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User Reviews for Experian®

4.84 out of 5
2.2M Ratings
4 years ago, Elisha's
Take a note from credit karma
Experian is very subpar. My credit score that is displayed when I first open the app is never accurate; I even have alerts in the app that say my supposed current score(cause it’s always different from my other two scores) yet the score displayed is still old by over three months once. Also, this score fluctuates A LOT for no reason. Compared to my Transunion and equifax scores that I monitor on credit karma, that is always reflected accurately and quickly after any changes, this score drops all the time for no reason, and there is no reason stated and I haven’t done anything risky besides pay my bills, and there is no way to find out. Whereas, in credit karma it tells you exactly what changed, when something actually does change in my life like I’m reducing balances paying bills or applying for cards etc., and why it changed and it is very easy to find. Also boost so far is misleading. I added a phone bill and it boosted my score 6 points, then just as quickly dropped my score 6 points because I added a new credit account to my profile.
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1 year ago, Clearance217
The worst
Signed up for free subscription. Tried to cancel within 10mins as the app said you can cancel anytime within the specified period of time. App won’t let me cancel the subscription. I went through the app and found the section to cancel membership/subscription but when you click that section it continually loads and never populates. I don’t have any connection issues and I’m connected to Wi-Fi and everything else in the app works perfectly fine and loads right away; but, mysteriously, when you try to cancel it won’t populate. Guess what else won’t populate within the app? Contacting support. That doesn’t populate either. Sure, they show you the link to click in the app but it takes you to a screen that never loads so you cannot contact them and you can’t cancel like they stated you can. This is a scam. This isn’t right. This is wrong. I had payed for them in the past on the web (not the app) and when I tried to cancel there I also ran into issues: they couldn’t verify my identity in order to cancel. I signed up for the app to get my credit score as my veteran friend advised me to do like he did but it wouldn’t show me my credit score (I have one btw and other places have showed me that in the past) but some how I can’t see my score through experian and they get you to signup but then block you from canceling. What a joke of a company. No one should use this product.
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3 years ago, Better Credit Reportig
Faulty, inaccurate information, and horrible dispute customer service
I paid for this service and it continuously posts inaccurate information on the three bureau credit report. Equifax and Transunion removed a bad collection, but Experian says it will remain on their report for six years. Plus Experian inaccurately reports same bad collection on their version of the equifax report. The reports on Experian are not updating, even after I wa told by agent to delete and reinstall the app. I personally spoke to Equifax and Transunion and both bureaus state Experian is reporting non-factual information - the Experian bureau system is not up to date and failing to maintain correct credit data (according to other customer complaints). When I attempted to dispute this matter and state the facts the agent would not try to assist by stating the bad collection will just stay on my report till 2026, plus she just hung up on me when I requesting for better assistance in resolving the issue. So, why am I paying for inaccurate three credit bureau report if Experian information is inconsistent with the actual other two bureaus. Well this an app I have to say needs to get the bugs washed out of the system - and get up to speed. Experian become consistent with the other two major bureaus! May have to discontinue service.
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2 years ago, Tergo10
It doesn’t work!
Credit monitoring apps are click bait to make them MONEY. Boost doesn’t work! Seems cool at first. But then it can’t find your self reported accounts and drops the boost they created. I didn’t stop paying my bills! But all the accounts that boosted my score were eventually dropped because boost couldn’t find them. My electricity, phone, natural gas are all still connected!!! And other bills like insurance, storage and pay subscriptions are all just as real as those other bills but never recognized. The truth is that the credit reporting agencies are a joke. The fluctuations from one agency to the next is proof that it is a farce! Paying off debt should make a score increase, not decrease. I mean paying off my mortgage (on time) should not decrease a score, (85 points)! Even taking the steps to increase my credit score that were recommended by Experian (and Credit Karma) made my score decrease. When the card company reported a balance (even before a payment was due) one agency dropped my score by 85 points. Another dropped it by 10 points. Another dropped it 7 points, then raised it 49 points and then decided I really don’t have a Fico score! What a joke! They are all about getting you to apply for credit cards. That’s what they are all about. Not for me! I shall click no more.
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3 years ago, finding my folks
I tried to update one of my old cards through the bank that purchased the company cardholders info. I went through the company’s application process, passed that, then was told that I had to contact Experian to unfreeze my account. Went Experian’s question process, got all the questions answered correctly. I then called company back with the pin, to be told that the file was still frozen. The credit was not able to use the pin because that is not the way they do it. Had to go and do a temporary unfreeze, that worked, got denied the card from the bank, after answering all the questions correctly from Experian. I have very good credit. This was for a purchase I wanted to make before the price increased. All I needed to do was update my old card. I now had to leave my credit file unfrozen for a day. I was able through the App to lock my file back. There is no way to speak to anyone to get problems like this resolved. Extremely disappointed.
