Headspace: Sleep & Meditation

Health & Fitness
4.8 (954.2K)
621.6 MB
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Headspace Inc.
Last update
2 months ago
Version OS
15.0 or later
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User Reviews for Headspace: Sleep & Meditation

4.85 out of 5
954.2K Ratings
1 year ago, Kaysoph
This is a very useful app!
The app that I chose to review is called Headspace, and it is a meditation app that helps manage stress by showing mindfulness excercises, and offers information on how to manage other things such as anxiety or worry. This app did an amazing job at helping me be more mindful throughout the day. In the "Headspace library", there were tabs for certain scenarios like "navigating injustice, reframe stress and relax, mindful money, anger/sadness/growth, mindful eating, and guide to sleep,". Each tab had different podcasts and meditation methods that corresponded to that subject. I enjoyed using this app because as a person who worries often, this tool allowed me to take time out of my day to clear my head and do something that betters my mental health. This app is relevant to abnormal psychology because it includes ways to manage anxiety and worry. Although it is not an app that diagnoses or properly treats symptoms of anxiety, it does relieve some worry by the various methods used in the app; it helps people who may want to feel better, but may not be ready to see a professional, don't have access to proper mental healthcare, or wants to try something quick that is available by simply pulling out their phone. Overall, this app was a game-changer for me as freshman in college, and it is a great way to meditate and reflect, all while teaching me how to manage my constant worry I feel throughout my day.
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2 years ago, Debbieamy112495
An Absolute Life Changer
The best mindfulness app. User friendly, the mediation teachers come from all different walks of life & you can tell that they truly LOVE what they do, so passionate helping others and one person at a time are slowly changing the world for the better. They even have things for families & kids. I’ve grown into a better person in all aspects of my life and was able to accomplish things that the “old” me would’ve never imagined. I’ve learned so much over these 2 years about myself and the world around me. Andy and Eve were the first ones I started listening to & then they got Kessonga and Dora who I felt even closer to (through culture, headspace and their added vulnerability to speak about their lives on a level I could relate with). I truly believe in investing in my mental health & have tried other guided meditation apps, but never truly connected with them & it never impacted my life like Headspace. I decided to joined Headspace in 2020 & started with the monthly payments. March 2022 I upgraded to the yearly membership. 14,601 minutes later, I can honestly say it’s the BEST thing I’ve ever given myself. TLDR: If you’re thinking about trying headspace, give the 30 day free trial a run and with consistent practice, you‘ll want to invest your money in your mental healthy too! Podcast: Radio Headspace is also a part of my morning routine & I listen to it every morning on my commute.
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2 years ago, asndnsjsjfjansndbajxjsn
Compared to what I have learned in my PSY classes
I have use this app for several days I have taken notes throughout just to see how I feel about this app and how it works. And what are the first sessions, I decided to do a breathing exercise which I realize the instructor was having us focus on breathing from our chest. I’ve done almost the exact same breathing exercise in my abnormal psychology class but then main difference was headspace how do you focus on your chest and breathing through there instead of what we did in my abnormal psychology class which was breathing through your stomach and focusing on there.I have learned through my psychology class that breathing exercises can help people with anxiety by increasing the oxygen exchange which is known to reduce your blood pressure and slow your heart rate these two factors combined have been shown to also release tension that has been held in your abdomen. for example when you were panicking your abdomen tightens and constricts your ability to breathe which often times makes you panic more. Breathing exercises also work because the increase supply of oxygen to your brain stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system which helps promote a sense of calmness throughout you and you begin to calm down. Although some of their breathing techniques are different from what I have learned in my psychology classes this is still an app that is known for meditation and breathing exercises that can really help.
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3 years ago, Piclover56531
Head Space, The Final Frontier
I began using this application a few years back, in the middle of my college career. I was so stressed out at that time that I could hardly perform day-to-day tasks and I was so broke that I certainly couldn't afford help from a specialist. Enter HeadSpace. I found the app through an online search and began a free trial to try to calm my tumultuous inner consciousness. Though I cannot say that the improvements in my thoughts and behavior were immediate, the guidance of Andy's voice (the only option at that time and still my personal favorite) did help to calm me in times of immediate need. If nothing else, this app taught me to breath. My father was so impressed by my lack of mouth-breathing that he took up the monthly fee once it began and I have used Head Space (now on my own dime, thank you) ever since. Anyway, whether you are looking for help breathing, getting into shape, falling to sleep, or in quieting those misguided negative inner-voices that come to plague the chronically unhappy, HeadSpace has something for you (often more than one thing, in fact). If you're reading this and thinking about a trial or a membership, give it a shot. It's a judgment-free, stress-free, and until your trial runs out, a free-free way of beginning the mission to exploring and conquering anxiety and exestential dread. Consider it one small step for you, and one giant leap (in the right direction) for your mind.
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3 years ago, Zorayda M
Support for seasoned meditators
I was introduced to meditation more than 25 years ago and have had a relatively steady practice. So why do I use Headspace? Like any practice it is tempting to slack off or feel like you “got” all the benefits and do not need to do it anymore. Other times it can feel like one is alone in the practice and it becomes hard to motivate oneself. Headspace helps me stay motivated and consistent. And no matter how long one has practiced, having a community of meditators is very helpful to continue practicing. I also have a tendency to get bored with things including meditation, so the variety of approaches, techniques, and goals provided keep it fresh. During 2020 I really appreciated the improvements made by Headspace especially the daily conversations by other meditators, the addition of the Move feature, and the Sleep tools. These were very helpful to keep my spirits up, my body moving, and my meditation practice on track. I also discovered the Pro series for advanced meditators. I am listening to it for a second time because as I have learned in my practice, you are never “done” learning and growing as a meditator. The same session at a different time gives you different insights. I am grateful to the Headspace team for creating and continually evolving the app to meet the challenges of today. And for helping a seasoned “pro” stay fresh and present. Thank you Headspace!
