Life360: Find Friends & Family

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4.7 (1.5M)
161.7 MB
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2 months ago
Version OS
15.3 or later
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User Reviews for Life360: Find Friends & Family

4.72 out of 5
1.5M Ratings
2 months ago, FluffzPupz
Amazing App would recommend
I’m a fourteen year old girl and I would absolutely recommend this app to parents looking to keep their kids safe. This app allows you to monitor where your kid is at all times and lets them see where you are. You can also add more people into your family so you can see everyone’s location. As a teenager with separation anxiety this app has helped me a lot. Sometimes when my mom is out she puts her phone on do not disturb. That always alarms me because I feel so powerless and stressed. With this app I can easily see where she is and that she’s safe when she’s not picking up the phone. This app is also really helpful for my mom as well. Me and my sister have struggled with some mental health issues in the past. I’m diagnosed with ADHD, Anxiety, and Autism, so I generally don’t make the best decisions. I have tried to run away from home before and I’ve also been caught taking money from my mom. Now she’s able to track my location, so if I say I’m going one place she can make sure I get there. She can also see the speed of which we travel at so she can make sure I’m being safe. She can also see the path I traveled too. Even if your kid is “normal” this app is still helpful to make sure they’re safe at all times and is especially good for parents of teenagers. Trust me your kids are gonna be reckless at one point. It’s important to make sure they’re always making good choices. This app is wonderful for families. Please consider downloading it ❤️
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8 months ago, Nursemandee123
Great for concerned families
We started out as a family of 4 then we had a beautiful blessing, adding a baby boy to our family we went from 4 of us to 5 of us, having a baby only made things harder on me as a single mother and trying to manage the locations of my teenage boys. My oldest son found his 1st love and I found the daughter I never had. Let’s not forget my mother who helps me hold everyone together like glue, she is probably the biggest worry wart. We are all linked together in this one app that always gives us some peace of mind, trust, and just a little less anxiety to worry about, I know when not to bother the teens who drive with a call or text message that can wait until they reach their destination and avoid an unnecessary distraction from their eyes on the road. I get alerts from this app when they leave and arrive as do they for me who is the nurse who never gets out of work on time, the family gets nothing but peace of mind at all times. We’re all in sync with Life 360 Family application. I recommend it to anyone who has good intentions and needs a peace of mind that their loved ones are okay. Just keep in mind that each member has to be trustworthy enough to keep their location on or it can be a little stressful. I’m in the process of getting my tiles for everyone so they have an alarm for their keys, wallet or bag… name your choice but it’s a small token size object that can be thin enough for a wallet or hook on to a key ring.
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3 years ago, Unknown reviewer!!
Great App!
I love this app because I can keep up with my family while they are away or on the go. It tells me the speed of the car to make sure the teenagers are driving safe. It also has a “driving safe mode” and a “wreck detector mode” on the app when you upgrade which is also another good thing about the app it’s really cheap to upgrade and all the upgrades come with better features and more things you can see. This app alerts me when my husband arrives and leaves any place I mark on the map but without the upgrade it will only allow you to get alerts with 2 locations you have marked on the map with the upgrade you get the option to get alerts with more then one location which is a lot better. I don’t use the app to spy on my husband or kids I use it for their safety and to know they are okay when they leave our home. I highly recommend this app! I do have one downer about this app the locations of your peers do not work while their “save battery mode” is on or if they don’t have service or WiFi and if their phone needs to be charged once the battery gets to low then it want work as well but it will alert you to remind them to charge their phone. You can also message them on the app and react like “love” or “thumbs down” on their location. One more thing that I love is it also tells you their route and the locations they have been the whole week. I hope everyone enjoys the app like my family does!
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4 years ago, chihuahuasrbest
A must have for every family!
My family loves this app. A few of the reasons we love this app : we can check on my elderly in-laws who make a long commute and go through an hour of no service several times a week. Before we go to bed at night we get to see if they are not home. They also have a house out of state so when one of them goes by themselves out of state we can track their move if they were to be stopped on the side of the road and perhaps had vehicle trouble. My husband is a police officer and when I see he’s running late in the evening I always check this app and I can see where he’s at my local town and then I assume he’s on a call, verse at the store picking something up about to be home, and I can plan dinner accordingly. I have got another side of the family using it and we love it for the same reasons & more. No more asking where sew and sew is that they don’t answer their phone we can see oh they might be at the doctor or picking up the kids from school, they are stuck in traffic and that’s why they are not home yet. The teenagers in the family of course are not a big fan because this tracks speed, phone usage and location... but in times they wanted help on a long trip it has been a God send even to them. It’s a great gauge for even adults to pay attention to how many times you grab your phone or how many times you are speeding and then risk of a ticket which could make your insurance go up or cause a wreck. This is a fantastic app!
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4 years ago, pearlvision
5+ stars!!!
A couple of years ago My mom suffered from “Transient Global Amnesia”. I’ve never heard of it.... but let me tell you it’s a very scary thing to happen to someone you love. It’s when there’s a Temporary loss but almost total disruption of short term memory, it can last between 2-8 hours. The first time this happened to her, we didn’t have the Life360. She was leaving the gym and had no clue where she was at and why she was there. I thank God that some sweet people were there to help her back in and were able to call us. My brother had heard about the Life360 app and we quickly put on her phone. A year later it happened again (there is no cure from this, once it happens once it can happen again, we’ve been able to kinda figure what tributes to it) but again She had no idea why she was sitting in a car at a grocery store parking lot. I was waiting for her at a friends house and she was late. When I called her she didn’t know who I was or even who she was. I was able to track her down with the Life360 app..... which was the best invention ever for me and my family. I was able to get to her and rush her to the hospital. Without this app.... I don’t even want to think of what could of happened. We have it on all our phones, our kids are not big fans but they’ve had some close calls when dealing with bad weather and getting stuck somewhere and we’ve been able to get to them. So they’ve come to appreciate it. Thank you Life360!!!!