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4 years ago, junaejj
Unavailable to do a credit boost I’ve never a credit card
Experian has my banking account information so I can pay for the service and every time I try to boost my credit score I am being told that my bank isn’t on the list of banks I’m with a railroad FCU and don’t understand why my bank isn’t on their list but they’re able to get a payment from my bank account for there service. All my utilities have always been paid on time no question. I will not let my kids go without heat/ AC, or a home. I’m completely disabled due to secondary progressive multiple sclerosis and I still have 2 children at home All I have is student loans and I’m working to have them completely wiped off but I’m unable to fill out the paperwork because my handwriting is completely unreadable because the Multiple Sclerosis affects my right side of my body and left side of my brain. I have lost my registered nursing degree because I’m completely disabled after having MS for 23 years. I have lost both my parents so I have no help anymore or support. I’m happily divorced from a narcissist who was emotionally and verbally abusive and wanting me to pay him for the 50/50 custody of which I have my children 90% of the time . I’m looking for a break please.
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3 years ago, scott3361991
Credit reporting
Hello my name is Scott I am a current user of Experian. However the 6 months + I have been using the app so that everything I have as far as credit reports would be some what recorded and that I could at least have the bureaus looking at my file and seeing that I have paid off all my revolving credit lines with that being said Experian has not been reporting any of my payoffs and I’m not sure if it’s my credit line issuers or if it’s just somebody not actually doing their job or what but on Experian in my account it states that I have the same amount due of revolving credit and it shows that I haven’t paid it off which I have several times and the amount of my installment loan is wrong it says I owe 80 % of the amount and and I done paid the loan off almost over half way. All I’m saying is I have worked very hard for this . And I deserve for my file to be up to date like it should . Like why do we pay for the app. If you guys aren’t gonna do your job? Like report my hard work to the Bureaus like you’re supposed so people like me can have all there hard work recognized the way it should be.
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2 months ago, 51 /Osage
Credit scores, raising and lowering
I was really like to discuss the fact that if someone has their credit information locked and you are in a particular store or business and you accidentally forget to unlock it and it lowers your score then denies you the credit when your credit is over 700 I really believe the dead something that you should be able to reverse and also to if the company or business decides to run your credit and continually run the credit every time it is hit it is locked. It should not affect your credit score because it wasn’t able to access it and then when you do get the credit and it’s approved it to your credit, and I believe that we are approved for something that we shouldn’t get penalized for someone checking our credit inquiry but it’s a soft we can’t control how someone pulls our credit even though they tell us they’re not going to do something and they continue to do it. It is unfair to the consumer that works so hard to maintain a credit score that everything is based on, we’re denied something or a penalty against us. I think they should be reviewed.
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1 week ago, Sue 117lbs 5’4
Fraud in your app
Someone signed into Experian when I signed into it with my face on google. They changed my user name & unlocked my freeze on all of my accounts & personal information . I turned my phone off after I tried getting a live representative on the phone from your company, when I turned it back on the scammers were back on your website . So somehow they how gotten in there even thought I have paid for protection through you & through transition. All credit bureaus should have freezes on them for 1 year. & should be locked, I want to get a new phone at Verizon tomorrow but they said the freeze has to. Be lifted for an hour . I’m scared to do that as the scammers are not stopping. So o need help from you . Thankyou . A live person in the morning if not Tonight would be good with a direct phone number to call back so I don’t get the run around. If not I will call the BBB tomorrow for help . Thankyou
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4 weeks ago, JuniJucs
Good but not dependable
I’ve been using Experian’s app for a while now and it’s been my favorite credit score monitoring app…until I got the premium plan. Using the premium plan, I have discovered that Experian isn’t as dependable as Equifax and TransUnion. I paid off one of my debts and when I went to see if it updated on my Experian profile, it was still showing a balance from 2 months ago. However, when I checked Equifax and TransUnion, through the Experian app, they were updated to the correct balance of $0. I’m also irritated that I paid $25 for the premium plan and is expected to pay another $30 to get an up-to-date credit report. I don’t know if every credit bureau makes you wait 89 days till you can “refresh” your report, but I don’t like it. I decided to go back to the free plan and make an account with Equifax and TransUnion. It might be more money having separate plans with said credit bureaus, but I’d rather pay for accuracy than an app with a whole bunch of features I don’t use.
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10 months ago, GRat12345
Unwanted Marketing PUSH Notifications
Update #2: I constantly receive marketing PUSH NOTIFICATIONS from my Experian iPhone app (NOT EMAILS). These push notifications show up right alongside credit alerts on my phone. There is no way to shut these off without turning off app notifications altogether in my iPhone settings. And by turning off all notifications, this app is completely worthless for credit monitoring. I really wish someone at Experian support or whoever writes developer responses would take a minute to read this and understand my issue before responding. These are not marketing emails, they are marketing push notifications from this app!!! I’m getting constant marketing and tip notifications on my iPhone with no way to turn them off. These are not related to my credit alerts, they are nonsense messages congratulating me on my credit score, and suggesting I check other scores, etc. I’ve tried to find the answer to this problem but app support in the App Store is not actually app support. I only want to be notified about the specific alerts I have identified in my settings. Nothing more. Please fix this so I’m not forced to unsubscribe to Experian.