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3 years ago, Ashabashley
A Bright Spot in a Dark World
You won’t regret buying a Headspace subscription. I often joke with people that Headspace is the one thing I would want to take with me to a desert island. If I were to cancel all of my subscriptions today, Headspace is the one exception I would make. I’m a high school English teacher, and our administration put together a month-long mindfulness education program for our students shortly after I subscribed. I had already raved to many of them about the app and the benefits of taking a couple of minutes out of their day to sit and be present. Lo and behold, Andy pops up on the next slide as our Ted Talk speaker of the day! On a more serious note, I suffer from debilitating chronic pain. I’m currently on long-term disability and a leave of absence from the classroom. Mindfulness, and the courses on managing pain, have been a tremendous help in my journey. Not only that, but I struggle with insomnia. My favorite part of Headspace, because of my (admittedly) vivid imagination, are the sleepcasts. I love falling asleep to Rainday Antiques. I can’t imagine doing anything but that ever again. I have learned to manage stress and anxiety in a way that I had never thought was possible. I have meditated in the waiting room of The Cleveland Clinic before my appointments. I once laughed at the idea of mindfulness and meditation. Now it’s an integral part of my life. It’s part of my journey, and I think everyone could benefit from it.
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4 years ago, Kindly38
The most useful thing I’ve done in 2020
This app has given me tools to deal with constant change. This past year, I’ve needed to pivot every day to face some new challenge outside as an essential worker, and at home in isolation with my partner. The tools I Iearned to use to be present in the moment and to accept change has benefited my partner and colleagues at work as much as my own peace of mind. I have very little control over my environment, but I can see my reaction, accept the emotions that rise up, and move on instead of getting lost or bound by them. This app has also benefited me by helping me get through insomnia. Sometimes it helps me get to sleep in the first place. Mostly it gives me tools to use to calm my mind and body when I wake up in the night buffeted by anxiety or lingering frustration from the day. Lastly, this app has given me a language to express the emotional upheaval and troubling questions that I used to just call anxiety. Naming what makes me feel upset has brought clarity to what can feel like a tempest at the time and allow me to look at my thoughts or, rather, face them. After acknowledging them, I can let them go. Sometimes I’m better at that than at other times. Regular exercise strengthens my focus, my ability to pivot and refocus, and builds roads of calm and quiet that the brain finds easier to fall into and travel due to constant use.
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2 years ago, Estevan Diaz
It’s a drug in a way
It was easy to go through life unaware of the benefits of meditation, and aside from other people’s accounts of the practice, there wasn’t much to tempt me to try. But as soon as i tried it and put in considerable effort to be consistent*, i was hooked. I could feel the difference between a day i remembered to practice and when i forgot to. I loved it so much i started taking time throughout my day to practice, sometimes in my car/somewhere else by myself, or sometimes I’d take a minute to just focus on my breathing or the sounds around me or how my body felt. I was hooked. Then i went through a big life change occurred that i allowed to take me away from the practice for over a year and a half. Now I’m here to say that the me that was consistently practicing vs the me now are not even close. I’m struggling to get back in the swing of this because i desperately miss the emotional stability and overall sense of ease i had. I just need to take it one day at a time and remember that it’s a process, there’s no such thing as doing meditation perfectly. *tried setting a time to practice but couldn’t follow through so i resorted to just 5 minutes in the day, until i could consistently practice at a certain time in the morning, if that helps anyone w a similar struggle
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3 years ago, Nicoco218
If you’re reading this - it’s a sign, just get it!
For anyone with the slightest doubt about whether or not they should begin (or continue) their meditation practice with Headspace, do yourself the greatest favor of your life and do it - surrender to whatever is holding you back and I PROMISE you will blow your own mind with everything you will gain from it. Just trust, put in the time (even 5 minutes a day) and the rewards you will reap from it will speak for themselves. As someone who was a vicious doubter, non-believer, and did not think it was humanly possible to get me to sit still for even 1 minute - I didn’t realize that the thing that I was most resistant to, was actually the thing that I needed the most. I am now going on 3 years with headspace happier, healthier (used to suffer from terrible GERD), more compassionate, resilient, focused, and more. It brought attention to my mindless eating habits and even helped me lose weight (and keep it off). I didn’t realize that I was living in a ‘cloud’, on auto-pilot until headspace helped bring me back to myself. Today, my cure for EVERYTHING (bad day, good day, breakup, can’t focus, bad mood, feeling anxious, grumpy, lethargic, etc.) is to sit down and do a 10 minute meditation. It truly has been life-changing and I am forever, eternally grateful for Headspace.
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3 years ago, VictorAllThingsTech
Headspace is a excellent, but isn’t truly free
I heard about this app on tv and saw ads in The Today section of the App Store. I decided to give it a try and it really does help me out. I feel less stressed, calm, and feel ready for anything. It’s like a guide or tool which helps push you to be a better you. So then comes the question, is it worth it? I think so. For instance if you have ADHD or feel stressed most days (maybe because of work or school) use this. Everything is not sunshine and rainbows. For one, $13 to me feels somewhat pricey. Other meditation apps that I found are cheaper than what Headspace currently offers. Another thing is that it lacks free content. There’s only very little that Headspace offers and it’s not a lot. It’s almost as if your forced into paying for a subscription in order to use it. I really didn’t want to do that and I have now canceled it since I felt that it was overly priced. Headspace is great and I may say that’s is better than most apps I’ve used. But I don’t like the fact that after going through the tutorial it locks most of the content Headspace offers you and forces you into a subscription that feels overly priced. Yeah, they give you a free trial but after that your pretty much forced. Offer more videos that are free and let people decide for themselves. If you do those things I may bump my stars to 5.
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3 years ago, Discosuperflame
Grateful for headspace
I freaking love this app. My anxiety was starting to become bad again and I could feel myself falling into depression. I have some experience with meditation and mindfulness and it’s helped me in the past but I’ve never been able to stick with it for more than a couple of weeks at a time. Then one day while listening to Huberman’s podcast there was a month free trial and I decided to try it since I’ve always wanted to give this app a go anyway. WELL, let me tell you...this app is changing my life. I am proud to say I am on my 33rd day streak. I can feel myself overall being more present and aware throughout the day. Now, when I start to feel anxious I almost immediately catch myself and can begin using some of the tools and practice I’ve accumulated from headspace. I do want to add though, the key word is PRACTICE. Medication, like Andy says, is a skill and like any skill you must practice. By practicing enough, it does truly become second nature. I know it’s only been a month but I can already feel the difference and I am looking forward to the future. Thank you headspace team. P.S every little thing about this app is great. I especially love the different courses, the wake ups, the animation shorts, the sleepcasts, the focus music and yoga.