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4 years ago, Wild Pepsi
Thank goodness
I had a hard time letting my daughter go places because I just didn’t trust people. After getting this app I started letting her go to playdates and sleep overs all I asked from the parents was to inform me of any plan changes. Well sadly this family thought it was okay to drop off my daughter and theirs to another house to babysit so they all could go to the bar. The app reported she was in another location and I called her only to hear her say she was uncomfortable and the kids they wanted her to babysit were under 5 years old, she didn’t know what to do or how to keep them from screaming. I was furious my daughter has never took care of kids or trained to. I called the parents and they acted as that was not a big deal. It was 11pm about to be 12am, I told them you ether get my daughter and her friend from that house or I will drive down there and I will call the police for endangerment of all the kids. My daughter normally is 5-10 minutes away from our home but this family relocated and now were a hour away. I was upset but not wanting my anger to get the best of me. It has been three years now she has gone once or twice for sleep overs but now they respect my wishes and always let me know if they plan to go to a playground or something else. This app gives me a peace of mind and lets me know where she is at all times today she’s 11 years old and understands the importance to report herself and voice her questions and concerns.
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4 years ago, J.J. Spears
Happy Consumers
As for me I’m a mama and me and my daughters use Life360 and we do very much appreciate the service bcuz it helps me keep an eye out for and know exactly where my daughters are as well as my daughters know exactly where their mama is. Me and a friend of mine were robbed at gunpoint last year and without Life360 my kids wouldn’t have known where I was or where I had been yet the robber took our phones and our purses and my friends car yet my girls had been watching everywhere I had been and it did help. It even helped the cops even though they never found our phones nor her car it did help them find the people who robbed us and so that was awesome! I don’t know what we’d do without Life360 and I’d always be on ends bcuz I wouldn’t know exactly where my kids are even though they’re grown I still worry about them as they do me too bcuz we’ve been through some crazy situations in our lives even though we do not hang with a bad crowd it’s just America has become that dangerous. I wish it were a little more affordable as far a some of the special features bcuz we live on a fixed income and my kids are outta jobs due only to COVID-19. People we all need more prayers as we’re definitely praying for all of u. Thank u. We appreciate u in all u do for people Life360! Keep saving lives and finding people! The app does Need to be a bit more exact and faster though it is great and we enjoy having the ability to use it. Thank you so much!
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4 years ago, BoskoBella
One of the best apps I have purchased
There are so many ways to use this app. As a busy mom, I like to put in alerts when my husband reaches a certain point on his commute home so I know when to start dinner. Also, finding my lacrosse player kiddos on a huge lacrosse tournament field has been stressful in the past, now it is easy to locate and keep track of the three of them on a busy tournament weekend. I understand that there is controversy about spying on my kids whereabouts, but as a parent it is nice to know that they are where they say they are going to be, or to know where to pick them up if they don’t know the address. And with teen drivers, having the crash detection and the high speed alerts gives me a lot more comfort when they are in the roads. My kids all know that we have this app and that we occasionally look in on them, but we also balance that up with having adult conversations about responsibility and in reality having the app allows them more freedom with us. I would highly recommend this app for parents as one of the many tools we use to parent and protect our kids. We have added my mother to our circle and she gets such a huge kick out of seeing where we are on any given day. I think it gives her a sense of closeness even though we live states apart. Also for me, as she is aging. Having a general idea of her daily activities can help alert me if something is off. Highly recommend!
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3 years ago, Lkoegle
Good intention, but ruins relationships
I understand this app was made with the intention of being a safety tool. I 100% agree with that, and I think it can be a wonderful tool if used correctly. However, my mother is one of those helicopter parents that spends her entire life on that app stalking her kids. As an 18 year old, I am so tired of my mom constantly stalking my location and texting me if I forget to tell her that my friends and I are stopping for food first. For God’s sake, I’m an adult! I’m my own person. For the parents out there that constantly stalk there kids and use this as a punishment tool, YOU are the problem, not this app. You created a simple safety app into an app that completely ruins your relationship with your kids because your intentions may be good, but your implications are that you have no trust in your kids. That hurts when you’re a good kid that’s done nothing wrong, gets great grades, gets into a great college, and literally stays inside all day. To the developers, you’ve done nothing wrong creating this app for safety purposes. Parents who feel like they have to have control on every aspect of their child’s life, do better. They are people too. I’m tired of hearing teenagers suffering like me and feeling like they don’t have control of their own life because their parents constantly stalk their every move. How about you set boundaries and create trust instead?