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1 year ago, Wise decisions
This App is terrible
I’ve used Experian app for almost a year and a half now and feb 8,2023 it starts having problems with the boost tool so I disconnect my bank and when I go to reconnect my bank with the boost tool my bank is no longer on the list of banks they work with. Now my credit score has dropped from 693 points to 666 points because my credit card was connected thru it and that’s not including the 8 points for disconnecting the boost elgible payments once it was disconnected they used a credit report that is from November and it has a high balance and has been paid off already but because they update my account every 3 days my score keeps dropping because of the old report I’ve contacted them and they said nothing they can do I just have to wait until next month to see if it will use my march credit card report. The issue I have with waiting is it keeps dropping my score every 3 days by 10-12 points so my credit score is gonna be severely damaged by the time my march report comes out and not to mention if it doesn’t use the march 2023 report it’s going to continue to drop. DO NOT USE EXPERIAN TOOLS OR ASSISTANCE IN BUILDING YOUR CREDIT THRU THE APP.
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2 years ago, Shawn Parr
Why so slow, and poor redesign choices.
I’ve been using the app for a while both on iPhone and on iPad. For some reason it takes nearly 30 seconds after opening the app for it to get to the logon page (or to do Face ID/Touch ID if you have it enabled), then another 30 seconds to actually load any data. You spend more time looking at animated swirls then actually using the app. FYI this is on an iPhone 13 Pro and an M1 iPad Pro, so not exactly older slow devices. As a matter of face upgrading from an XS to the 13 Pro made no change in the load speed so it is either a fixed load time, or an issue pulling data from their site. And a recent update changed the interface, which in theory looks nicer, but on iPad only works in portrait mode. Previously it worked in either portrait or landscape. So if you have your iPad in a keyboard case this app is now stuck sideways. Quite the downgrade. It unfortunate as the data in the app can be quite good, but it is just a better experience using the website. If you are going to make an actual app it should provide some value or user experience that makes it worthwhile to use it vs just the website.
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6 years ago, chanto!
Experian, facilitator of ID theft
Experian is the absolute WORST credit reporting agency and a _facilitator_ to fraud. Bunch of shills posting positive reviews, be aware. I’m a recent ID theft victim and I’m going through the aftermath of freezing and monitoring my credit. If the 3 companies, this is the only one that I cannot reach a human to resolve my registration issue. This app throws an error and advises you to call a number, which routes you to automated machines that tend to disconnect on you before you can speak to anyone. As others have faced, I’m still not able to register so that I can monitor my credit activities. Now back to the facilitator to fraud assertion, shortly after I noticed fraudulent accounts and credit applications were opened under my name, I ran credit report checks on all 3 reporting services. Of the 3, only Experian shows soft and hard queries were performed on my account, additionally the queries were performed by Experian or Experian-affiliated businesses. I truly believe there’s still backdoors in Experian’s network infrastructure that they have not patched since their last security breach. My advice is for you to find any and all ways to freeze/lock your experian reporting to prevent being an ID theft victim yourself.
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4 weeks ago, Mr. Frayer
Inaccurate information
Experian does not update their records adequately. I can have a charge on my account pay it off and it takes 6 to 8 weeks to correct it in some cases longer thus given an inaccurate account from my spending my utilization, my overall score you take points unnecessarily, and when you give them back, you give back a fraction of what you take, an example I made a purchase for $4673 for an engine for my car. My total availability credit is over $73,000. You say that you do not affect the credit score as long as your utilization is 30% or less that was for less than 30% but you took over 40 points I paid off in four weeks I have yet to have still gotten those points back. Trans Union has me at 764. You just raise me to 744 a public record on my account. Trans Union and Equifax has removed that from my account, I still have two more months for it to be exactly 7 years but they already removed it. I just feel that the way that you rate credit is unfairly and unjust.
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2 months ago, theTallBear
Complete lack of Accountability
Not recognizing my $5 / month subscription through Apple. Slammed me to a free version when I use the app and online even though my subscription has continued to be billed and paid for six months now. Can’t see my three credit bureau score without upgrading to a $25 / month version. Customer Service is AI Voice Response - none of the options have anything to do with the problem that I need help solving. Leads to a redirection to online help and or ends the call. On the few times that I connected with a human, there was clearly an English comprehension problem - and - the representative was seeking my personal information manually after I had entered much of the most sense information already. In one case, I could hear children in the background as if the person was working from home. I wasn’t comfortable proving my extended personal information to someone verbally under those circumstances. My solution is to cancel my subscription and not do business with Experian any longer. Shameful customer service from a company that is asking us to trust them to protecting our identities. Steer clear.
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5 years ago, Imyopusha
App is buggy. Customer service is terrible.
Downloaded this app to help improve my credit score. I locked my credit then unlocked it to try to apply for another credit card. Got a notification that the CC company couldn’t run a credit report because my Experian report was locked. It was not locked, I made sure of that. Had to search around for the number to talk to an actual person because the number they provide only gives you automated options. Finally got in the queue to talk to someone, waited 15 minutes and explained to the lady (who was clearly not from the US) and explained the situation to her. She answers with “there’s no lock on your credit,” so had to explain the situation AGAIN to her, which she then proceeds to check if there are any locks on my credit (SERIOUSLY?). As I’m trying to explain AGAIN the situation, the call drops. I get no call back from anyone and waited in line again for 10 minutes (and I’m at work this whole time) and decide to just hang up. PLEASE get better customer service. I don’t care if you outsource but if they can’t understand what I’m trying to explain, there’s a huge disconnect and it only make your customers even more frustrated.
