Word Connect ¤

4.8 (1.4M)
273.1 MB
Age rating
Current version
ZenLife Games Pte. Ltd.
Last update
3 months ago
Version OS
11.0 or later
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User Reviews for Word Connect ¤

4.8 out of 5
1.4M Ratings
6 years ago, An unhappy mommy
Feeling frustrated😕 No more videos to earn coins?
You have Not responded to Me to help me rectify the problem? I am so frustrated. I love this game,but can no longer play? I even tried deleting it from my phone and hoping to download again and start over from level 1,but every time it puts me right back to level 1444 where I left off? The reason I’m frustrated is..because I purchased an Easter theme and apparently the purchase included taking away the ability to watch the video ads to earn coins? I had NO IDEA that was part of my purchase? Obviously I need to watch videos at this level to earn coins,so I can get hints to help me but I can’t? So the solution I had was to start from scratch at level 1,so I’d have the ads again,but everytime you take me back to level 1444 where I left off? Why can’t I start all over if I want to? I don’t understand your app? Please help me:( I’m so frustrated:( Most games “apps” give you the option to continue with the game you saved or start new but you don’t:(
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7 years ago, Snortalicious
It’s okay for me
The game keeps me occupied when I need a distraction. It does however need a few ‘bugs’ worked out and changes that I would make were it my game to change. It’s very annoying when you have tried a word several times already that don’t seem to be correct but when you decide once more because your brain dead and out of options...it’s the very word that works. That’s the ‘bug’ or glitch that I was referring to. As for the changes; either change the daily challenge where it states you can or will win a huge bonus. It’s small and limited. Why state a point system for the length of each word on the daily bonus? You don’t receive said points for those words, you only receive 10/20 points. It’s a disappointment and misleading. Why bother to strive for the best points when the lesser counts as the same? Now, I understand that this game is for ages 4 and up so the review that I read complaining about it not being challenging enough, just find something else and move on. Not everyone is going to at the same levels. However, I played long enough that the game did ask if I was ready for more challenging puzzles. I’m an intelligent person who now has some issues with losing words as I am speaking. I can’t remember even what to say when trying to talk about the sofa so I’ll just explain what I’m talking about until my brain finds the word sofa again.( just an example) so this new chapter is great and hopefully helping me.
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1 year ago, shoejunkie72
Pros & Cons
PROS: I love this game. I’ve had it since it first came about. I’ve played it so much that I run out of new levels each time and have to wait for the next update to get more levels. I like the contests and challenges. This game is fun, and keeps your mind active in a good way. Once you get used to odd words (this game is global, after all), it is addictive. CONS: it won’t accept some words that work in the spots. I’ve had it reject 3 viable words in a single round, same letter amount. Spelling was correct. And on the weekend challenge (Friday night through Sunday night)…. I swear some weeks it is rigged. Like now. I was really working on it. I was in first place, & was 1,500 points ahead of the next player. In 10 minutes’ time, the player behind me was 300 points Ahead of me? Impossible. They would have had to gain 1,800 points in Ten minutes! That is not possible. If we are all playing the same challenge with the same words on the same levels, it just isn’t possible for a person to go that fast. That is why I am giving only 4 stars instead of 5. Great game, and I’m a good sport. But they need to at least make the contest believable.
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6 years ago, MochaMinx
Disappointed, not as advertised
If the game that downloaded for me is what someone is looking for, then it’s a nice job of it, thus my middle-mark rating. But I downloaded this game from seeing an ad in another game... I’m on level 30 and still haven’t seen anything at all like what interested me from the ad. I’ve looked all over, and I don’t even have that orange puzzle option icon on Home screen (the pic shown in the App Store here has it, but it’s not on my game). I even saw the same ad for itself while playing this game, so I tried clicking to install, thinking maybe I somehow got the wrong version... nope, it said I already had the game from the ad. I’ve also already checked for updates and there are none. I wanted to play the scrolling word hunt game from the ad. Instead, I only have another version of a game I already had. Maybe puzzle modes unlock at some higher level?? If so, it should be mentioned, as I’m not interested in playing on and on hoping that maybe the next level will finally get me into the game I thought I downloaded. Again, nice execution for a simple Boggle-type word making game, if that is what you are after. I’m just still looking for the fun, but different, scrolling word search game I saw advertised.
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2 years ago, SteelersGal4Ever
This game annoys me
**EDIT** I am now beyond ticked off at the developers of this game. Do they not have access to a dictionary on their internet? Why do they not accept perfectly good, NORMAL words that other apps do? Just… WHY? Yes. I did rant about this below, but as I am sitting here waiting some place and decided to play a game, and it tossed out so darn many everyday words I thought my eyes would cross, I had had it. I have played games where I had upwards of THIRTY extra words! I love word games… when they let you use words that YOU know are *real* and are in every dictionary or thesauruses l but the one the developers used to create this game. I’m tired of basically having a warning buzzer beep me and say “WRONG! THAT’S NOT A WORD!” when I know it darn well is. The other annoyance is when I put a word in and the game says “NOPE!” but later, after using points for clues… what word(s) should fill in those blanks but the ones I was told “NOPE!” about? Yeahhhhhh… you guessed it. Ticks me off every time, and it just happened so I’m doing this review… which I pretty much never do, but it’s the principle of the thing. All my other *word games* accept all “real words” and their plurals. This one does not. Why, I wonder? Feeling cranky, might delete.
