm after. She even now does the 7 days of sleep meditation each night to help her sleep & has been sleeping phenomenally! She normally didn’t close her eyes during the meditations for months but she does now & is so quiet & still during the meditations & let’s nothing get in her way and distract her. She even on day did an hour of the different meditations with her dad & he loved it. She also has done nightly one with her dad & her grandma & they love it too. She is always raving about Calm so I thought I should give it 5 stars & say thank you for all the joy, peace, calmness & clarity you’ve brought to my daughter’s life and the lives of millions of others. But she does hate that the amount of meditations is so limited. Can you fix that!
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6 years ago, Emmie Eaton
I need Daily Calm every day
Ever since I tried the free version of Daily Calm I knew it was exactly what I needed. I have used the premium subscription for a year now and Calm has more than met my expectations but exceeded them by far. Every morning I am in guided meditation with Tamara and then I do the gentle morning wake up stretches which have made a huge difference in the pain I used to have from my back issues. I do the chair stretches at work and the back care exercises when my lower back is hurting. I also listen to the sleep stories every night and fall asleep before half the story is over. These stories are so soothing and relaxing. And there are so many different stories and meditations to choose from. I can’t wait to delve into the talks given by experts regarding mindfulness and breaking bad habits, etc. I just wish I had more time to spend on Calm because I enjoy it so much. It has been worth every penny and i just renewed my subscription. Daily Calm is exactly what I need on a daily and nightly basis. I absolutely love it and look forward to another year with these wonderful people in this amazing app.
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8 months ago, samamanyha marie
I’m a paid for life member
My son first got me the calm app for Christmas , maybe 5 years ago, I loved it so much, I continued paying for it, yearly, until maybe 3 years ago, I paid for the lifetime membership, I listen to the meditations regularly, the sleep stories, I listen to every night, I sleep better and I love the calm app, the best app I’ve ever used. And worth every penny!. I highly recommend the calm app, there are many different people who read the sleep stories and do the meditation sessions I have my favorites, that I listen to every day and night, a couple years it’s great, try it out for yourself ago, I was in the hospital, without calm, I don’t think I would of been able to sleep it’s really helpful and I love it! Thank you so much for your app! Also, I get an email at the end of every week, telling me, the different new, sleep stories, meditations, and music they have added for that week! Try it out for yourself, you can try it out for free! My favorite sleep stories are read by Alan Skylar and Eric brea, my favorite meditation sessions are by Jeff Warren!
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