1 year ago, Contented Cat (in a box,)
It’s Very Fun, But…
So, I’ll start off with its very fun, and simple game. There are some other mini games going on, such as the taking, and losing of states and continents you and other players have collected through out the game. There are skins that you can collect, that are purely just for cosmetics. There isn’t many items you have to pay for (The only things I can think of is VIP, and the No Adds add-on.) In summery, I recommend this game if you would like to play. But, I have encountered a bug with the mini game I just talked about. When I decided to conquer Greenland, it started off like the rest of the places I annexed. But when the bar went to full, and it was time to collect it, the game stayed on that screen, no matter, where I tapped. I assumed it was frozen, but the stars that symbolized “Congratulations!” Were still moving. Another bug I have encountered is also with that particular mini game. I don’t know when this happened, but, when I try to claim my coins in the states menu, it is also stuck on that screen, not unlike the “Greenland Glitch”. I hope these can be patched, but other than those few bugs, the game is very enjoyable.
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