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4 years ago, ElijahSnow4
So close but so frustrating
The sad part is that this has the potential to be a really good game. The basic idea is smart, and they have done a lot of good work coming up with different variations of play so that it stays interesting. But the game is borderline unplayable because of the ridiculous inconsistency in which words it will accept as legitimate. It’s bad enough that the game cannot decide from level to level whether plurals or past tense of words are acceptable. But what makes the game really unplayable is that so many legitimate words will not be accepted by one level, but then on the very next level those words are the ones that you are supposed to choose in order to advance. I don’t know if this is some sort of coding incompetence on the part of the game designers, or if it is supposed to be some clever aspect of gameplay, but regardless of what the explanation is, it stops me from playing this game every single day. I will play it for a while and then get to the point where I can no longer stand to have legitimate words rejected all the time. I’m sure the developers don’t read these reviews, but if you work for this company and you’re reading this, fix your damned game.
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6 years ago, Antique Teacher
Good Idea, but needs work!
I enjoy this game, but I'm frustrated by the word list. They claim to allow you to select and play different versions. I selected American, but find many simple words that are not on the word list (you supposedly get points when you find extra words). An example of a word the game does not accept is odor. Another not considered a word is tire. Some of the acceptable words are proper names. Very little consistency. I sometimes need to find a word randomly or by using hints (which they make money on) and each of those words, when I look them up in "The Free Dictionary" app, is listed as British yet I'm supposed to be playing the American English version. Why offer those options if you aren't going to follow them? I wrote the creators 3 times, but have never been afforded the courtesy of a response. No improvement months later. Very disappointing. Because they obviously don’t know American English, they shouldn’t offer it as an option. They claim to be working on it, but there’s been no improvement in 6 months! “Nous” and “anion” American words? How about zairian?! “Kerb”. A word in the American version. I KEEP WAITING FOR IT TO IMPROVE! STILL WAITING. Just had WRYING on level 1485. It’s not in any of the 3 dictionaries I have!
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7 years ago, Pinksweetpotato77
Misled & Disappointed
I have seen the ad for this game numerous times while playing other apps-it looked like a fun word search game, so I decided to download it from the ad. I was looking forward to a different type of word game, but I was disappointed-it’s not a word search at all. It’s just like the game Word Cookie (which I already have and enjoy). I played several levels to see if a word search-like level came up, but I didn’t see one. I suppose I should have previewed Word Connect in the App Store first. In fact, another app ad car up while I was playing this app that looked much like that of Word Connect. This time I DID look it up in the App Store first, but it was the same situation all over again! These app ads are very misleading not what their ads portray at all. Is this misrepresentation a big deal in the grand scheme of things? No. However, why mislead your audience with one ad when an ad for the real app would’ve sufficed? There are so many app developers out there that copy/rip off other apps for themselves. The only reason I gave it a second star is because if you’re looking for a game such as Word Cookie, Word Connect is a fun alternative. Yet, if you’re looking for a word search like the ad implies, this isn’t it.
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5 years ago, EagleTRL57
Very frustrating
Third review: totally frustrated with the spelling accuracy. Had five common words that were not allowed, when I finally stumbled on the word that worked, it wasn’t in their or any dictionary I could find. I guess you get what you pay for. Obviously, the developers don’t read or care about these reviews. Update: spelling in this app is getting worse and worse. Simple words like bing are not recognized and about half the words that I have not heard if are not even in the app dictionary. Gotta wonder when a game spells a word that it cant even find in its own dictionary. This app is very inconsistent in spelling accuracy, legitimate words and especially plurals. The letter patterns repeat frequently, but words that worked one time don’t work the next. I appreciate the dictionary feature, which allows me to learn new words, but often times the words required to solve a level are not even in the dictionary. The app shows an option to provide feedback, but doesn’t allow because no email address is supposedly available and there is no option to configure an email address. I thought the feedback option for missing words would be helpful, but from all appearances, you enter the words and they just disappear or are ignored
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3 years ago, Rusty'smom
Good game
I have played this game for a couple of years and I enjoy it. In fact I actually finished all the cross word levels. Keep hoping they will add more levels. I do enjoy playing but I do have several things that I wish would change. One thing is that I think you should earn coins for each level that you play. It doesn’t have to be a huge payout but it’s a bit disappointing when you finish 7 levels of approximately 6+ words per level and you only get 30 coins? I get more coins doing the daily level than doing the regular levels. In fact for a long time I only did the daily levels just to collect coins. Another thing, 120 coins for a letter? That’s a bit much. Also I agree with others that have posted about words that are in no dictionary I have available. There are many words that I don’t have a clue what they are included and then there are everyday words that the game won’t accept. I plan on continuing playing the game as I enjoy the challenge. Just throw us players a little love now & again
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5 years ago, handicapped1
This game is great and challenging.