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5 years ago, Santiago Fuego
Awesome Credit App
Prior to using Experian’s credit app, I used Credit Wise from Capital One. In rebuilding my credit I wanted to monitor my credit accordingly and make the right moves to increase my score. Maybe, there is a glitch with CreditWise but my score always sucked no matter what I did. Paying on time, minimizing my utilization my score was horrible. I switched to Experian and my score was decent. Experian gave an accurate reflection of all my hard work and financial discipline. I love Experian Boost, which basically rewards you for things that you always pay such as rent and my celular bill. I also, like the credit card recommendations they send you as your Credit improves. With this feature I can know what cards I am more likely to be approved for. Finally they also make it super easy to check for any erroneous information on my report and have it disputed within 30 days. Experian is by far the best credit app on the market today.
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3 years ago, starryrg
Was a Great app but it no longer works
The app is great, clean, intuitive, and easy to navigate. It has improved greatly since it began and as an app by itself it is very enjoyableAnd easily worth a five star rating. However my only drawback is the cost per month for all three credit bureau‘s. Most banks, checking accounts, and credit cards now offer you free limited credit profile views. I get quite a few options with the app but it is hardly worth paying a monthly subscription anymore. If it was 20 or $30 a year, I would consider it a value. But not the monthly fee that I’m paying now. I’ve only continued to use it because I was originally paying for a private service through my bank for the same and was automatically transferred/enrolled when they stopped the service. I’ve done it for years to watch my credit. Now I am heavily considering no longer subscribing since the two basic functions of current score and credit file protection notifications are free for me on three other apps/banks I now have. Update: the app no longer works and keeps crashing. I updated the app and it still keeps crashing.
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4 years ago, Averym7
Keeps me up to date, almost. But .....
Let’s me know in latent real time what’s going on with my credit. But offers very little real help in combatting incorrect information or recently helping to dispute a late payment with my mortgage which my bank has already written a letter to and they ignored. If Experian were to be really on the consumer side they would over ride the false late reporting, supported by Chase Bank. I haven’t missed a payment on anything in 4 years. Stay away from Sunwest Mortgage; not consumer friendly, they do not do digital notifications or secure email unless it suits them. They also keep you on hold for hours, constantly transferring you, never really helping to see all data or see the big picture. Had they properly communicated a transaction that “hung”, I wouldn’t have to waste my time correcting a mistake which could have been easily resolved with modern communication. So when Experian can be objective, I would improve my rating; now they are just complacent in this issue.
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4 years ago, steveymark
Experian is the worst
Experian will lower my credit score for no reason. All my payments are made on time, credit usage will be low, not one thing will be done differently and yet they will lower my score.I will check my score with the other two majors and it will be up but yet experian sees fit to lower it. And they are always recommending that I get a new credit card from one of their partners. But their partners charge an annual fee and interest on all purchases. And their “boost” is a joke the other two majors have my score at a higher level without having a “boost”. They constantly tell me that another credit card may help my score but when I got another card they lowered my score. They more than likely lowered it because the card I got was not from one of their “partners “. One day after emailing them to point out their BS they dropped my score 6 points and deleted my boosted account. This is an update; one day after writing the above review, experian dropped my score by 14 points! Another update; the first time I was critical of experian they dropped my score by 6 points and deleted my boosted account. This occurred the day after sending them a criticizing email.
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5 years ago, deesmooth92
Horrible, I can’t even get in
So I downloaded this app thinking it was my first time using it, but according to them it’s not, so I had to get my login info, which wasn’t hard. But everytime I sign in, it tells me to complete my registration info, which I do, but then once I finish that, it takes me back to the screen for me to sign in again, and then I just complete the same process over and over again. Tried contacting the customer service number on the app, but of course you can’t get through to ANYONE and instead you have to listen to a audio recording telling you the exact same thing that already isn’t working. When I tried to change my password again on the customer service line, they were supposed to email me a link to do so, which I have yet to receive. I’m like 95% sure that I’ve never even used this service before (I don’t have ANY emails from them, not even from the past when I search through my old emails) so the fact that I’m even going through this is baffling and the horrible customer service isn’t helping at all. It’s like it’s letting me sign in, but it’s not at the same time and just has me going in circles. Just stupid.
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4 years ago, Papasamurai8
A Very Useful App
Knowledge is potential power. One big problem I had in trying to become a better steward of my finances was to know my current credit score. Seeing that a good score provides ready access to securing any big purchases, I realized that I needed a reliable app to know, at least, where I stand credit-wise. The Experian app provides me this opportunity. It’s very useful. The app allows me to see all three credit scores. Moreover, it shows what financial activities are helping and hurting my credit score. Finally, the Experian app gives me alerts as to what is happening with my credit information in real time. This useful information helps me rethink my purchases and it’s potential impact on my credit rating. As a result of this knowledge, my credit score increased from the low 500’s to the mid 700’s in about three years. I recommend this app to anyone who is serious about obtaining a better credit score.
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2 years ago, starwarskid74
Why ?????