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4 years ago, KREG55
So grateful for this app
It may sound counterintuitive, but because I know that I can quickly locate my teens using Life 360 if there to be an emergency or they found themselves in an unsafe situation, my husband and I have been comfortable granting them greater freedom. I understand that some kids have been resistant to downloading Life 360 to their phones, but mine have come to appreciate that we trust them and really don’t need to spy on them or track them; the app is genuinely a tool that provides them safety and relieved our anxiety. I guess we feel that if we didn’t trust them in the first place, Life 360 wouldn’t change that. But, this app has been amazing and grants such peace of mind! My son began attending a school quite a distance from us in just 7th grade, and the only feasible way to get there and back is via subway/commuter rail. My chest tightened at the thought, until other parents told us about Life 360. I can’t tell you how many times this app has saved us - when he’s gotten off at the wrong train stop, or forgotten to text us when he got on the train, or when the train has been delayed, etc. It’s been hugely helpful as far as timing when to meet him. Later, this transferred to expanding his social privileges, knowing that if something didn’t work out quite right, we’d know how get to him. I highly recommend this app - and also explaining to your kids that using it as a safety tool is good for everyone.
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2 years ago, OtoMiss
Excellent app.
I saw this on a dateline show I think years ago and I downloaded it and my whole family is on it and we live within a 150 mile radius of each other so it’s nice to actually see in real time just where everyone is. Especially when they’re traveling. We’ve all had to use the app for jump starts, wrecked cars and just yesterday I accidentally locked myself and my granddaughter out of my suburban and we couldn’t call anyone because our phones were inside the suburban and we didn’t know anyone’s phone numbers. Finally my daughter noticed that we weren’t moving and she called me back and had already contacted Life 360 and she showed up and the tow truck showed up in about five minutes literally. I forgot I had my Apple Watch on! LOL Customer service is amazing but I don’t have the app on my watch and my granddaughter said it doesn’t work on my watch! Please make it work on Apple Watch. Also my granddaughter was stuck in the mud on a lonely dirt road in a dead zone one night and I noticed her sitting in the road for several minutes and wasn’t moving. I texted her and her boyfriend was on his way to her cause all she could do was text. But at least I knew as soon as she started moving again, I knew she was alright. I have the platinum plan and it’s gone up quite a bit since I started using the app, but it’s worth every penny.
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3 years ago, Dixie3813
Saved my dads life
If you’re even thinking about getting this app, DO IT. My parents, my husband & I are all on one circle, so we can see each other’s locations. Originally it was bought because my husband is in law enforcement and couldn’t have his phone on him at work so I had no way of knowing if he made it safely when he was in a hurry to get to work on time (over an hour drive on interstates etc) Well now, 3years later.. my dad was in a bad motorcycle accident on a back country road headed home from his friends house in the middle of the night. I got the text message saying he may have been in a collision, and to check on him. I immediately called him with no answer, called my mom and within 10 mins of the accident she was on her way to him. This app gave us his exact location within 30 feet of him. This app allowed us to get him to the hospital with a depressed skull fracture, severely dislocated shoulder & several scrapes, etc requiring medical attention. Without Life360 my dad may have died on the side of the road before anyone even knew he was there. This app literally saved my dads life. Every single person we know is downloading it and sharing it with their loved ones as I type this. Thank God for Life360. Thank you to the developers for creating this app that allowed me to get my dad the help he needed, before it was too late.
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3 years ago, Rose Love3
Thoughts About This App
I was wondering Why can’t you do a Update for this app for like when your Family Member has paused there Location I was Wondering for the Person who created the Family group that is me I want to be Able to Be In control if when they want to paused or Stop Sharing Location I want to be able to decide if I want to let them paused it or stop sharing location because my Brother has Mental issuers I need to keep Tabs on him he put a location on paused and he does not answer his phone and I need to worry about him because he does not listen he does not go to class he waits outside and does not do work at all so he gets locked out but he does not come home to tell us that he got locked out instead he just wait there and last time he couldn’t make it Because he was having Double breathing and something so he just waited in the ally then he came home when school finish and then he told us so I want to be able to know he is Safe and we’ll without him knowing I can control his location in private so he won’t know I Unpaused his Location and i want to choose if I will let him paused his location or stop sharing so please Can you do that if you can because I don’t want my grandma having to worry so much she is old so she does not need to be stress and he is like 17 so if you can make an update like that it will be very helpful (Thanks for reading my Comment)
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3 years ago, dat Hemroid
Connects our whole family
This App allows me to keep tabs on my aging mother and my children. My mom still drives, which makes me pretty nervous when she drives from Florida to New York by herself. My children are not quite driving age yet but they crave more independence and this App gives me a lot of peace of mind when they’re out riding their bikes around the neighborhood or going to creek stomp with neighbor friends. I always know exactly where they are. I also like the location check-in feature. I get notified when they arrive at school, or leave a friends house. I can see when the bus is about to drop them off. And I can see all the places my very active retired mother travels to… “mom, what are you doing in New Orleans?! And how many times do I have to ask you, PLEASE don’t text and drive!” Baby boomers are so head strong! LOL I am so much more optimistic for the future and my kids driving, knowing I’ll be able to keep an eye on their speed, and mobile device usage while they’re driving. Highly recommend to anyone with children, or an aging parent you need to keep tabs on. If my mom ever fell asleep during one of her “road trips”, or had a medical event and crashed with no one around, I would be notified and could call 911 and give them her exact location. I can see how this App could be a literal life saver. Thank you Life 360!
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4 years ago, Jaxonsmomma2004
It’s been a fabulous family tool!