Hello my name is Lagina Wooding. I enjoyed this game so much. It was hard even though I’m college educated. It kept me thinking critically all the time. I have to thank my late grandmother Florence Martha Baltimore McGuffin and my uncle Henderson Eugene Hall and his children Fernandus, Patrick, Shawn and Marilyn Hall for all their support. Aunt Maxilee Williams I would not be a High School graduate with out you. Yes I’m far away from my family but I keep y’all in my Thomson’s thoughts and prayers everyday. Aunt Max thanks for believing In me when I did not believe in myself. Uncle Wimpy thanks for never giving up on me. You and your mother gave me so much the only thing y’all wanted from me was that I get myself educated and that I stayed focused on School and college when I was there. At my age now I stay focused. Thanks to you you’re late mother. I thank God and Jesus Christ everyday for allowing me to have the family I have.
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5 years ago, MrCandor
Fun but frustrating with so many words not in database.
While I admit this is fun and helps to fill time it is also frustrating in that it took considerable time to add levels once I had exhausted those originally available. The other point of frustration is the lack of so many words that you would think should absolutely be in their database an example of this just happened this morning and I had letters that I needed to use to form words from and you receive points for doing so and while the letters N, R & U were a few of the letters that were available the word URN was not a valid answer. I did quit playing for some time since at one point you could watch advertisements to receive clues or you could use earned points to receive a clue but I quit when neither of these options were available and grew weary of not being able to move forward at all. Started playing again this morning since normally around the holidays they seem to be a bit better and have different events or contests that keep your interest.
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6 years ago, M. Wombat
Good with some issues
To start out, the game is fun. It’s a great time to kill some time, especially when you might only have a few minutes. But the issues I’ve seen (and they are there) begin with the inconsistency. It’s a giant pain when a word will work in one puzzle and not in the next. If it’s for bonus points I don’t understand how the game can not recognize a word it just gave me credit for a round or two before. The game has also recognized words like ‘bro’ but not a word like ‘eon’, which is actually a real word and not an abbreviation. I’ve also seen the game not recognize a word but then accept it if you enter it again. The other issue I have is the ads. SO MANY ADS. They show one after every single puzzle, which sometimes might be less than 20 seconds apart if you’re doing the daily challenges since they’re so short. And if you put the game away and reopen it later mid puzzle... another ad. I understand the need for revenue but it’s a little excessive and I can see it turning players away. That aside it is a fun game and I do enjoy playing it. I just think it could be improved.
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7 years ago, Pez4me42
Fun game, but has its flaws
It is fun and addicting. Well worth paying to remove the ads. However, the levels are often recycled, just with different word lengths to find. It can be difficult to trace the letters and I often find that one of the letters of a word I was trying to make has dropped off or an extra letter has been selected because they were too close together. It would be nice to have a “tap to select” option. I’ve seen many reviews that are frustrated about common words not being accepted in one level and acceptable in another. Yes, this is annoying. Especially when it is totally inconsistent about plural words. But for me the most annoying part is the constant pestering to turn on notifications. I have them turned off on almost all of my apps. That is how I want it. I have it turned off for this app both in device settings and in game settings, yet every day after playing the daily challenge it asks yet again if I want to turn on notifications! There really needs to be a “stop asking me” option here.
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5 years ago, pignaciouspug
Disappointing but addictive
The game structure is effective and entertaining. The puzzles are poorly made and there is no consistency. I’m nearly at level 2000 and the games have gotten easier - it’s not a game that keeps challenging as you go up. Puzzle difficulty is all over the place. Some words are accepted as bonus words sometimes but not always. Some pretty basic words are never accepted. Mostly plurals are not accepted but then suddenly they might be. Not infrequently words appear to be made up or spelled incorrectly. The game dictionary will even say oops we don’t have a meaning for that when Ive checked. These consistent inconsistencies are infuriating. Sometimes Latin words are accepted, sometimes not. Occasionally Spanish words are accepted but mostly not. Sometimes place names at other times not. Often you’ll have a very easy puzzle and then a rare word such as the Latin genus for an animal is required! Abbreviations are frenquently accepted. It feels like a non-English speaking computer has compiled the puzzles. English is such a rich language. The game should have a set structure and more scholarly scope.
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6 years ago, DaytonaRich
Okay game - would be great with some improvements
There are many words that can be found in every American dictionary that are not recognized by the game, which is very frustrating. I would love to see an addition to the game that allows you to pull up a definition for the words. For example, if you enter a word but just can’t quite remember its meaning - just that it is a word- this game could turn into a learning experience if you allowed us to click on a word we have entered and get a short definition. Today when I opened up the game I received a notice that a newer version had been detected and asked if I wanted the game updated. I answered positively and was transferred to this site. There was no place to click on a button to update - just to open. When I chose “open” it brought me back to the same page asking if I wanted to update. Round and round I went until I declined the offer to update. If there is indeed an updated or new version, I can’t figure out how to access it!
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4 years ago, Mamacat92
Great game but needs some serious updating
This is a fun game and challenging at times, especially as you get in the higher levels. However, the dictionary needs some serious updating, they have words that I’ve never heard of, foreign terms and recently, frequently if you look to seem what the “definition”is and I do look them up, the dictionary can’t even tell you the meaning. Then at the same time it will not accept common words that everyone knows. My other complaint is that even though I have the paid subscription, many times my coins are not doubled as they are supposed to be, especially when I hit 111 on the daily. Finally you don’t always get the coins for spelling three levels with no mistakes. Again, as you go up in levels, these annoyances seem to become more prominent and frequent. Debating as to whether I want to continue with the game. I sure these are read by the developers so I doubt if I will be contacted or things will change. To bad, the game has been fun but is becoming more and more frustrating.