Yes it is a nice app but needs improvement needs to give more examples and walk you through how to improve your credit and why your credit has dropped or increased doesn’t seem to give enough explanation as to why and I don’t feel that the average consumer gets enough information beans the credit card companies the banks they make up all these different scales as to one record one credit card corporation might only ding you three points another one might ding you eight points it makes no logical sense it’s like going to the grocery store and knowing that 16 ounces equals a pound and then someone says well here’s a pound of flour but it’s only 10 ounces well here’s a pound of grapes but it’s only 15 ounces well here’s a pound of strawberries and that might be 8 ounces I mean it’s a crazy thingAnd then if you do something wrong with your credit they instantly ding your credit score but if you do something right well then it takes about 45 days for them to change it on average but it’s not gonna be instant I think it should be equal 45 days if you do something that helps you 45 days if you do something that hurts you
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3 years ago, 31.jay follow me
Very late on reporting credit info and won’t give score.
Creditwise, rocket mortgage, and other financial companies present my credit score, report, and credit history immediately upon demand and with ease. My credit score had been risen 3 times as reported everywhere else, and even my financial advisor can get my credit score easily when I ask. But for some reason, Experian won’t show my score and reports my credit usage very late, like a week after my actual score changes. Literally everywhere else updates me every 7 days. When I made my Experian account 3 years ago, it’s always and to this day has said “Score unavailable” why?? My credit score was 643, then 645, now 647 as stated on equifax, transunion, and creditwise (over course of a month) but Experian? Nope! “CREDIT UNAVAILABLE NOT ENOUGH ACCOUNT OR HISTORY BLAH BLAH. CAN’T BELIEVE I PAID MONEY TO SUBSCRIBE TO NO OUTCOME. EVERYONE ELSE GIVES MY ACCURATE SCORE AND HISTORY BUT YOU EXPERIAN. It’s crazy how rocket mortgage, a freaking HOME buying company can give my credit score and history faster and more accurate than Experian, an app designed just for that. Good day.
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5 years ago, Ange613
Little to no customer service
I was really enjoying this app! I recently purchased a new phone and I have been unable to log back in to the Experian app since. I have contacted the customer service number multiple times. It loops you to where you never get a live person. The automated messages continually tell me to log in for assistance, but I can’t log in! I even tried email prompts and changing my password. Not sure what else to do! I am still getting email alerts about “changes to my credit” but I can’t log in to see them. Such a bummer. Prior to this issue, I was a fan of the app and the conveniences it offered in keeping me on track with my credit monitoring. I felt secure knowing that if there was ever an issue, I’d be alerted right away. I have been pretty frustrated with my attempts to make contact with someone who can assist me in gaining access to my account again!
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5 years ago, Mike$erda
Credit score increase of 80 points
Since downloading the Experian app and being able to explore all of my account balances, installment accounts & balances, & collections on my credit report, I’ve paid all collections off and have been closely monitoring my report. Since I first downloaded the app, about 3 months ago now, by being very proactive and dumping a bunch of money into my accounts and erasing collections my score has shot up 80 points over the three months and continues to rise every time a new score update is available. This is all because now I am working towards having optimal credit so I can refinance my car and maybe even purchase a house. Having good credit definitely makes your life much easier, so if you care about your credit score, this will help you monitor it and put your money somewhere it should go so that it will be beneficial to you later. Thank you for reading.
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1 year ago, jan5767
Credit Score vs Aging Population
Credit Scores are a necessary evil but they are biased against the older population. My wife and I have $195K in retirement income, $2.5M in 401s, $2M in savings $1M in stocks, $2M in Tax-Free Bonds, and houses/property. So we don’t borrow money and pay off our debt at the end of the month. Historically, we had several organizational credit cards: Sears, JCP, Dillard, Shell, Belk, Lowe’s, etc but decades of bankruptcies and corporate failures have reduced these cards to only one card. Added to this is the financial organizations belief that older customers are a higher risk than younger customers and credit limits are reduced even if you have an excellent credit history. Recently, we were going to buy kitchen appliances and we were offered a discount if we used a company credit card. We applied and were granted a card with a $1K credit limit! The appliances were back ordered so I charged them on another credit card with a 12 month “No Interest” option. Our credit ultilization increased even though the appliances were back ordered and we did not have to pay for the purchase for 12 months. I do not need a car loan, a mortgage, or a personal loan but I get offers for these services daily. Perhaps, it would be better for companies that to target their advertising toward the population that needs these services.
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3 years ago, TrevorPoulakis
Experian is great, simple as that.
This app is awesome. It’s so easy to use my 4 year old could navigate around it. It gives you tips on how to boost your credit score that actually help, it allows you to link small easy to keep up with bills to your credit, it puts you in contact with lenders that will give you a credit card with good rates and it provides you with update info on your credit score regularly. Experian is the perfect app to use if you’re young and trying to build your credit up like me. I’ve been using the Experian app for about a year now, my credit was in the high 500’s when I started. After 1 year of using it I’m in the mid 700’s. I literally couldn’t even get a $500 payday loan a year ago, now I have a mortgage with an amazing rate. If you’re not using Experian to get ahead in your life you’re a flat out simp. Good luck chumps.