I was introduced to this by a fellow employee who works at the public school I teach at. At first I subscribed to have another tool to help calm my mama heart with a new teenage boy driver. I just wanted to make sure he got from point A to point B safely. But it’s turned into the whole family using it for many reasons. My younger daughters see if moms on her way home from work or staying longer (cuz I don’t always respond to texts as soon as they would like but they can see on the app I am still at work). My son now will see where I am at (location alerts at grocery stores and gas stations have been set up) and he will message and ask if I can grab something. Or when he is on his way home he runs errands and I can see about time wise how he is doing on being home for dinner. It’s the little things that have helped everyone out and helps things run just a little smoother. I am not one to watch him like a hawk on his privacy which I know teens can oppose to being watched. He knows I can peek anytime I want to know where he is at but we both know trust is earned both ways and as long we respect each other there has been no trouble whatsoever. He is almost 18 now and Life360 will continue to be a tool for my family as my other children grow up and spread their wings and aren’t as home as much.
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4 years ago, good!!!!!!!!!*
My daughter suggested this app
I got this app because my teenage daughter was going to college and “she decided” it would be the best way for us to make sure we both were safe. When we first got it we both loved it. And still pretty much do love it but it has had some glitches like delays in telling me or her where we are at the time and sometimes reporting that her battery is dead on her phone when it’s not. I had one moment when I was in the hospital and her life 360 was saying that her last whereabouts was in a parking lot at 2o’clock in the morning and that her phone was dead I was so worried that I called the local police near her college luckily she was safe and asleep in her dorm it scared me half to death I never wanna be afraid like that again. But at the same time I’m glad it gave me that warning. What really happened was she was in a parking lot at 2 AM with a friend who was upset about something and she did go home because her phone was dead and she thought that she had plugged it in the charger but apparently it wasn’t working. I want to thank 360 for helping me and my daughter stay connected and feel safe! My biggest concern are the delays which is why I only have 4 stars. We love this app because we know that the world around us is not always a safe place and this app helps us in case of emergency. Just image if my daughter had been kidnapped that night. Life 360 might of gave us to help we needed to get her back home to me!
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8 months ago, whitney087
Long story not gonna tell it all! Also I’ve never left a review on anything EVER!!
Went to a wedding. Had a nice time met up with my significant friend after the wedding we went to a shop not gonna say what kind but while we were in there browsing and chit chatting with the employee I got distracted. When it was time to check out I left my phone on the counter this had to be 3 AM. I went all the way home entertained my friend and then about 6/7AM. I realize I did not have my phone so I called my mom from his phone and told her to check the Life360 to see where my phone was she told me my phone was moving. Then it stopped moving at one location, and then it looked like the phone died. I went to that location which was a residential location. I did circles around the block because the pin kept dropping towards the alley of this residential area, I decided to knock on a random door in the front and the person that came to the door was the employee at the shop. He clocked out and took my phone with him because he didn’t want the next employee to steal it when he answered the door he said oh its you here’s your phone his room was in the back of his home, which is why the pin was dropping towards the alley of the location. life360 is just that precise. Find my iPhone does not do that. I’ve been a fan of Life360 ever since.
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4 years ago, Anastasia is a disney Princess
Good app and here’s why
I get so many people (mostly teens) feel like it’s an invasion of privacy and such, but it’s better than some other apps out there. With things going on today, I can see why a parent/parents/guardians would want to see where their child/children are going. Im 21, so I grew up with technology changing from flip phones to staying out until the street lights went on and change to people sending texts and FaceTiming on their phones. I also know sometimes kids (not all) can be dishonest and not tell their parents their true intention or location, in other words, you shouldn’t hate this app unless you have something to hide. There are apps that monitor what you do on your phone, so having your family just knowing your location truly shouldn’t be a problem. Im going to University in a different country from where my family is, they use it to make sure I am safe because they are 10+ hours away from me. This app also lets me send out an SOS in case something were to happen. Along with this my family uses it with older family members as well. My grandmother is almost 90 and it keeps us in a good state of mind to know where she is at all times. Overall, this app isn’t something to hate, it gives families security that you’re safe. And like I said, you shouldn’t have an issue with it UNLESS you’re trying to hide something
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4 years ago, Eminem2008
Love Life 360!
I purchased this app when my 16 year old began driving almost 2 years ago. I found it very reassuring to know where he was, of course, but the (safety) circle and drive detection are truly my favorite features. The circle alerts you, and other selected people of your choice, if the car has been in an accident. It can be used to call for emergency services, tow trucks, etc. It’s a fantastic feature to have. I hope we never have to use it, but you just never know. The drive detection feature is also terrific. This feature gives me a weekly and daily snapshot of my child’s average driving speed, her braking, rapid acceleration and other good information. Not only does it let me see his driving habits, it also helps with our insurance costs. The longer he drives safely and follows the law, the more of a discount we get. I’m sure this depends upon your insurance provider, but insuring a teenage driver is expensive so every little bit helps! Now, back to the location services. I have a daughter in middle school now and I really appreciate being able to locate her at all times. She and her friends like to walk and bike and we live in a frightening world. I like the comfort and security of knowing I will always be able to locate both of my children. I highly recommend this app. It is a great tool for families.
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4 years ago, lilpapy
So helpful!