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4 years ago, go fogute
Word Challenge
This is the best of the Word games I especially appreciate the challenges; however 3 days for 1500 points - i wish you would win the points you earn. I also wish you would have one & 2 day challenges instead of 3 day. There is also a bug that is really annoying. For example some words that you know are words - it won’t count as a word. But later the same word Does count as a word. It is also annoying that the daily challenge frequently won’t let you put in words you know are words. It seems we can’t just make words with those letters but we need to make the specific words you set. It is frustrating. I also feel it is unfair to not give points after do many boards you have completed because you say I have completed them all. Yet you still offer me the boards: it isn’t fair diring the big challenges that some are given ongoing additional points as they solve the set of boards & those who play alot Don’t get that
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3 years ago, Babs42
Misleading ad caused me to download this game
I was really excited to download this game based on an ad I saw. I clicked on the ad and said download and viola got this game. IT IS NOT AT ALL what the ad was advertising. Why mislead the public like that? What do you get out of it other than bad reviews? I guess it is my fault for not reading up on the app before downloading it but I figured if I was following the link in the ad itself, how could I go wrong? Boy, did I learn my lesson. That all being said, this game does do what it says it will do when you read the description in the App Store. I stuck with it for many months and lots of levels, in fact I am still playing it. I had hopes that maybe there were mini-games hidden somewhere that did what I saw in the ads so I played and played, but alas, there are not. So I am disappointed about the false advertising. If there was a way to tell Apple about this, I would. But the game itself is a good game if you can buy off on some of the words that they say are words and works well, it is not overly loaded with ads itself and flows smoothly.
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4 years ago, TheCatThatSmilesBack
Good but many ads
It’s a great concept and really teaches me new words. For example, once I was searching for some words in the daily challenge and could only find a few, so I started trying to find a word by doing different combinations, and I discovered that umma is a word. It’s also great that, if you don’t understand a word you put, you can tap it and the meaning comes up. (If you finish the level/challenge and the last word doesn’t make sense, on the top right corner you can see an ‘Aa’ button, and if you press it, all the meanings of all the words you put come up.) Unfortunately, there are a lot of ads included. After I finished a level, it always gave me a commercial I had to watch, and that’s a bummer. Also, sometimes it didn’t accept my words (which are real ones) in the daily challenge! I don’t know why this happens, though. But I think other than that it’s very fun and I recommend it.
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8 months ago, BatmanRobinAlfredCommissioner
Just a few suggestions
I’ve been playing this game for years, and overall I really like it. There are only a few things that annoy me. Some of the words are not really words. If you are going to have nonsense words, you shouldn’t admit “sorry - can’t find this word in our dictionary”. Also, the number of ads will drive you absolutely insane unless you’re willing to pay the fee to stop them - which I eventually did because I wanted to keep playing but it was not an option to put up with ads after every game. I guess that’s the whole point - wear you down until you’re willing to pay to make it stop. And, last is the paper airplane hints. What’s the point of collecting them only to have them used up when you don’t need hints? I would play a lot more if I could regulate when the hints are used and not have them automatically fill in letters when I don’t want them.
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5 years ago, Pinmomof2
Too hard, missing words, glitchy
I used to love this game and I’d play every morning to wake me up. Especially the daily challenges! It used to be so fun and relaxing. Lately it has lost so much appeal. The daily challenges have gotten so hard, with words I’ve never heard of and can’t find in any dictionary. Common words aren’t in there at all, and reporting missing words does nothing. I’ve had to report the words tire, eon, ail, anus, and so many others over and over again but they never get added. Do the developers even read them? Sometimes I’ll have to report a very common missing word 3-4 times in just one level! And the “words” in the challenges are so hard and obscure, it’s lost its appeal. We’ve pretty much given up. It didn’t use to be this way! Another significant glitch is that if you find a few words in a level but then need to put the game down to come back to it, you’ll find that the words you’ve already found have disappeared and you need to start over. It’s frustrating and I’m considering deleting the app altogether. Please get your act together so the game can be enjoyable again!
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7 years ago, maddie 😀
I love this game !!!!
When I got this game it was the best it will take the world off of your plate kind going to explain like that a little!!!???!!! This game is the most relaxing game ever and I love it so much I am always so addicted to it!!! Don’t know why but if this is your last app or storage space you have I would prefer you getting this app or game what ever you want to call it . For examples that I had to do that I just wanted to sit in the corner and cry 😢 here are some reasons this game is so good I had to Clean bathrooms (4 bathrooms) Mine and hubbies and kids bedrooms Clean the dishes and put them up (whole sink full) Every body showers 🚿 Get supper ✅ Done And more that I can keep going with.... So I just got in the corner and sobbed and when I got done with that I took a break and I got in the hot tub and then I got in the pool (2 story house) and I put a tun of bath bombs in the hot tub and sat there and playing words with friends and then I wanted to play something else besides that game and I got on the App Store and I taped in relaxing games and this was the first thing that popped up and I 👀 looked at it and I saw that you connected the words and I love ❤️ stuff that u connect words and I got it I love it 😍! You need this app!