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3 years ago, 👍👍👍brave👍👍👍
A perfect start on your healing journey
I truly enjoy using the headspace app, and after my free trial it was no question for me to buy the subscription. Others may say it is a little pricey, but the amount of features and genuine support included in this app is incredible. As someone who had to stop going to therapy appointments because of the cost, meditation has been a grounding practice for me, and this app really has a meditation for every scenario. I especially like the SOS section, where you can find small meditations for when you’re feeling burnt out or anxious. Another great feature is the sleep section, especially sleep casts. The calming stories really help me unwind, and there are new ones coming out all the time. The app interface itself is also very well designed, calming and minimal. I enjoy how you cannot browse the app while listening to a meditation or sleep cast as well — a subtle touch that reminds me to stay present! I would definitely recommend this app (and also all the headspace podcasts) to someone who would like to let go of unwanted habits and build self kindness. If you are going to invest your money into anything self help related, a headspace subscription is definitely worth every penny. Thank you headspace team!
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11 months ago, Hhdyhstshcjbotex
Worth every penny & then some
I’m in recovery & while I was in rehab they had a woman come in & teach a mindfulness meditation class. It was really helpful so when I left rehab I was looking for something to help me continue that practice. I had seen & used Headspace on Netflix so I decided to try out the app. I have used it every single day since I got it. It has been a crucial part of my recovery, giving me new coping skills & teaching me to be present in the moment. I was someone who thought meditation & all that stuff didn’t work. I am thrilled to say Headspace has proven me wrong. I just celebrated one year clean! I could go on & on about how great this app is & how much it has to offer because there is SO MUCH more to this app than meditation but I’ll leave it there. I HIGHLY recommend you try Headspace. There are two small things I’d change about the app…. I’d love it if “Today’s Meditation” could be saved like other things can. Those are usually very helpful & something I’d like to be able to go back to. Also the Sleepcasts. It would be great if you could fast forward. Sometimes I don’t want/need the wind down, I just want the story to start so I can fall asleep. Besides, there’s already a separate section for wind downs.
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2 years ago, pfoxsounds
Please simplify the app to how it used to be
I’m a long time paid subscriber and don’t plan on going anywhere else. However, at some point over the last year or so, this app has become absurdly difficult to navigate and find what I want. What used to be a simple and elegant interface and experience is no longer so. I don’t know if this is an attempt to encourage users to see more of what the app offers or what, but the result for me, a long time user (and not some technophobic grandfather) is frustration and wasted time. I still use the app daily, but please, consider simplifying it back to more the way it used to be, when there were more clearly organised sections for finding the meditation I want. You have some kind of impossible to meld with structure now. It’s terribly laid out with all kinds of weird and distracting subcategories and stuff I don’t care about. I just want to find various packs of guided meditations as I go from one to the next. The newer extras are nice and some great ideas, but the clutter is not. Thanks. 25 April 22 update The app has been changed again and now I don’t see the option of continuing the series I’ve been doing in the opening page and have to click through to find it. There may be some improvements to what I was unhappy with before, but this new hindrance sort of canceled that for me.
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4 years ago, vmonjian
Life changing
This app and Andy’s gentle and soothing guidance in it have absolutely changed my life for the better and in a big way. I’ve been meditating using the Headspace app as regularly as I can with a run streak of 180 days once. The streaks do not really matter, but staying consistent does. I consider the guidance and wisdom that Andy imparts in the app therapeutic. Friends, family and colleagues regularly tell me how much more serene, kind and patient I have become even in very tough situations. Those attributes would have never been applied to me had it not been for this app. The packages are godsend, like on patience, kindness, generosity...etc. Each package has ten guided sessions. Once I’m done with one package I either start again (some I’ve done more than 20 times) or start another one of my favorite packages. No, I’m not paid to sponsor these guys. I have not only gotten it (I.e. paid) for myself, but for my wife too. I’ve also offered to pay for friends’ or relatives’ apps too. Don’t think twice about it. Read up on the amazing benefits of meditation (physical, emotional, even spiritual) and then just cough up whatever Headspace charges. It had been the best investment of money and time I have made in my life. No exaggeration.
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3 years ago, Wild Lam
An amazing tool to have on the go wherever you are!!
This app has been somewhat of a life saver for me. I’ve experienced a lot of trauma during my life, and a few years ago I came across this app or it came across to me via Instagram. I travel quite a bit and I love that I’m able to pick my environment of choice to meditate. I always thought meditation meant quieting your thoughts etc... but when I learned that it was part of being mindfulness and being present in the now it helped immensely in my day to day well being. When I did the anxiety course that really helped in so many ways because I thought you could get rid of it. But learning to become aware of it and being present with it, I felt it wasn’t so much of a burden. I’ve had trouble on and off sticking to it consistently but I’m trying it again. It’s nice to be able to have it there especially when I know how much of a positive impact it has had on my life. I am a parent and it’s something I want my child to learn and partake in so she has the necessary tools through out her early years to when she is grown up. This is worth every penny to maintain a healthy mindset and wellbeing. You’ll view the world and stress differently than you did before.
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4 years ago, FortnitePro#1
Very good but expensive
So I’ve been using headspace for quite awhile now and personally I think it’s great! But the thing is since I don’t have premium, I have to keep on repeating the same old things like the rain day antiques sleepcast I’ve heard that sleep cast so many times and now I keep getting annoyed with it. That goes the same with the other sleep stuff too like the sleep music I’ve heard “doze” so many times I wake up like every 30 minutes or so. Also goes the same with the two free wind downs. The first time I used the free wind downs I fell asleep instantly the second time after that I couldn’t sleep for ten minutes. So after that, I wanted to do a free trial for the premium but I didn’t realize I was short on money. Since most people do a free trial for like a week or so they cancel there payment the day before the payment is due. So I tried doing that but it asked for but then I realized they need to know my payment information before doing my free trial. I think it was because they don’t know if I’m gonna cancel my payment or actually do the payment. So yeah, I think this app is amazing it just needs to either lower down the price by like 3-4$ or maybe add one or two me free sleepcasts and same goes to the wind downs, and music. Thank You.
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6 years ago, tgsnydermd
Helping me understand what meditation is.