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1 year ago, RichOlivera
Great app, until it started with fluff notifications
I’ve been using this app for around 8-10 years. It would send me useful notifications about my credit profile and potential issues as soon as they popped up. But over the past few years, they started sending fluff notifications about credit card offers and “great credit utilization”. These are not useful notifications. I tried to filter the less useful notifications, but there isn’t an option to do so. So if I want to be kept aware of any potential problems, I have to accept their garbage/fluff notifications as well. I’m sure they are getting some kind of financial compensation for pimping out credit cards, but if I pay for a service, I expect to not be the product they sell to others. This is classic double dipping. They shouldn’t be in the credit card offer market when we rely on them for credit report info and credit profile maintenance. Great app/service otherwise.
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6 years ago, Chel206
Real Time Alerts & Feedbacks
Experian provides real time alerts regarding changes to my credit file. I’m immediately able to check any updates to stay on top of my file. This recently helped me make the decision to change a long-time insurer. I questioned the lack of change in rate based on tenure and other factors. The insurer claimed to have performed a “comprehensive” review including credit review. This did not appear on my Experian file, which the insurer claimed to have utilized. Based on my inability to substantiate the insurer’s claim, I moved on to another insurer and lowered my rate by 25+% while increasing my coverage. I find Experian user friendly (it helped me to review the tips). Most importantly, it’s an effective tool in allowing me to model my credit scenario and steadily strengthen my credit score. It’s been a worthwhile investment for the 1 Starbucks/per week I decided to give up!!
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5 years ago, Blue-Melody1
Experience the Best
A lot of the times your credit rating moves as slow as a snail. You try your best to be a good consumer and be consistent with your financial situation. Being a senior on a fixed income which dwindling faster than you can keep up with all involved. Experian has been fair and makes me feel that my efforts handling my finances makes me feel I still matter and at least doing fair when others of the triad rate me poor or less. I am not behind in any of my accounts and I have a car note that is more than 50% paid off on a fixed income on disability as well as paid off almost all my accounts except 3. Experian allows me to keep track of this mess and make sense of it and keeps me from throwing in the towel like a lot of folks have had to do in my situation. I have had to make slot of sacrifices to keep my credit profile where it is. Thanks for the help!!
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3 years ago, BobbyJohnson123
Gets the Job Done as a Simple Non-Premium User
I downloaded the app wanting one simple job: to check my credit score and to know if any accounts have been fraudulently opened in my name. So far, it’s been a smooth experience. Yes, sometimes the scores will differ from other credit cards or companies, but it’s really dependent on the type of scoring model they use. A lot of car dealerships and mortgages like to use Fico 8, which Experian also uses. I’ve found they tend to be more conservative than my credit cards, which is a great problem, as it means Experian shows my “worst case” credit score which is oftentimes lower than what many companies have pulled from me. They also have a lot of useful information for people new to credit cards, and it’s been an incredibly valuable resource to me. The app’s 4.8/5 rating is well deserved
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3 years ago, snowies -pals
I like when you can check your credit anytime and see what’s going on I froze my credit do you to Social Security card and other important documents got lost with all my information only thing would be really great as win you tell them that this account has increased and you might have the name of the bank well it would help more if you would give the name of the card or what the account is from Mike’s at Home Depot Home Depot alone from Hawaii when I said things go OK what Did I open because you don’t pay attention and then even though they have the name of the bank you have to go look at my cards or the bank statement for the statement from credit cards but it would be nice like Home Depot and you know the name or the billing from and then whether increase decrease crystal girl I fishy thank you very much
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4 years ago, princess morebucks
Excited AND Amazed
After learning of Experian Boost I did a ton of research and was both excited and ready to give it a try. I haven’t had the best track record as it pertains to managing my credit and ensuring I am in a good and healthy financial position but decided I wanted that to change. In the hour that I have been with the program I have boosted my score 78 points, utilized simulations available via the app to see decisions I CAN make to continually increase the health of my credit, learned the unhealthy decisions I have made which have affected me negatively,been matched with lenders to “thicken” my “thin” file, and enrolled in credit lock/monitoring. The research I did on this product betrayed the ACTUALITY of how great and much needed this product REALLY is! I, with the utmost sincerity, highly recommend EVERYONE, regardless of your credit health, to enroll in Experian Boost. You are doing yourself a great disservice in NOT researching and joking for yourself!!!
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2 years ago, RAHGoddess
Great App
I absolutely love Experian app. I use to dread looking at my credit score because I didn’t understand it or how credit works. This app has made it so easy to understand and it’s very friendly to navigate and I feel safe and secure with it. I love the offers it gives and suggestions for boosting your scores or even checking the other scores from the other bureaus. I haven’t experienced any bugs or things needing repair in this app it truly is efficient. I love checking my credit score now and it has become part of my regular things to do. I’ve watched my credit score go from a 518 to now a 622 in 6-7 months and within this process I’ve use this app to watch my Credit score grow as I continue to repair and rebuild my credit. Way to go Experian I’m looking forward to my credit growing even farther with you.
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3 years ago, Bleshnicough
Score isn’t accurate?
At first I was very pleased to be using The app. Over time the score gradually increased and things were looking good. I waited to apply for certain things until I thought my score would help considerably. In my experience almost all major things I apply for pull from Experian so I thought it was a smart move. Once I applied for something I waited for a response. A couple weeks later I got a letter in the mail saying I was denied. The credit score on the paper I was sent said they did pull from Experian and the score they showed was 40-50 points BELOW what the app showed. I checked my history in the app and it never dropped that low during the time I used the app. I tried contacting support and my response back was regarding how the creditor may not use a FICO score or Experian. The paper did not say FICO anywhere but if that is the case it would be nice to have more than just a FICO score in the app so you could see the majority of the type of scores lenders and creditors would use.