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4 years ago, waking the hubby up
Almost fabulous
I really enjoy playing this game but,,, I hate, hate, hate that the ads can’t be silenced in the settings. I have to turn the volume down if I want to play it anywhere other people are. My favorite time is when I wake up in the middle of the night but, it’s so annoying if I forget to turn the volume off. It’s even MORE annoying if I forget to turn it back on and I don’t have an alarm wake up in the morning. All of these ads should have captions for ADA compliance so there isn’t any reason why the designers can’t make the volume on everything mute. Still hate the ads not automatically muting with the game settings. Really, most of the ads have annoying music and none of them have any information which is useful, except for the ads for real products, and they SHOULD be closed captioned. Seriously, I can’t play this game anywhere I might miss a call in public because I have to keep the volume off. Sooooooo annoying.
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5 years ago, Dr payroll
Word doesn’t just use words
Although I enjoy the challenge of finding words from within an assortment of letters, I am not clear on what variety of English is being used. Sometimes it seems like US English, but other times it seems like it is a UK or other nations jargon, made up words based upon local culture. I have used lots of hints to discover that abbreviations, prefixes, and phonetic spellings. Another reviewer pointed out that even the application’s own dictionary cannot provide meanings for many of the words. A sound set of programming standards would require that definitions be added for any word for which there is no definition in the dictionary referenced by the application. Today I have started running into videos required for reviving free hints never actually provide a video that will load properly. I just see a black screen with a an arrow going in circles for over a minute or two. It is not true of all videos, but enough to be very frustrating.
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4 years ago, CanyonWeasel
Terrible dictionary
The dictionary used for this puzzle is terrible. There are many common words that it often doesn’t accept, like roe, and wad, yet it often accepts slang terms like rad. What’s worse is that it’s inconsistent. In some puzzles it accepts these words, but in others it considers them to be misspellings and penalizes you. Sometimes it expects you to come up with plurals of nouns, but other times it counts them as misspellings. Then there are the completely bogus words that it expects you to come up with. When you ask for the meaning of the word, sometimes you get “oops, we couldn’t find this word in the dictionary”. The developers should get an electric shock every time this happens. Other times you get a definition like “past participle of xxx” which turns out to be wrong because the word has nonstandard conjugation. People have been complaining about this stuff for years and they don’t fix it. It’s frustrating and makes this game far less enjoyable than it would be otherwise.
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2 years ago, AppleNicknameACN
Back to back long ads, pressure to buy, fishy agreement screen
At one point, Ads were so frequent; and took so long, that I couldn’t even remember what game I was playing. Finally, I realized that it was this new word game app that I downloaded. It had made me agree to something in order to play, but there wasn’t a link to read it. I’m still on the basic and boring early levels. I played the next screen and the game went right back to super long ads again. There was a new screen in-game offering a discount for no ads, with a countdown feature for pressure. The game was ok, not unlike a lot of games, though. IMO - Not worth becoming an ad slave just by staying long enough to see if you even like it at all. To Whomever released this version (I saw so many versions of this game while trying to get back here), it’s not good for reputation to exploit people to the point of exasperation. Stop and think. Now I’ve given twice as much time as your ads in order to warn the next person. 👍. Thank you 🙏
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5 years ago, hf0965
It’s ok
The game itself is a blast, but the programming is awful. There are a lot of words that come up that aren’t even in their own dictionary. Also, when you gat a group of letters like S-O-U-D, and such a common word as “sod” does not even count as a bonus word, something is off. I have seen several letter groupings that need maybe 4 or 5 4-letter words, and when I put in 12 or 15, but none of them are what the puzzle is looking for, but maybe only 2 or 3 of them are bonus words? I see the words “Imam” and “Alla” come up a lot, but in the dozens of times I have tried to use “Laic”, it has only been recognized once. I have yet to see “apse” as recognized word. Does the developer have something against Christianity? And what about words like “rhodic” (having the properties of or looking like rhodium)? If you are not a chemist, geologist or jeweler, who the heck knows what that is? I’d bet most people don’t even know what rhodium is (an elemental metal).
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3 years ago, USNA70
Okay but ....
Has lots of bugs as sometimes get the white screen of death when an ad doesn’t load. Acceptable words change from level to level although “died” never seems to make the list. Found that the common English word “jongg” is one of the answers. Plurals of words are sometimes allowed but not others. Abbreviations are often answers e.g. ism. Since answers are in alphabetical order (by size) and the words are obscure (or English spelling or some Chinese word) it is often a logic puzzle as much as a vocabulary test. Overall it is somewhat entertaining IF you want to play a logic game as much as a vocabulary test. Latest is that ads control sound so don’t play when others are expecting quiet. Ads override game settings and quiet button. And the PayPal ad has totally broken the game. Ad runs until phone is restarted or for 15+ minutes which runs down the battery. Then the audio runs in the middle of the game, sometimes multiple times. At level 9500 but unfortunately the game is too broken to continue.
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7 years ago, Citymouse7777777
LOVE it!!