I’m a middle child, I work two jobs, go to school part time and volunteer on the side. I come from a family of busybodies where no one seems to know where anyone is or when they are coming home. This gets frustrating when dinner planning comes around and things need to be done in the house. We also have a few family members with serious health issues so having Life360 has been a literal lifesaver. We are a very open family so compromising privacy was never a concern for us. I’m so impressed with this app. You can add in locations like work and school so my mom knows when I’m leaving work and how fast I’m driving or I can see how long my dad was at his doctors appointment. There’s an SOS option for emergencies, directions to family members location and arrival notifications. It’s very easy to use and WAY better than just using the location service on the iPhone. It doesn’t seem to use a ton of data and if my 70 year old father can figure it out I’m sure anyone can. I’m hearing there’s teens out there trying to ruin this apps reviews on TikTok?? I would have loved this app as a teenager. Build a more honest and open relationship with your parents before trying to take down a company that is actually working to keep others safe. This app obviously wasn’t designed to expose rebellious teens. I would highly recommend this app.
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3 months ago, LDMercury
I’m not happy of this apps anymore
I have been observing this apps for more than a year now. At first I was happy and confident. But now, it change a lot. They push me to get a pro, to access other stuff. As I observed this, its started getting bad, they dont show accurate location, it also show late where the person I want to check. I have to use my Finder or I have to Google the address first. Its always show the last travel or address instead of the latest. So many changes I notice to this apps. As I remember when I first download the apps, its pretty easy and I like it so much. Now the longer I used this apps, the less i’m not impress and not happy anymore. I cannot even check my daughter sometime where she at, the notification came late, such us arrive or when she left, or whenever she park, it wont show on the screen unless I have to search the name first. I leterally install this apps or purchase a silver so I can check my child where she at, and where shes going, but when I look at it, its not the place where it supposedly at. Its so dissapointing. I probably discontinue this life 360 one of these days. One thing I was very dissapointed with this too, when my daughter got accident, Never had this apps reported it, as they claimed they will give some alert thing, if I can give this apps 0 I would, but the 3⭐️ giving them a chance how they fix this. My phone is up to date so I dont think this has to do when updated.
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4 years ago, PrairieKerri
Used this app for over 5 years
Okay, let’s start by saying that no one is perfect and neither is this app. That being said, as a family, we have used this for many years. Occasionally, the GPS locator is off or there is a delay but overall, it’s given us serious peace of mind when making sure people we love are safe and their location. I should also note that we do not used the paid version so I’m not sure if the paid version upgrade has fewer glitches but overall I’d still say it’s absolutely great. On a funny note, we are a very conservative family and have different standards for “dating”. Our oldest daughter had a boyfriend and we had not allowed them to be off by themselves. She was working at a local restaurant and her boyfriend asked if he could drive her to work. We said yes but it was a cautious yes. About 15 minutes after they left, I opened Life360 and noticed that it showed they were not at her work but on a country road not far from there. I immediately called her work to catch her in a lie only to have her answer the phone! 😂 That episode was nearly 5 years ago and that type of glitch with the GPS seems to happen less frequently. But that said, a little parenting advice is to confirm before you react if it shows the person you are following isn’t EXACTLY where they’re supposed to be.
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3 years ago, bubblecoco457747
very unreasonable when it comes to parenting
Most of the time, parents feel that keeping track of where their children are at at all times is a way to keep them safe, when in reality, you are teaching your child not to trust you. When you are telling your child that you feel the need to track them, you are indirectly telling them that you don’t trust them and you don’t trust that they are honest with where they are going. This builds a dishonest relationship between you and your child. Now, i’d understand if your child was around 8 or 9 years old and you wanted to keep track of them in case of an emergency. But using this on ages 15 and older is so unbelievably wrong. You are teaching your child to lie and hide things from you. No parent wants that. Learn to trust your own kid because it sounds like an issue with you. If your child has given you no valid, logical reason for them not to be trusted, you shouldn’t feel the need to track where they are. Overall, this app can be useful in certain circumstances but when it comes to use within the teenage age group, it is illogical and stupid. I’m a teenager myself and let me tell you, we all find ways around this app. And there are some believe it or not. It’s better to not track your child and receive the honest truth than to be lied to and think you know the truth. suit yourself. that’s all I had to say and any parent with a little bit of intelligence will come to a conclusion that my argument is valid.
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6 months ago, mtvses
Great when used properly
I know the negative reviews around this app are mostly focused on parents who monitor their children to an extreme and inappropriate extent, or even couples with trust issues who use this to watch their partners. Me and my family (including my partner) use this app to stay safe. It’s always good to have the extra insight on location in case anything ever goes wrong. It gives updates on location and shows speeds as well. I was debating giving it 3-4 stars because of the paid aspect, but after thinking about it, the features you get with the free version are still pretty good, and the paid version isn’t too expensive so all in all it’s worth it. This is a great app for keeping safe and it’s super effective as well. Very accurate and has LOTS of safety features including emergency service, crash detection, location arrival/leave, etc. This app is really great when used properly, I’m able to see when my friends arrive home safely after a night out, or when my partner gets home from work late at night. You can also send little messages with the quick message feature which me and my partner love very much. I send her little “love ya” messages while she’s at work and she thinks it’s adorable. Keep up the good work life360! You keep me and my family safe!