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2 years ago, Trixie Divergent
It is impossible to talk with a specialist
Despite that the application is basic and works good, there is a loop when you try/need to create a dispute. There are different way to contact them. However, none of them work. If the email is selected, it is said that they take a full month to answer; in fact they never answer. If you select the option of a phone call, there is a machine that no matter why you called, it never will connect you to a specialist or representative. It is no fair that the credit of the people can be affected for different reasons or mistakes and it is not possible to report or dispute those mistakes!!! While it is possible to get the credit fixed on the other credit bureaus, Experian is always unavailable or machine assisted which makes this bureau the worst of them.
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1 year ago, MOOSE 51
Moving forward
I’m really impressed on how easy it is to see all my credit history and how easily I can take control of my life by seeing my credit history. I can straighten out things that are incorrect on my credit report and also add whatever information to make it correct. To be able to see my credit report and see my credit score whenever I want is amazing. I have literally watched my credit scores go up right in front of my eyes. I have disputed things on my report and I was notified when they were finished with their investigation. I am aware of any and all changes that occur at all times. I get credit card offers that tells me of my chances of getting the offers. You also get credit help if you need it all in this app. I don’t like most apps but I love ❤️ this one.
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3 years ago, Other fees and taxes
True and accurate reporting
I can appreciate the utilization of application, but honestly I can not understand why does a credit agency, such as yours, promote accurate and secure reporting when , in fact, you don’t. I have followed your rules and regulations as well as proper procedures in initiating several disputes , only to have and issues that have been legally resolved and proven to be no longer reported , to remain on my report for on going now for 17+ years and will remain on my report for another 3 years. How is that fair credit reporting? Not taking into account the insurmountable damage this has caused me to have. And please note there is nothing that can be done about this issue except to say “ oh well !” If I could, I would love to tell the media , in fact, anyone who would care to know what your company does to their customers, who never asked to be rated in the first place. Thank you for your time to express on my feedback . A especially thank you for nothing these past 17+years!!!
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9 months ago, dottielucia
Experience Credit Bureau
I haven’t been on the website in a while. I already knew that my credit score was increasing through my bank account and it is now the same score as my bank. I’m not sure what scale that you are using but according to my bank credit specialist at which I checked twice, said my score is higher than the Experian, and Equifax. I’m not sure about my score with TransUnion yet however I am going to check after I finish this email. Your Experian app seems like there’s some new added features. I think it’s great! However, the one thing that I think should be considered to be reviewed and revamped is the despite process. I think there is not enough room to explain why you are actually disputing the things that are on your credit report. I do like the fact that the dispute process is easy and they get it resolved in a timely manner. But some of the disputes are clearly resolved by stating “ take off. “ But, the the others are acknowledged that those disputes have been reviewed but, the wording is unclear in my opinion. I also want to say that I am glad that Experian has a 1 (800) phone number at which I have used one time a few months ago. I’m going to use again next Monday since I have been on the app in a while. Thank you for reading my email! Dorothy Warrick
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6 years ago, 85% happy
Overall good to have
I am a bit obsessive about keeping my credit score in good shape, so I appreciate having this service. I do recommend it overall, as it has helped me over the years to see if something suspect is going on and to know where my credit and debt stands. Yes, it’s a worthwhile tool I use weekly and I will continue to use this service. This is more for corporate.... the new app isn’t as great or user friendly as the old version. I was forced to sign up for the new version, when the old version stopped working. I was looking forward to some noticeable upgrades, only to find a big credit card sign up suggestion section taking up most of the page. It’s more annoying than helpful. I hope you guys make some improvements, as I see I’m not the only customer feeling this way.
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3 years ago, db17566
Contradictory advice
I paid for the premium. Following the advice of Experian I took their suggestions seriously as I am trying to repair my credit. Receiving the congratulations, “ your credit score has improved” usually like 2 or 3 points. It was self validation it was getting better. Then I received a notification that my score dropped over 30 points! 3 months and without warning I was back to a score I had 2 years ago. When I asked “what could have happened” the email response started with “we cannot advise on individual situations” yet everyday I received “individual suggestions”. The email continued to list all the reasons a credit score can plunge…… all of the suggestions I followed to improve my score. I called one time and the lady said “what is it your wanting me to do?” In a very harsh tone. My resolution: Since it isn’t individualized, regardless of my “personalized emails, the money spent on this app would be best spent on decreasing personal debt not enabling an app that cannot actually review my account to offer explanations.
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4 years ago, 4 stars ok funish
Extortion and racism
Hmmm.... Let’s get this right? I join and give you money, or I choose credit cards that you recommend; from banks that pay you money. Then my credit score is boosted? Otherwise, I will pay higher interest rates and fees, including simple things that have nothing to do with my credit worthiness (ie auto insurance) over my lifetime. Sounds like extortion, usury, and probably a small amount of racism seeing whom credit scores have the most negative impact on, (BLM or do they Experian?). My score did improve and immediately “the boost” dropped back to what it started as soon as I quit the service. This all happened as my on time payments, debt to available credit, and credit history improved over a year. All the other credit agencies show it improved? I thought there was loyalty and communication among thieves? You guys are just a gear in the corrupt machine, but still part of the machine. Look at all your security breeches, inaccuracies, and consumers turning to Congress for your industry’s unwillingness to fix them. If this review doesn’t somehow disappear, stay away from this SCAM.