I started a self study in Buddhist meditation using the books “LovingKindness” by Sharon Salzberg and “A Path with Heart” by Jack Kornfield because I had lost touch with my inner peace that I had just 5 years ago. I found I could no longer turn to the Christian theology from my childhood, and I yet I need a sense of spirituality in my daily life. The two books have been helpful, and very slow going. They are easy to read, but hard to do. In fact, I’m still really in the most basic part which is loving and caring for self. That’s where Headspace came in, I needed to find a guided meditation because the books are more self guided. Having the voice of Andy Puddicombe walk me through what it means to meditate in the most basic terms helped me understand that I’m on the right path. Also, it has allowed me to progress in the practice of meditation even though on a personal level, I keep falling back into using mantras of self appreciation and acceptance now for more than a month. I find Headspace, along with the two aforementioned books, to be transformative in my inner game. I plan to visit a local Buddhist Temple soon to meet others with more experiences in this meditative practice.
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2 years ago, bayleelele
Have decreased their free library more and more.
I’ve used this app off and on for years, coming back to it when I needed guided meditation more. I have been extremely disappointed to see that as time has went on they have made their free selection thinner and thinner. It’s really sad to see an app that’s supposed to be for mental health, just trying to get more and more money out of its users. I used too love this app and used it very frequently at one time. Now I cannot even have a quick sleep guided breathing exercise or even the basic starter classes. I have commented on this before and it was deleted. Every comment where they do reply to this issue, they are just promoting their social media or trying to get people to participate in their free trial. Not yet have a seen them address why they have eliminated all free and accessible options on their app whatsoever. Many people who came to this app cannot afford a subscription like this just for guided audios. Me and many more, came to this app because we wanted free, quick, and stress-free mental relief. And do not have the time or money to pay for a class or anything along those lines. I am sure I am one of many who will now be forced to completely stop supporting this company because not only can I not afford $12 a month for some recordings, but I do not want to support someone who once cared about helping people with stress, on a budget, and now using the tool as a money rag.
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6 years ago, Nick my name!!
Too pricey for a college kid!
I love this app. I tried the free trial and loved it. The guided meditations really make the work easy and I found myself in a inducing a meditative state without lots of effort. They literally have a guided meditation for any situation or mood so it feels like their library is limitless. Unfortunately my free trial ran out and I bought a few months of headspace. In a way buying the app encouraged me to use it because I was spending my own money so that was good. However, when I moved into my first apartment I didn’t have enough money to keep my subscription going. I would love to buy headspace for life but I just don’t have $300 extra dollars sitting around to spend. I also feel that the subscription is pricey for something i don’t always want to use everyday. On days where I wanted to take a break from using my phone I lost my meditation streak which was disappointing. Sometimes I have a great day and don’t feel the need for headspace, but the subscription still takes the money from my pocket. On days when I really have a particular funky mood headspace is great because I feel like it can guide me through any kind of funk. I just wish it wasn’t so pricey. Buy this app if you like the meditations and have the money, but if you don’t have the dough, free meditation may be the way to go.
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6 years ago, SublimePastTime
Now a Rewarding and Essential part of my Routine.
I’ve been using the app religiously for about two weeks. After a recent ADD diagnosis, I thought it would be a good idea to start working meditation into my routine, and was willing to invest some resources into the guided regiment on Headspace. The problem had been nearly consuming my life and I was pretty frustrated. I was skeptical of “guided meditation” in particular, because I thought that someone talking you through the meditations through your headphones might defeat the purpose. I also have trouble sitting still in particular. I have not been disappointed. The app explicitly states that it is not intended to treat or cure attention deficit disorders, and I did not expect it to, but it significantly reduced the the severity of the problem almost overnight. I am also a collegiate music student, and I saw a tremendous difference in my practice routine and quality of playing as well. The content is very well organized and the methodology/philosophy is explained very thoroughly in fun-to-watch animations. I feel the difference at work and among friends. I just now put the app on the main dock in my phone, right beside the phone, messaging, and music apps. It is now a rewarding and essential part of my routine.
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3 years ago, Barika L
Rapidly Fell In Love, It’s For Everybody
THIS APP IS FOR THE STREETS! I have been through quite a bit of trials and tribulations lately. It has surely been a time where I knew it was necessary for my young son and myself to focus on spiritual and mental health and growth. I’ve only used this app for one day and have already been quite impressed with the ease of use and the instant peacefulness it allows to flow through me and my child. I have tried many mindful apps, this by far is the best, the most diverse, and absolutely worth upgrading and keeping beyond the free trial period. It is not only a way to invest in your relationship with yourself but also a way to invest in your relationship with your loved ones, your colleagues, and the outside world. I believe it aides to increase awareness of yourself and your reactions. The sessions are organized exquisitely, which allows you to find a fitting activity for the ambiance you wish to establish. It is tailored to fit all demographics, for children, for parents, for couples, for singles, nurses, sales execs, beauty bloggers, celebs, or snake wranglers. It’s an app that works your mind and body. The yoga flows were a bonus I was not expecting. Overall 10/10, I simply love it!
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3 years ago, Antiduplicity
A great app. Needs work
I give this app 5 stars because the build of this app, the contents of this app, the flow of this app is great. well done. Every app can be improved and this one needs work in some ways 1. the watch app: the only thing I every get on the watch app is a 1 minute "breath mini". the watch app is basically useless. Why can't I see my today screen on the watch and start my various mediations from the watch. the watch app gets 1 star. 2. Shortcuts: on the iphone I have setup a sleep schedule. On the "good night" screen I am given the option to run shortcuts. Headspace offers a few shortcuts that can be called from this screen. One is the nightly "sleepcast". the sleepcast is supposzed to be different every night. It is different on my today screen, but the shortcut always plays the "Rainyday Antiques". therefore the shortcut is useless. this part of the app gets 1 star. Lastly, the philosophy behind this app is mindlessness. It is taught as a universal fix for bringing the mind to a place of ease. As such it is a religious philosophy. I think they need to be more open about this and they need to state that the point of this is to alleviate suffering. This app looks like they did version 1 then stopped before finishing the details. Shortcuts must work for this app to be fully functional
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5 years ago, Ghost Totz
Honestly life changing...