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3 years ago, ReadyForSummer13
Crash detector is A+++++
One of my family members was in a car crash recently. Nothing fatal, thank God! The person involved in a crash will get a notification on their phone saying: “We detected motion on your phone that felt like a car crash. We’ve informed your circle and emergency contacts so they can check if you’re ok.” From here, they can either choose “False Alarm” or “There’s been a crash”. If you choose there’s been a crash, it would say: “We hope you’re ok. If you need immediate assistance, please cal 911 now. It gives you two options again “I’m ok” or “Cal 911”. Regardless of whether the person involved in the crash responds to the Life 360 alerts or not, it will notify the members of the circle and emergency contacts. It took Life360 a bit longer than we’d like, maybe 8 minutes, to alert them via text message, but we are so thankful regardless! The message sent said: “ Life360 detected sudden motion on ___'s phone. This could be the result of a collision, hard braking, or a dropped phone. We suggest that you call ___ to check on them: (phone number). When we hear from them, we'll let you know. View ___'s current location:___“. This app was once my enemy, being the teenager that I was. But now I am super thankful that this app exists!! Thank you so, so much Life360!
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4 months ago, buzzyqueenbeeboy
Truly Amazing
My mom and I have been using Life360 for years now i bet at least five year maybe ten. I’ve had some addiction issues in my past back then and now it gives my mom piece of mind. And makes me feel safer knowing no matter where i go the one who loves me the most knows where i am. I remember mom first introduced me to the app because it was more accurate than Apple IPhones Friend Finder ( or whatever it is that Apple calls it) I find it easier to use. Which having an iPhone is much more beneficial the more IPhone friends you have. If my financial situation ever gets better where I had extra funds to actually get the paid version I would in a heartbeat. The free version offers so much, when moms or my battery gets low the other person is notified to help remind the other to charge it. With mom getting old and my adhd not getting better this helps us both stay connected and know each other are safe especially since we live in different states. I would definitely recommend this to anyone and everyone. If I understand it with the paid version it’s like having “Onstar” with if I had kiddo driving age I would find priceless. Thank you Life360 this is one of the very only if not the only app that has improved my life I feel a lot.
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1 month ago, shelley rutledge
Many strengths and some bugs to work out
There is so much I love about this app. I appreciate that you can set locations and turn off notifications for particular locations. I love that it offers you notifications for basic data (left the house, arrived at school) but turn off insignificant locations (such as passing by a saved location triggers that they were at said location). Challenges is the difficulty in consistently turning off the location of the adults. I share the account with my ex husband to monitor our young drivers and periodically his location is being shared even though it clearly states his location is turned off. Also issues with some bugs such as one driver driving through a river and cross crossing across non roads when they hadn’t left school (I was cross checking with find my friends app). Also when siblings ride together I noticed that their speed data is inconsistent with each other. I wish you could narrow the geo bubble for a location or that the person had to be stagnant at that location to warrant data that they were there. Driving by a location should not trigger “they arrived at _____” if they are still in motion. We are about to renew our yearly subscription because I have come to rely on it and yet sometimes there appears to be glitches in data accuracy.
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4 years ago, barboshks
The death of trust and good parenting
Edit: The newly added bubble method is a great way to keep safe while still giving your kids some degree of privacy. This new feature actually makes me want to update my review from a 1 star to 4 stars. I still believe that incorrect usage of the app creates a bad relationship of trust between your kid and you but these new features help kids be independent and helps their parents know they are safe. Honestly what this app does is show parents lack of trust in their kids. If your kid is sneaking out all the time who’s fault do you think it is? It’s YOUR fault. It’s a reflection of you bad parenting ability. A good parent builds trust with their kid where they wouldn’t go against their parents. This app destroys trust. If you are tracking your kid you think they won’t do stuff or sneak out anyway? Kids are smart obviously much smarter then you. After testing this app there are various easy loopholes to make you seem like your somewhere else or to break the app from working in general. Maybe instead of pushing your kid farther from you and putting them in chains you should take the opportunity to address the issue and build your relationship with your kid. This app is greatest at pushing your kid away from you and allowing parents to take the easy way in addressing the issue while ruining their relations with your kid.
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3 months ago, ScottC18
Our family and most friends and people I know use this app and everyone loves it! My wife and I and our kids have it on our devices and love it for multiple reasons. It’s perfect for locating the lost device that one of our children has lost this time which happens way to much lol. But my wife and I really like and was the first reason we downloaded the app is the crash detection and travel notifications for the members of our family circle! For my wife I think it’s has hugely helped feel more at ease and not as over stressing her self about worrying because she has anxiety and she does worry about our kids safety, and always wanting to be aware of where they are and that they are safe and as they are getting older and I want to go out with they friends without their mother or your father around and with this app it gives my wife peace at mind and joy knowning she’ll alerted if anyone in our family was possibly in a car wreck and with the app she would have the location so she could quickly be on her way there with waiting for and possibly even wrong directions to them and I agree and feel the same and couldn’t be happier and satisfied with this app. Great and awesome perfect for everyone’s family and loved ones!