Really addictive word game, challenging enough to keep you going for hours but not so hard you get frustrated. I am really enjoying this on the evenings before bedtime! Great way to unwind. I really love you can keep playing without buying stuff. You have to watch videos for coins but that's not a problem. Because they aren't trying to rip me off I will do an in app purchase or two to support them. Thank you for producing a fun game without the frustration of pay through nose to gain a level. Nothing makes me delete a game faster! I don't mind to pay some but most games charge ridiculous and give you very little for they charge. Like home scapes, they are the worst I have ever seen for that. Download it if you love words games . It's a 5 star download in my book!
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4 years ago, Snflwr 33
Watch your airplanes
I’ve been playing this game for a while and my previous review said that in general it’s pretty good. Well, just discovered that they purposely don’t add on your airplanes- I can’t believe it took me this long to notice!! I should have realized it earlier! Let me explain- a pop up comes on after “you’ve earned a reward”, the reward is hints for the words in the next puzzle- you have to watch a video to get it. Completely separately are challenges that you try to win. Here is the kicker, you’re playing these challenges and earn 6 airplanes here, 8 there, 3 here, 4 there...they’re supposed to add up, yes? Nope. I’ve been keeping tabs on my challenge winnings and guess what? They aren’t adding them. I must be missing over 200 airplanes or so! Cheap, cheating and dreadful! I literally watched as I won 14 airplanes and instead of my airplane count going up, I went down. It’s crap!
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5 years ago, Samavati
Addictive but....
Love playing this game. However, At higher levels (after 1000) - there are words expected by the game that are not in any dictionary - and the compilers do not allow many ordinary words that are allowed in for instance, Scrabble. Sometimes proper nouns are allowed, sometimes not, even if the noun has become common parlance ( don’t expect that allowed in the game either!) And if I choose such a word, Such as “ley” one no longer gets the credit for it as a bonus, even if in the last iteration of the game one credit for. Suggest use the Oxford English Dictionary as the standard. Also at higher levels or the longer I play in a day, the longer the ads become, AND ads are inserted between parts of levels. Irritating. Please consider finding another ad replacement for Matchington Mansion, which is offensive to some.
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5 years ago, Doc Montey
Not what I was showed
I clicked on an ad for a word game that looked pretty cool. Once the game downloaded, the actual playing board seemed kind of 3rd rate but I thought, well maybe I just need to level up to find the game I saw in the ad. I’m on level 441 and it’s still the same boring board. Sure, you can change to cheesier letters, and if you want to pay for a cool background you can, but it’s a nothing special game that I wouldn’t pay money for. There’s a lot of words in the challenges that don’t make sense, and when you look them up, they’re the French or another language word for something. Then when you put in a simple English word like sty or aid, they’re not legit words according to the game. They do have a place you can send words, but after months of sending words and sometimes the same words over and over, they’re still not added on... I finally decided to leave a review because I am getting tired of being asked if I want to, and even though I’ve pushed the “not having fun” button lots of times I still get asked if I’m having fun or not. Maybe this way the creators will finally get an idea of just how mediocre this game really is. And, why am I still playing you might ask..? This game is basically a mindless kill time while I wait for my other games to recharge energy or for my crops to grow... that’s about all I get out of it...
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4 years ago, why isnt it accepting
I’ve been playing this game for a long time- too long based on what I think of it. First, it uses some strange dictionary that allows obscure (unknown?) words like “tur” but doesn’t allow words “freer”. In many instances I’ve found I can use the plural of a word but not the singular (e.g., “gins” but never “gin”). Some games allow certain words but then the next one doesn’t allow those same words. This means that every time I play a game I have to go through the whole list of possible words but then turns out very few are allowed in that particular game. A monumental waste of time!! Sometimes I finish a round, go on to the next, but find it’s a repeat of the one I just played. If not that, at times it’s repeated just 2 or 3 games later. AND lately there’s an ad after every daily challenge game and just more ads in general. They’re obnoxiously loud without any way to turn the volume down or off. Why do I keep playing? Goal-reach 1M points then I drop unless some dramatic improvements are made.
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2 years ago, Miss cubbies
Awesome! Buy it today!
Forget the bad reviews, I adore this game! It is amazingly fun and ready to grow your brain HARD!!!! Don’t take that seriously, this is writing trivia made easy! The ads are nothing compared to this coolness! You can easily cancel them or change it to no adds in one tap! It will make you smart and entertained all night! This is the game all of us are waiting for and OMG this is amazing! Even the hardest of questions only last a few minutes to complete! Any smarty pants who loves reading, writing, trivia and earning prizes, this is your game! Now, if you are ready, BUY THIS TODAY!!!! It doesn’t have any adds about itself on any device I’ve heard of, and so that means it is awesomely awesome!!! I rate this 1,000 out of 10!|
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2 months ago, Tunie9
Way too many ads that ruin timed games
This is my favorite game but I’m close to deleting it - it’s no fun when the ads take longer than the game. I know that there are ads and I can get rid of them if I pay (permanently or temporarily?) and I chose not to, but as time goes on, there are getting to be more and more ads and they’re running for longer and longer times with multiple screens that you have to keep clicking to close. There’s even a screen that interrupts your game by popping-up to say that it’s time for a break and an ad starts. What’s worse is that there are games where you compete against other players or against the clock and it’s beyond irritating when you’re in a tight game and you fall behind because you have to wait 30 to 60 seconds for ads to complete - the same ads that you’ve seen over and over again. I’m about done with this game.