As a student, husband, employee, supervisor, manager, etc. life can get ahead of me every single day and honestly will overwhelm me. I have been in a long battle with moderate/severe depression and anxiety disorder, and after medications were only numbing symptoms I thought I was a hopeless case. Something changed and I decided that I wanted to start really doing things in life. I’ve had this app for a while but I finally decided to try to use it more. I started for just sleep, but just sleep turned into using it to wake up, and when I feel stressed about work or when I’m studying, I just take a quick break. It’s honestly surreal how fast 10-20 minutes goes by when going through the guided meditation in the morning. All that said, this app is amazing, and I really recommend it to anyone dealing with any problems in their life, whether permanent or temporary. Let this help you, and go tackle your problems. Also, for my fellow students, you can go to their website and verify your student status and get the full access to the meditations for $10 a year, to make this app and company even more amazing. Keep up the awesome content Headspace! And thank you for helping me on my journey
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5 years ago, Gingerooney
As a TM practitioner I wasn't initially drawn to this app. However it was recommended repeatedly by health practitioners as I struggled to be consistent with my sitting practice. Finally I gave in and it's been a wonderful asset to my meditation practice. I use it as an anchor and I enjoy the presentations as well as the guided series and singles. The SOS and now the many other options are great. Being able to grab your phone and calm yourself in stressful times is amazing. Headspace has continued to improve adding more and more options and modules. You can stick with classic guided or semi guided meditation, or silence, add music or learn how to use mindfulness on a broad range of issues from speaking, sadness, grief ... you name it. I love the special section on sleep. The educational aspect is beyond compare and you can watch short videos. I still have a strong preference for Andy Puddicome’s voice and hope he never tires of doing this, but glad the options are there for others. This simply is the best app for meditation and for mindfulness. THE BEST. I highly recommend this to anyone--from those being introduced to meditation and/mindfulness to the experienced practitioner. You're in good hands here. Easy to use too. Very intuitive.
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4 years ago, zigalellium
Great resource!
This is really helpful! The only reason I didn’t give a higher rating is because there’s a strong overlying tone of a sales pitch there. Which is unfortunate, because I think people would be able to see the value easier if there wasn’t a push for money after every meditation and for many of the things on the app people would want to explore. Kind of stalls progress of the meditation itself when you’ve just worked so hard to pull yourself back, only to be instantly asked for money right after. From a company stand point I also think it would be more beneficial to work on building value and then freely offering the option to see what monthly costs are and also show a detailed description of what’s involved with a paid membership. I know this has worked well financially for other services and I’ve seen increases in sales by simply looking at things from the customers perspective. And I feel like the customers perspective is a miss here :( However quite and easy fix and overall this app is amazing! It not only teaches the basics of meditation, but teaches different techniques as well. This makes it good for beginners all the way to experts. I truly believe that the basis of this app is pure in intention and I can see what a help it is to many people who walk the path of life.
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3 years ago, Sav.Dragan
The wonders of headspace
In my abnormal psychology class we learned anxiety is not just a fight or flight response but instead can be a future oriented response. Abnormal anxiety usually is characterized by presenting when there is no real danger. Therefore when I lay down in bed to sleep and I start getting an increase heart rate, feel extremely hot and sometimes nauseous at the idea of future situations and work that I have yet to do, it’s abnormal. Even if many people experience this is is abnormal because there is no real threat just my brain over thinking future situations. Therefore on my quest to look for ways to relax my mind before bed I downloaded headspace. I usually listen to a guided meditation before bed. Followed I will set one of their sleep music for 60 minutes and lay down. I now am normally asleep before the sleep music stops. Even though in my class we talked more about biological and psychological treatments, I felt as though there might be an easier way for me to deal with this anxiety. Headspace has created a way for me to clear my head before bed allowing for more and a greater quality of sleep. I would suggest this app to anyone, not even for just sleeping. But as a way it relax.
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2 months ago, Bella539
Love headspace, would love the ability to personalize my experience even more
I have been using headspace for four years and love love love it. I use rescue meditations during anxiety attacks or moments of panic and distress. I use meditations on good days and bad days. I use the sleep casts nearly daily. The only issue I have is that, as a person with aphantasia, visualizations are by far my least favorite exercise to relax into sleep. I can do them and enjoy them in a way, but they’re harder for me and I prefer not to do them. Most of the sleep casts I listen to have a visualization, it seems. I just wish I could know what type of meditation would be in the sleep cast when I clicked in so I could choose whether it was a good night for me to do a visualization or not. It would be a dream come true if I could even choose what kind of meditation I wanted to do for the sleep cast, but even just knowing what I was walking into before listening to the first 5 minutes would be a huge relief. That way I wouldn’t be up and awake trying to switch sleep casts until I found one with a breathing or noting exercise. Otherwise, this app is such a safe haven for me and it’s one subscription I truly feel has been worth it.
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6 months ago, Mara Ath
The App is commercialized!
I still use headspace everyday, but I simultaneously witness the everyday decline of the app. The app has a number of excellent meditation guides that seem to have valid credentials for what they do and can be trusted. Recently the app has started using the same marketing tactic that Nordstrom and similar retailers use: when you’re viewing a meditation practice it shares how many others are viewing! Literally like online shopping or a social media post. Whereas for many users the app is supposed to be a break from all that. Additionally, I guess to pursue financial goals, the app has opened its doors to celebrities or whoever has decided to become a “mindfulness” guide! This might appeal to some of its users but for me personally a celebrity or a careerist, whose money is feeding financial objectives of headspace, is not necessarily a valid meditation guide. What are the apps’ criteria to determine who gets to be an actual mindfulness teacher? The app has a number of technical shortcomings too that the developers and technicians are reluctant to fix. For instance, you cannot control the content on your homepage of the app. You cannot delete the content that app suggests, e.g. celebrity or careerists’ meditation videos. It’s sad to see how monetary goals lead to the decline of a meditation application.
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4 years ago, MSUBSMPH
I can’t recommend this enough
I downloaded Headspace when it was free for health care workers in 2020. I was pregnant at the time and was under a lot of stress at my job. I started with the pregnancy course on the app. This was so amazing. First of all, Andy’s voice is incredibly calming. Then the pregnancy meditation helped me feel closer to baby. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, and when I was less stressed, my glucose was lower. This app helped me a ton with that. Then, when I went to my 29 week check up, I had just read a work email I was very upset about. The nurse took my blood pressure and it was high. They sent me to the hospital for monitoring. While I was there I practiced the meditation I had learned and was able to get my blood pressure down so I could go home! The meditations also helped me get through labor! Now that I had my baby, I’m still using this app because it just helps me find calm in my crazy world of being and full time working mom during a pandemic. If you are at all interested in meditation, you need this app. I promise it’s worth the money. When my free subscription is over, I’m paying for it! I never write app reviews, but I just want everyone to know how great Headspace truly is.