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1 year ago, bcbsilluser
1 year plus review
I’ve had this app for over a year now! I’ve paid for the silver addition and have had the free one! In the last few months the prices went up and place notifications decreased while also the days of history went from 3 days to 2 ! Also the location history is quite often not accurate! I will look back at where I’ve driven and places I’ve been. They will not show up correct. Or if my daughter is near a saved location but not actually there it will show after she’s got to the saved location like she’s been there all along which is not accurate! I use apple location to back up this information. The crash dectection is supposed to detect a crash at over 25 mph which it didn’t work recently when my daughter was in an auto accident! Her miles for the drive were 41 mph and she did come to a stop because it showed her at that location for over 30 minutes with ambulance and police there taking report! I actually looked this over when I remember it was supposed to detect a crash with a speed over 25 mph and coming to a stop! So a lot of the features that are advertised you don’t get or are not correct! It’s really hard then to know how accurate this app really is! Location sharing is always on and so is wifi so the app shouldn’t be making so many errors! If they wanted to charge more for a subscription and offer free they should provide more accurate location history! I’m not sure it’s worth the money any more
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2 years ago, temi tsini
Use for running a business
We are a farm plus retail store combination business. We grow and sell all our farm products to the public in our community. It really helps us to use LIFE360 to keep our employees mobile and able to coordinate meet ups within the groups. We can plan arrivals by watching the travel route and timing of each other. As the office coordinator, I can use their direct travel paths during each work day to verify if they’ve been at designated work areas while on the clock or if they went grocery shopping for their household while on the clock- which is a form of theft by payroll. If I could suggest that way be made that we can use life360 saved locations as we use google maps to plot a course before heading there, that could also help us. Another thing that would help some of us would be if there was a way to set a time to begin tracking and end tracking in a lot given day. My employees don’t mind sharing their whereabouts during work times but If they simply turn the sharing off, then they don’t remember to turn it back on. If we could set a schedule, so it’s automatically on those times/days, that could help our forgetful selves. Lol thanks for a great app and all its features so far.
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4 years ago, 19Am84
Good But Needs Improvements
This app is great in many ways but at the same time it also lacks a lot. I have had the app tell me that my son left school in the middle of the day and was showing him in the middle of a farm field. He in fact was at school and never left. It isn’t always accurate in showing where someone is and will show them 2-3 buildings down or across the street (but eventually does reload to reflect the correct location). When you go to review someone’s drive that has been completed it doesn’t show the actual drive but has just jagged lines that shows you drove through the middle of buildings, fields and across neighborhoods. I have had the app state that my drive had “hard breaking” when in fact I didn’t (not even close). My daughter has also been in two accidents where one actually totaled her car and I was not notified by the app of the accident. The idea of it is great but they have a lot to work on. Talking with their customer service is pointless as it is obvious that they are just reading from a prompt and don’t actually listen to your concerns or have knowledge of the app. Yes, it does help but if you are wanting to know exact routes you child took to get to their destination this is not the app for you. If you child has hard breaking reports don’t be too hard on them because there is a large chance that it didn’t actually happen.
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2 months ago, fauxdeux
Love this app
UPDATED: taking off a star because I cannot stand those “Love Ya - ETA - What’s Up” etc things that can be hit very easily in the app. The screen of a phone is so small in the first place, all it does is take up room. I would like the option to turn them the eff off. Actually, they annoy me s much, I’m taking off two stars. As a parent who does *not* track every little thing their kids or spouse does, I love this app for the simple fact that I know when someone leaves or arrives (home or school) safely. I get a notification on my Apple Watch. It’s no big deal. I’m not staring at a map 24/7 (like I believe most kids think parents do). I only downloaded when my teen started driving because I liked the crash alert feature. I wish I had thought of it when I shopped for instacart (it would have been nice to know my husband could track me down if some crazy person locked me in their house... trust me. There were definitely some crazies that I was leery about). I also don’t have to stand at the door waiting for the bus to come for the younger child because the bus drives through our home bubble on the way to the bus stop. I know if my kid isn’t home within 5 mins, something is probably wrong (as in, they missed the. Is and now I gotta hop in my car and pick them up at school. Again, nothing crazy). Thanks for the peace of mind, Life 360!
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4 years ago, YogiMamaX2
Best app if you care to know that your kids are safe.
I’ve had this app since it launched and it gives me peace of mind. I’m far more comfortable allowing my kids to go out with their friends because I know that if anything happens I’ll be alerted and can find them quickly. Without this app I don’t think I would be so open to hand my keys over. It’s not about trusting my children it’s about knowing the many things that could go wrong and having experienced the horror of delays in getting to your loved one. In addition, as a single mom,I like your kids would know because somebody needs to. My youngest son will sometimes check where I’m at and ask if I can stop by and pick something up or instead of texting me five times wondering how long till I’m home he just checks the app instead. One last gift of this app is whenever my grown son travels on long road trips he’ll add himself to my circle just as a back up in case something were to happen during his travels. It gives us both peace of mind. If teens don’t like this app it’s because they are teenagers and they’re not going to like much of anything that you do as a parent. But having conversations about boundaries and expectations are always helpful in a family and this can be a tool for that.
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4 years ago, *nelsona99*
Great app
I love this app. It is great for families and especially for parents. To all the “people” leaving negative reviews, I can tell that most of you are teenagers and have NO clue what it is like to be a parent, and until you have raised your own children through their teenage years you have no idea what you are talking about; you just sound like spoiled, bratty children, which is all the more reason parents needs apps like this! I have a great relationship with my teenagers and I do trust them but this app is used for so much more than tracking our kids’ whereabouts. No teenager should hide their whereabouts from their parents, who undoubtedly pay their kid’s phone bills (all bills for that matter). So until you are grown enough to work, pay your own way in life, and get out on your own, stop complaining and giving this app bad reviews just because you’re angry with your parents. Enough of my rant, just tired of apps getting bad reviews for the wrong reasons. This app works great. It has little glitches from time to time but overall it works correctly and gives some peace of mind so that you don’t have to worry about your family as much, plus you don’t have to call or text them to ask where they are and possibly distract them while driving. Love it!!