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6 years ago, I don't want to say name
Hard but AMAZING!!!
I just got this and it was so cool it’s a little hard but it’s fun! It was like #Amazing.#IHopeEveryoneTakesTimeToGetThisApp. My sister, and my mom and I have this app my dad doesn’t that’s all right, he should join in the fun. I am very satisfied user.I gave it five stars because it’s amazing. What’s going on to it a doubt, you may actually have to ask someone in real life right next to you to help you out to find the words. Sincerely I gave it five stars because it’s amazing. What’s going on to it a doubt, you may actually have to ask someone in real life right next to you to help you out to find the words. Sincerely, Your satisfied user, Ember.B.R
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5 years ago, Tazzoria
Great game - needs some few fixes
My 5 yr old granddaughter (who reads at 6th grade level) begged to get this game, so I gladly got it for her. Sometimes the game doesn't allow the simplest of words, yet allows some slang and abbreviations! I have had to show my granddaughter several times in the dictionary that she has indeed spelled words correctly but the game just doesn't recognize them. In the daily challenge when you can watch an ad for "extra" coins, sometimes you have to watch several to get back to the game and if you just hit continue, you still have to watch the same ad. Also an ad that says it's 30 seconds long takes over a minute to watch, (I have timed it), the countdown is from 30 down but it is longer than a second between numbers. Both my granddaughter and I enjoy playing
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2 years ago, Commmmmmy
It will NEVER let me take that 2nd spin!!!
It’s a great game, but far too many commercials!!!!!! It is still a great game but wayyyy Too many commercials!!! Too many ads!! Still too many ads!!still great game....still too many ads! You don’t take advice?? love it but tooooo many ads!!!!!love it but too many ads!!!!! Love it, but has never let me take that 2nd spin??? IT NEVER LETS ME TAKE THE 2ND SPIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥 Well you have not read these....?great game but has never let me take 2nd spin!!!! Still has never let me take a second spin👎👎👎👎👎👎👎 Love this game but has never let me take the 2nd spin?? I have never been able to take that 2nd spin! Can you answer me on this???? Love it but has never let me take a second spin. Why????? Still NEVER lets me take the 2nd spin!! I love this game but it WILL NOT LET ME take the 2nd spin! Do u read these??! Not ONCE has it let me!!!!!!
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5 years ago, Bobo the Clown 3
This could be a 5-Star game but there is too much inconsistency in what kinds of words are and are not allowed. For example, sometimes plurals are allowed and other times the same plural is not allowed. Sometimes the singular form is not allowed but the plural of the same word is allowed. Also, bonus words are inconsistent and it seems that randomly, words won’t work as bonus words. The biggest frustration however, is that there are words in the puzzles that do not have a definition ...when trying to see the definition of a word (after solving the word), the puzzle dictionary gives a message that no definition could be found ...how can the puzzle accept a word that has no definition? All of that being said ...the puzzle is great for challenging your mind and word puzzle-solving skills. I play it every day and enjoy the tournaments each week.
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5 years ago, RebaGJCO
Frustrating game
I have written this company over and over concerning my issues with words not allowed and then very obscure words not used in American English. I never get a reply other than to "keep it updated", which I do without seeing much change. One word in particular is "DOES". It seems that the word is ALWAYS considered the plural of "DOE" not the singular form of the word "DO", a fact I've explained with examples over and over. My friend has been amused by the fact that I continue to play this game when I get so frustrated. I'm on level 2245 with over 200,000 coins so I'm not a novice at this. At one point in the past year I deleted the game and like another review I thought it would start back at level 1, but it didn't and took me back to the level I was at. If things don't change soon, I'm going to delete this game and NOT reinstall it and will let others of my Facebook friends know how frustrating it is.
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6 years ago, Eldcskb
I love it!
Hi am Seneca and I only have this game for a few months and I actually like it! I usually don’tRead or write, but this taught me to do it more. First of all, I love How this app sends you texts like, “Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night!” I like that part, and, I also like the challenges, because kind of like at my school, we get tougher challenges. It is called the advanced Learning Program But I Call it A.L.P. It’s basically when, kids are really good at their work, and they need a challenge. So I go to A.L.P, and I’m happier. And just like in school, get a challenge! So as I said I really love that program, which also means I love the challenges, which means... I love this game! So thank you all that were involved in making this game, and have a great day! -from Seneca Clark.
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4 years ago, lavande182
Maybe good for kids
This might be good for kids learning to read, but this was not, as advertised, a “brain training game.” It was more of a brain draining game... It was mind-numbingly easy and overly-reliant on cheap tricks, such as flattering me with rainbow-framed phrases like “Excellent!” and “Awesome!” for spelling C-A-T and I-T and A-T. And just when I was about to exit and delete the app, they reeled me back in by congratulating me on spelling “Bonus words,” which were in fact no more difficult than the other words. But it did make me feel special enough to keep going. At this point my boyfriend started watching over my shoulder. After a few seconds he observed, “Um, I don’t think this game is worthy of your intellect.” (He has a PhD in English.) I realized he was right and I was grateful that he was there to save me from what was fast becoming a cycle of addiction. But then just when I had agreed to stop, he took the phone from my hands and...started playing this game himself!!! I don’t know how we managed to escape. But we did...and right before we did, we were assaulted with a life-like animated ad of a woman’s fingernail being clipped down to the flesh! I threw the phone away from me. My boyfriend said it was an advertisement for some other game, about doing your nails? I don’t know.