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6 years ago, Klaudia Fisher
My kids and I LOVE headspace!!! <3
I’ve been wanting to meditate for a while, and I just didn’t know how to, I’ve tried yoga and a couple other things, but never really got the time to make it a habit. I found this app and decided to give it a go given the reviews. It didn’t let me down. I love all the packs for different situations in life and the fact that you can meditate 1 min or as long as you can, so no more “I don’t have time” After the trial i decided to use the premium version and it was then when I discovered the kids section (angels sing and sunshine thru clouds please) it’s never been so easy to put my kids to bed! My kids LOVE Andy and ask for him every single night, 90% of the time they are asleep by the time the sleep meditation is over (5-6 min). They have asked to start hearing Andy when they wake up, too. As for me, I had been struggling with insomnia for a while, and when I did sleep my mind would keep going on and on about everything I had to do the next day, so I’d wake up feeling restless. I’ve been using headspace at bedtime and I’m out in like 5 min. I sleep better, my mind sleeps too. I’ve been using it for a couple months and there’s still SO much to explore. I just love it :)
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3 years ago, Omfgitsheather
Tried several apps and this is the clear winner
I signed up for my free trial in fall 2019, at the recommendation of a family member. I thought it was great, but wanted to shop around and see what all of the individual meditation apps had to offer, but Headspace is the clear winner. I signed up for an annual subscription (and I hardly ever do that). The general organization of the interface is great in its simplicity, because you can easily toggle between the app’s different features with the navigation on the bottom, and there’s only five options so it’s aesthetically pleasing to me. Speaking of aesthetics, the graphics shown while meditating are very uplifting, simple, and non-intimidating. I think apps like Calm that have the ability to show/do nature sounds are cool, but that feels like too many decisions as to what graphic to choose. The soft Australian accent that Andy has is very calming but feels more non-judgmental, like an old friend who’s just being your guide through the meditation. The daily video content pieces are cool, too. So far I’ve learned about how music affects the brain and about snake plants. This app leaves me feeling inspired and refreshed. 10/10. Great job, devs!
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5 years ago, FlyingLizardIXXI
Simply Excellent ! :-)
I knew nothing about meditation when I started my journey about three years ago. I read Andy's book and I saw the potential to bring more calm and stability to my life. So I started using the app. I had a slow start. I tried it for several days and then dropped it for a while etc. Finally I gave meditation the priority it deserves and here I am… I just passed 600 days of meditation in a row without missing a day. I'm proud of that, but I still feel like a beginner. As Andy teaches, meditation can be a lifelong journey. I simply can't say enough positive about Headspace. I love it and I encourage you to try it! I have a couple of friends who use other "flavors" of meditation and I see no conflict between what my friends are learning and what I am learning. That gives me confidence that the lessons that Andy teaches are sound. Honestly my only concern is that Headspace will grow too large as a company and that Andy may not have time to be so actively involved in creating the content of the app. Or perhaps Andy might feel like he has completed his work with Headspace and moves on to new projects. I dearly hope that never happens. Bottom line: Very highly recommended. Enjoy! Paul in Vermont, USA
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6 years ago, Cali1925
Such a cool app
It’s not that I was skeptical when it came to meditation, I just was unsure of what it was exactly, or what the goal should be. This app does an AMAZING job of explaining and easing you into meditation. It’s something you have to practice and implement into your routine. I haven’t had it for long, and I have only been doing the free “Basics” sessions, but wow I am so so impressed with the results. I don’t like to think I am a person who is just stressing herself all the time, but lately with a lot of life changes my body has been feeling a lot of tension and it has caused me horrible headaches. Whenever I meditate it relaxes me and relieves me of some of the pain. It also just gets me pumped for the day. Your emotional/mental health is so important!! Busy-ness kills, and meditating can help you take better care of yourself. This app is so well constructed. I normally don’t do subscriptions, but I’m gonna have to pay because it’s so worth it. The fact that you can choose if you wanna meditate for 3, 5, or 10 minutes? That’s awesome! So much detail. Also I personally like it way better than Calm, which is rated higher, not to mention the aesthetics are way more satisfying.
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4 years ago, Chachey
Love this app!!
So I started using this app because my boyfriend said that I needed to start meditating due to my high levels of stress (and how easily I get stressed and I have poor stress management) and my because I am very easily angered and to him I just overall seem unhappy with life. I am only 24 so my stress shouldn’t be what it is in my opinion. So I took his advice on meditation and did some research and found this app. I’m still in the free trial stages of it but I will most definitely buy is once it ends. The reason I give 4 start is because I wish there were more mindful activities because of my job. I wake up at 6 am and come home from anywhere between 5pm - 11pm depending on the day I have. So it would be nice to have more mindful activities where I can use the app an work or do things at home with out it being the same thing. Or more on commuting. I’m driving all day long so to have something I can listen to while driving that isn’t music or just for a commute home would be nice. But other than that I have no complaints! I love it and I hope it gets me where I would like to be. And that is to be happy and content with my life as it is now. And not get so angry with things. I am really excited to keep using this app!
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4 years ago, fawayadventures
New to Headspace Old to meditation
I started meditating in high school during my senior year when I did a solo project on the Dalai Lama and Thich Naht Hanh. Meditation was rejuvenating and grounding. Fast forward the next 15 years and meditation was lost to the hustle and bustle of life. My work recently offered a trial of Headapace to a select few prior to launching for the entire team. I immediately signed up knowing although my current mind stated, “you don’t have time for that” but my deep mind stated “you need this!” And here I am remembering again the importance of living in the moment, taking in and appreciating the sounds, smells and feel of the world around me. Meditation got me through some very tough times as a teenager when I nearly lost my mother to a brain tumor and my father to mental illness. Now with the coronavirus pandemic, job insecurity and political unrest I again need to ground myself. Headspace allowed me to treasure again the here and now, to not only calm my flighty mind but feel my body the aches and tension releasing it. Just like physical health you must make the time to nourish your brain. 10 minutes a day is reasonable and will make a world of difference! Thank you Headapace for reminding me again to live in the moment and treasure the beauty of every day.