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10 months ago, Ms.Britches
Easy way toLock and monitor your credit
I got a notification from a doctors office somewhere and they paid for a year of the service for me to monitor my credit. However, I found out that there is a free option where I can put a freeze on my credit and open it for certain things when I want to, and keep it locked down otherwise. super easy and I would recommend. I do not have my bank account and stuff attached to it because it freaks out every time I pay my rent which is stupid. Because my rent is a large amount. it also freaks out when I pay my credit card payments and stuff because it thinks there’s too much money moving in and out of my account. Which is none of the business so I would not attach my bank account but for monitoring credit cards yes
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3 years ago, Steve-oS13
Doesn’t work, no help
I’ve never written an app review..ever but I felt the need to now. The app is completely useless for me since March 2021. My score has changed as indicated on my notifications and my account via desktop. The app doesn’t update my information. I get no notifications any longer, my score hasn’t been refreshed since March (it’s now almost September). A New update came out and it added a dashboard that now shows my correct score but my accounts aren’t updated and the reports show the wrong score so the app itself is messed up. If I log in via a web browser all the info is correct and the score is refreshed every 30 days. I’ve been using this app for years and now suddenly I’m having issues. I’ve reached out multiple times with nothing resolved, no answers and I haven’t heard a response from anyone regarding the issue. I don’t know what the developers did in March for my iPhone X but it rendered the Experian app 100% useless and that’s frustrating.
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3 years ago, Squigmond Froyd
Overpriced Scam
Imagine my surprise when, after years paying a $21 monthly fee for the “top tier” of this Experian service, I apply for a mortgage and learn that this app was reporting a FICO score that was 20 points higher than what the bank saw when they pulled my credit report. Experian plays to your vanity and ignorance to get you to pay for higher tier services you don’t need. I never needed “24/7 Access” to my credit report, but I had to dig through two or three layers of menus to learn of the $5 and free levels providing weekly or monthly access respectively. On top of all that, this app doesn’t update your credit report in real time. It’s been a month since I refinanced my mortgage and purchased a new automobile. Four weeks and neither transaction has shown up in the so called “real time credit reporting” boasted by this app. If you download this app, by all means stick with the free basic level of service. It’s the only level where you’ll get what you pay for.
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1 year ago, devja88
Paying to get data mined
This app does nothing but data mine it’s users with little to no benefit whatsoever. Each and every time the ‘Boost’ runs, it just turns up a “Well, it didn’t boost your score this time…….. but why don’t we just sell your data to a million different personal loan and credit card companies? How’s that sound, champ? Little bucko? Bestest bud?” And it’s all utter nonsense! Dispute anything? Oh, no we can’t possibly do it on the app! Why don’t you call every single customer service agent across 3 reporting bureaus? Let’s break this down into the most irreducible reality: it is a membership based, data mining tool. We are being asked to give them the privilege of assembling a ridiculously personalized advertisement AND pay for it at the same time. It’s like a reverse Ponzi scheme and it’s been made out to be completely legitimate. The reality couldn’t be further from the truth! This is a tool that creditors use to sell, track, and ostensibly engineer an environment where your entire financial profile itself becomes a product!
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3 years ago, Corpsmantc
No value added
Connected my bank accounts. Every day thereafter I received several notifications a day that my accounts were disconnected. Troubleshooting only offered the “tip” that my bank credentials were incorrect. The bank I've had for years has incorrect credentials for me, and not the app I downloaded last week. Numerous alerts that’s repeated even after turning them off manually, which was a hassle by itself. No option for me to change to 4-digit of face unlocking with this version, no ability to update. I had to type in full logon information each time and with 25+ erroneous notifications per day I had to logon a lot. No product offerings or value added service whatsoever. It gave me my credit score and was the most work I’ve ever gone through to obtain in. All in all this was an utterly useless app. Update: Contacting me after the fact to offer “support” while offering no support when it was needed does nothing for anyone. Not changing my review, the service was simply garbage.
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2 months ago, Phil7538739975246884
Very bad experience with Experian
Lately my credit score dropped to 25 points at only once. I contacted several times Experian and TransUnion but both of them was unable to tell me the reason. After consulting an BOFA agent of my bank I realised that Experian had added old accounts on the credit score booster so after several months these no active accounts showed up as no paid and the Credit Reports heavily blamed me. Experian is ENTIRELY responsible for that issue. Now because of them, not only my credit score have dropped and lost 25 points but for the lenders I show like a bad payer. Lately I received an email from Experian mentioning that they are going to remove the old accounts from the booster but not only one time they recognized their big mistake. Shame on them. If they do nothing to fix my issue I'm going to delete my account with them and disable my bank access to them. I am very upset because over the time I have patiented for so long to gain these 25 points but Experian made me lost them in a mili-second.
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