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2 years ago, Pickles & Laila's mom
Word game
I’ve given this three stars due to the fact that I downloaded this game from an advertisement that displayed a fill in the blank format with the correct word. This game doesn’t have anything like that, however I do like the game and will keep it until I’m bored with the same old,same old. I really wish developers would be a bit more forthcoming and transparent with their advertisement instead of bate and switch! In addition, I’m adding that there are entirely too many advertisements even for this free version. I generally do pick up new games from adds, however the overly excessive advertising is beginning to wear on my enjoyment of this game. Perhaps tuning down the adds to one per ten games played in succession and at least have different adds than the same ones repeatedly.
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5 months ago, Suski33
Daily challenge=Idiotic words
Edit: So let’s add “hypocrite” to the growing list of traits for this app’s developers. Ages ago I asked them why they didn’t accept a word. They responded that it was a proper noun, and the game didn’t accept them. So…what was one of today’s challenge words? “Nauruan.” This being the language of the nation of Nauru, it would be? You guessed it, a proper noun. Well, I suppose they only follow their own rules when it suits them. Garbage in, garbage out. I will never understand what dictionaries or reference books the developers use for this game’s lexicon. Many of the words used in the daily challenge are not just obscure but can’t be found without an exhaustive web search that just ends up with a head-shake and a frustrated chuckle. These words are always obsolete or spelling variations only used by the developers (and maybe three other people apparently?). The sadistic/sociopathic sides of their personalities must enjoy the rush.
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7 years ago, Loves DD
I admit, I really like the game, but it really isn’t consistent about the words it allows. I was on a level where the letters were DISTILL. One of the four letter words was SILD, a very obscure word, yet it disallowed TILL, SILL, and DILL- all common words. On the next level, I’d didn’t.m recognize words like LET, TEE, PELT, and PEEL- even as bonus words. I give it 2.5 stars. If this continues, I’ll probably delete the game. I’ll amend my review if this gets fixed. I’m amending that review because the glitch seems to be on just a few levels. There are still actual words if doesn’t recognize, but I can live with that. Second amendment to my review- since when are AM, ME, AN not two letter words?? This game is fun, but extremely frustrating. Words may be counted on one level as bonus words, but are disallowed on others. Please fix.
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1 year ago, Blue-waffle
Immensely Frustrating Game
First of all, I dislike not having any reasonable explanation of points, awards and so on. It’s always a guessing game to know how many hints one has left to use. Then, there are what I call the ‘bogus’ words. Another name would be the brown, sometimes green excrement that exits from a male bovine’s behind daily!! Absolutely ridiculous! What adult with a college plus education would know the name of a minuscule unit of measure from six thousand years ago? I’d venture to say that Ken Jennings wouldn’t know! I’ve noticed a preponderance of Middle Eastern factoids as well. Why there?? I have a lot of dissatisfaction with this game! I’ve played over 870 levels and enjoy the concept but certainly not the ethics behind it. Wish I could find another similar word game.
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2 years ago, ice cream Princess💖💜🦄🍫🍨
Great game but I want to tell you all about my opinion
Amazing and I love how it teaches you stuff even if you know some rare words already and I love how it teaches your friends and family words too. Also, you make learning fun and that’s amazing and you make people happy and that’s good for your Health. And I love all the color in the game it’s so positive! Thank you for making this game and using all your energy and hard work. 😮😋🙂🙏 I appreciate it! Written by eight your old not comfortable with telling you my name. Oh I forgot to say I also love that there’s a dictionary the game!😋😋😋😋🙏🙏🙏🙏 oh I also forgot to say I love that it trains your brain and my mom agrees with me and my dad agrees with me.🧠🦿
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5 years ago, kk corgi
Game is no longer fair
I liked the Daily challenges and the premise of the two games is fun, but lately, the game has been no fun. There are many legitimate words that are not on the list, that means on the Daily challenge, they do not count and it makes it difficult to fiind enough words to meet the challenge goal. Too often, the words needed to clear a board on the regular game play are obscure or non-existent. I can check on multiple anagram apps and find no words that satisfy the board. I’m left with using my hints and that is no fun. If they were legitimate words, it wouldn’t be bad, but these are nonexistent words! Sometimes a proper noun is being used - that’s not fair. I used to start my day with this game’s daily challenge and play a few rounds, I’m stuck on a round with a 5-letter word that doesn’t exist on any dictionary apps - very frustrating!
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5 years ago, n.o. jeweler
Points for completing puzzles
Completing a puzzle & unscrambling words can be fun but no points are given for this. Points are basically are only for viewing ads. Though the point of the game is to make commissions by getting as many ads watched as possible the game becomes monotonous when no rewards are given upon successful completion of the puzzle or Unscrambler .Some words are rejected initially only to be accepted later. Some legitimate words are rejected. Ads pop up in the middle of puzzle solving with no way to escape. Some of these are very long & challenging & it would be nice to be rewarded for completing the tasks & then also rewarded for watching ads. The game can be entertaining & challenging but it should also be rewarding for completing the game & not just for watching ads. Playing time would be increased significantly & so would Ads watching.
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