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3 years ago, Travis Hogan
Mindless space
I’ll be the first to say that I’m a big supporter of the original intent of headspace and it’s creator (not sure their name but the Australian person who was the voice on the original version of the app). I used the app a lot in 2018 then took my meditation practice further and no longer used the app. In 2021 I saw a subscription deal and recommended headspace to lots of friends and I also rejoined. The new app is just a confusing and an overwhelming mess of information and cross-branding. I opened it up today and see an advertisement for Arcade Fire’s playlist and dances moves form Lincoln Center? Sure that’s interesting but I don’t think it’s necessary for this app and this whole project to have such interference of information when actually trying to calm the mind. I’m sorry to say but the expansionist vision of headspace studios has lost the core of whatever is supposed to be happening here. There are tons of nuggets of goodness in here but you gotta dig and by that time you find what is useful, it’s just annoying and you’ve wasted time in your screen instead of meditating. Take yourself offline and away from your phone and find/create your own stillness. That doesn’t cost a monthly fee. I hope Headpace reads this - please tell your investors that the integrity of your project is at stake. Now it’s just another business in the wheels of the market.
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1 year ago, MeghanH02
This app saves my life daily
Today is day 5 of the worst week of my life. It has humbled me immensely and brought me back to the most important things in my life. One of which is meditation. Today, The Wake Up was about setting realistic and healthy goals for yourself, burnout, and more. The most important thing that I heard, however, was that the speaker themselves have a disability that impacts their work and goal setting. It made me tear up to hear about Amanda Morris’ perspective on running yourself down trying to meet expectations and lofty goals. “This is someone I trust to talk about this,” I thought. Headspace not only champions helpful and relevant information, it seems to champion diversity in the way that really matters: who, with the most real experience with this problem, can be trusted to be the face of this process as users work through it? I see how you put users needs and concerns first. It’s wonderful. It is bare minimum - but it is wonderful and should be said. This is an incredible app with an incredible goal. The people who work for Headspace have my heart. I hope to see more from Amanda Morris soon!!!!
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6 years ago, sfairops
Everything I didn’t know I needed.
There’s so much to be said about how specific yet simple Headspace’s premise is. For the record, I meditate twice a day: right before I go to work, and the right after I come back home. I have been using the app for close to a month now, and I can already notice a lot of behavioral changes in myself. I respond better to situations that used to frustrate and/or upset me, and I feel much better equipped to deal with the various emotional ups and downs of daily life. To clarify something, this app is a tool for anyone to use. I used to be one of those people who thought meditation is pointless, that I wouldn’t be able to “shut down” my brain and prevent it from drifting off during a meditation session. None of that matters with Headspace. As long as you develop a habit of using the app, you will be better prepared and confident when dealing with the aforementioned feelings. Headspace has truly been a revolutionary discovery for me. As someone who has tried similar apps in the past, I can confidently say that no other app can match the sophisticated design, ease of use, and mindfulness that’s encapsulated by Headspace.
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2 years ago, Anne Patrice
New life
I started meditating in January 2021, I had never meditated a day in my life. I was suffering from a mind that would not stop, it was spinning out of control and sleep was non existent for me. My therapist suggested I try meditating to help still my mind and ground myself in reality. I did a quick google search and found this app. Fast forward a year + meditating 10-15 minutes every morning and I can honestly say my life is changed. Now I am connected with my mind and body in a way I never have been before. I have a greater understanding of my physical/emotional responses and am able to ground myself in reality and the present moment where as before this was one of my greatest struggles. For years I took 2 sleeping aids every night to try and help me sleep, I have completely stopped taking those and am getting better rest than I ever have in my life. This app has taught me how to still my mind and find a peace that I never knew existed in myself. Meditation has singly been the biggest transformational thing in my life. I am so grateful for Headspace and cannot recommend it enough!
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3 years ago, Clowen H.
Amazing stories - Needs more Darren.
Headspace is honestly one of the best "fall-asleep-quick" apps out there, and I'm personally convinced it's the best. It's amazing, lets you keep track of your goal(s), and you can choose what type of audio you'd like to listen to! However, as the title states, we need more audios read by Darren. I, personally, believe Darren is one of the best story-readers there are, and he honestly makes me feel genuinely happy amd loved. Now, I know Darren has a life, as everyone does, but I believe there needs to be more sleep audios read by Darren. Currently, there's only 5(Five) audios read by him, and as someone who has attatchment issues, I'd enjoy more audios read by him. If it's (at all) possible, you could maybe also have every story-teller have their own versions of each audio, Darren included, and the listener could choose who they want to listen to. You could also do this same thing with the variations of the audios, making it so that the listener can choose which variation of the story they want to listen to! Other than having more Darren in Headspace, I believe Headspace is an amazing, awesome, and fantastic "fall-asleep-quick" apps in the world.
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2 years ago, Sunnysidesounds
Recently disappointed.
Been using the app for over 4 years and recently they’ve made changes that made me want to review the app. They’ve taken features away that they use to have. For example, they’ve taken away the history I used to track my mediations and replaced it with a stupid message “Remember your run streak doesn’t reflect your growth” horrible.🙄 They taken away the little icon that lets you know if you’ve taken a course or class. So now you have to click into the course to see which ones you’ve taken. Primarily I think they’ve focus on content ( which it has been great, but recently it’s like they’re trying to hard.) I think they need to spend more time on app engineering. I’ve reached out expressing why you keep taking functionality away. I got a message that’s basically says here how you can delete the app and cancel your subscription. (Paraphrases) I’ve used the app so long because I do like Andy’s mediations and has really helped me growth my mind and body. I just feel recent changes have made the app less enjoyably and like they’re trying to hard or something. I hope it improves but pretty disappointed in the direction the app is going.
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3 years ago, islandgirlonafarm
Headspace has helped me to establish a daily meditation practice
I absolutely love Headspace 💆🏽‍♀️. I bought anannual membership on Groupon last year and gladly renewed when that had expired. It has helped me to establish a daily meditation practice. Meditation is something I’ve wanted to do but I didn’t know whom or what to listen to, or didn’t have a consistent discipline a routine around it. I love that Headspace has multiple meditations you can choose from, and you control how long the meditation is from 1 minute up to 30 minutes if you want ! There are even meditation courses about focus, stress, productivity - all the reasons we should even be meditating in the first place! I love the daily tracker that shows how many days in a row you’ve meditated and the total amount of minutes that I’ve meditated- it definitely keeps me motivated to want to continue to do it. I’ve definitely noticed a shift in my behavior over the past year and in my mindset since I have been meditating. I am more calm and less irritable and things don’t bother me as much.I highly recommend this app!
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6 years ago, cagueni
Mediation is surprisingly awesome!
Headspace has provided me with a way to cope with some of the anxieties of work and school life. I really enjoy that sense of “me-time” just spent focusing on my thoughts a feelings and dealing with them in what I feel is a healthy way. I somehow feel different after every session, more relaxed, more “centered” if you would. I don’t really have trouble going to sleep but some days my mind travels a mile per minute with thoughts of things I have yet to do. I find the sleepcasts they offer to be helpful during these times. The soothing sounds help me focus on shutting my body off for the night. I would recommend just listening to the casts they have available for unsubscribed users and seeing how you feel. The only gripe I have with the meditations they offer is that all of them seem very similar. They have many different packs that are supposed to cater to a specific area but this is only an illusion of variety. All meditations offer the same sort of exercises like focused breathing and mindfulness. I just wish that there were more exercises to make use of. Otherwise, I just can’t justify purchasing a yearly subscription for this service.
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3 years ago, Booooooze
Life changing
Truly I rarely subscribe to apps or trust their proclaimed effectiveness. But headspace has been shockingly life changing. My partner does the meditations and really loves them. He’s started meditating at least once a day and I think it’s improved both of our lives. He’s just been much more thoughtful and calm. I’ve been trying To incorporate them more into my life and they are lovely. I love all the specific programs. However my biggest take away from this app are their sleepcasts and wind down meditations for sleep. I have struggled with insomnia and falling asleep my entire life. I lay in bed for hours trying to fall asleep but cant stop my mind racing. Now with headspace I am out in 10 minutes or less. No joke. I’ve been using it every night for a month now and I’m just so astonished. My one gripe with the app is it’s limited free content. The paid content is 100% worth it but I wasn’t convinced until my partner purchased it and I could explore what I was missing out on. But The free sleep cast that is offered(rain day antiques) is still one of my favorites.
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3 years ago, Metawareness
As someone just getting started with meditating, I began with “Basics” and appreciated the functionality of selecting how much time I can choose on a meditation session. After completing Basics, I didn’t see any direction on where to proceed next. There were a lot of courses that didn’t seem to apply to where I wanted to grow. After trying some courses here and there, I saw in the “Today” tab a video acknowledging they received feedback regarding how to navigate to the next group of sessions after Basics. I started “Headspace 365” and the functionality of selecting the amount of time I had to meditate disappeared from the settings within each course. Sessions are stuck at a little over 21 minutes for the remainder of the 10 months I’ve been using this app. For several weeks the sessions started out with the presenters voice sounding like digital noise. Instead of sessions being “guided” throughout, the sessions include long periods of silence that make me wonder if either I or the presenter fell asleep. It seems like the same things are said over and over with little new information or areas to improve mindfulness. This app is good, it just needs some work.
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2 months ago, iszchristian
17 yr old with ADHD.
I’m gonna do my best to make this writing make sense. First off let me just say that I don’t typically write reviews for things unless I really dig it. I’m 17 years old. My names Christian. For the longest time I’ve struggled with extreme racing thoughts. I have Anxiety, ADHD, DCD, all three of those are what I call the evil trinity, or the ring of fire. The way my brain works, let’s say there’s a test that I have to complete. I spend my hardest time studying and when I fail that test I start to get upset. My brain will take that feeling of being upset and turning into self doubtful thoughts. Then it will increase into more thoughts. This will then stop and go back to the original thought. It becomes a cycle that is vicious. So learning everything U could to calm myself was needed. This. mediation. Was very needed… I like the way this app is organized. It definitely does increase the way my awareness feels. As well as gives me a increase in feeling good and ready for life. Defintely think the best times to do this are in the morning and at night or during any stressful time.
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6 years ago, Maddog3706
Thank You, But No Thank You
I would like to start by thanking the creators of this app. I am a student and testing is coming up soon. This app has helped me in not only calming down and focusing on that, but also on my family situation right now. I (try to) use this app daily and it sets my day on a good course. Thank you. However, I am not sure for how long I will be able to say that. Once my Basics 1 course expires, I will have to pay insane amounts of money to “subscribe” to Headspace just so I am able to take different meditating courses, such as Focus, Kindness, or Sleep. It costs $400 to meditate for a lifetime (unlimited)! That’s enough to feed a family for 2 months! It feels like a demo you would find on the phones they have it the Apple Store: incomplete. Overall, the experience is great and the meditating is useful, but I feel that meditating should be available to everyone, not just people willing to shell out $13 a month or $95 a year. I would not recommend this app to friends because I don’t think they want to experience this disappointment. I love your app, just not your cost!
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10 months ago, dcw94945
I used to love this app, but…
I’ve been using Headspace for more than four years now. It was great until I got my Apple Watch but the integration with Apple Watch has been really bumpy. Very frustrating that I still have to carry my phone around in order to choose a meditation, for example. It’s also frustrating that the rollout of fresh material seems to have stalled. It would be nice if they introduced other forms of meditation for those of us who’ve been doing this for a while. I’m now on my fourth rerun of the pro series. Granted meditation is not a top 40 station, and new material is not what meditation is all about. But there are other forms of meditation which I read about in books, but find no mention of at all in the Headspace sphere. Which stalls my education and hence my practice. Tonglen, Insight, Loving Kindness, to name 3. I could be wrong and maybe these things are buried somewhere in the Headspace curriculum, and I just haven’t found them yet. So my mind could be easily changed. (And changing the mind kind of IS—at least part—what meditation is all about.) But for the moment I’m trying another app and may or may not renew my subscription to Headspace when it comes up.
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2 years ago, BlagaflagaZero
Amazing app, but the Watch app is terrible
I’ve used Headspace for over 3 years now. I’ve tried several other meditation apps, and nothing compares to Headspace’s courses, variety, and overall production quality. However, there are two main flaws with this app. 1) The Apple Watch app is garbage and has been for years. That’s actually why I’m writing this review. I expected them to have fixed it by now. There are only a few meditations available and you don’t get to chose them or their timers. I really dislike that the first thing I touch in the morning and last thing I touch at night is my phone because of this, which is bad for your digital wellbeing, especially as someone who battles phone addiction. Also, you can only use the app with Bluetooth headphones, which is not always preferred. 2) The app has gotten very cluttered. As the app has progressed and they’ve added more courses, videos, tips, etc. the app has gotten EXTREMELY bloated. It takes me much longer than it used to to find a meditation that I want to listen to and I usually just default back to one I’ve already listened to.
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