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4 years ago, safe teens
Family safety and trust
I started life 361 after my daughter started driving and going out with her friends in the evening. It was a way for me to know where she was in case of an emergency, and not to track her every movement. I knew there would come a time when I would have to trust in her but life 360 gave me a little more confidence. I did the same for my son when he started driving. I also added my husband who is a contractor and drives all over town and has a heart condition so if something ever happened to him I would never known where he was. life360 also gave me confidence knowing I could find him if necessary. I had to make it clear to my family that this was not being used as a tracking device but a safety device and we have never had a problem. One other feature is that it tracks how fast you drive. I have actually been called out by my two teams that when coming to pick them up from a Friends house I was driving over the speed limit. I would highly recommend this app and hope you can stay in business because it really is a good safety tool so long as you use it that way, and trust in each other knowing that it’s for everyone’s safety. FYI many colleges nowadays also have a similar app.
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3 years ago, bren.schulz
Invasion of privacy
Before you all go writing me off as another teen trying to escape from my parents, no. I'm not. I'm 19 and I'm about to be in college. I understand the reasoning for this application, as it is very useful. HOWEVER, it is only useful when put in the hands of someone who knows how to use it. For example, I have had Life360 for a few years now. Before I had the app, I would go about my day enjoying myself and the world around me. This has changed. My family forced me into downloading this app onto my iPhone through convincing me that it would be beneficial to everyone. I was sorely mistaken for believing them. Ever since I downloaded the app, my stress and anxiety levels have increased beyond belief because I have members of my family who will constantly be on the app, I have screenshots of when my location was pinged 90+ times in one day. This is a sign of a toxic household. I now live in fear of "going beyond the boundaries" and I also now always feel the need to let everybody know every single detail, even when they don't need to know. I know this sounds like a small issue, but as a young adult who is about to transition into the grown-up and adult world, this is unhealthy and therefore this application is not beneficial to my mental health or safety or helpful in any way. This app alone has harboured countless arguments in my family and I am seriously sick and tired of invasive apps like these coupled with families like mine ruining kids' childhoods.
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4 years ago, Californian29
UPDATE II: I still seem to have issues now with my moms tracking. I’ve checked the settings and all is correct. But, it still shows her at home since November 25, 2020. My daughters seemed to have resolved itself of previous problems. But, in good conscience, I just cannot give this app more than two stars at this time due to continued issues. Get your app together L360. It’s long over due. 🤨 UPDATE: Developers were very quick to reach out and try to help with a resolution. I give them kudos for that. However, I opted to not pursue their suggestions again because they were taking me down the exact same road as my previous THREE times I’ve had concerns to report. It doesn’t fix the problems. It never does. So, for the sake of my sanity, it’s no longer worth my time nor the frustration. I will let my subscription expire and will purchase the HUM tracking device. My dad has had it well over a year without a single issue whatsoever. This app is USELESS!! It will not update locations. It consistently shows my daughter at home when I know she’s at school. It randomly decides when the heck it’s going to work. I’ve contacted systems help. I’ve done EVERYTHING to make sure our settings are correct. THEY ARE!! It STILL won’t work. We paid the $$ to have the premium service too and it’s a complete waste of money. It gives me ZERO piece of mind. I’ll very soon be looking for a new tracking app. Can’t wait to get RID of this one. 😡
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4 years ago, Tville Girl
Peace of Mind
I’ve had this had for about 4 years now. My teens, age 19 & 16, are in my circle. At times some of their friends have asked me to add them as well. My daughter is away at college and has circles with her sorority sisters and friends. It gives me such peace of mind to look and see where my kids are. If they are driving, as long as they are moving, it lets me know they are okay. And to know I could locate them in an emergency if needed is very helpful. I do not stalk them. In fact they use it to track my location more than I do theirs!! But if I don’t recognize a location, and I can’t get them to answer a text, I will call. But that happens very rarely. I understand that some have a problem with location tracking apps and feeling like it’s a violation of privacy. That’s just something you will have to work out with your family. As for me & my family, this works great for us. I did have to turn off the sound notifications though because every time it would alert, the dogs ran to the back door barking & waiting for the kids to come in. They had been trained that the sound meant the kids were home. The problem was sometimes they were just driving by the house, since the school is just a mile down the road!!
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3 years ago, country bimpki
The benefits of life 360 App.
My family started using life 360 as a safety measure for active kids growing up, as well as our aging mother. I joined the family circle a state away, as did most of our family, so we were all in touch. Little did i know i would find out first hand, just how beneficial the app would be! I was in a bad accident, and rear ended at a high rate of speed. By the time the vehicle i was in, completely stopped from the impact, my phone began ringing almost continuously. Life 360 contacted my family within seconds of the impact, dispatched emergency personnel to my location and continued to call my phone until i answered. The dispatcher asked about the color and type of vehicle i was in and how i was doing, as well as if i could tell her anything about the others involved. She was incredibly kind, and let me know that everything was being taken care of and that help would be there quickly. We had “on star” and i also have a medical app but the paramedics were there before either of them got through to us for assistance. I can’t say enough about the benefits of having this app, or just how awsome the people who work there are. Thank you Life 360* for all you do! Kimberly Smith
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3 years ago, hannahthehero🦋🦄
Love it! Psst also download maps aka Apple Maps it’s good too!
So I love Life360 you can track friends and family and has stuff like crash detection, emergency contacts ( this is all in the safety button), and crime reports and like incidents near you. Ok next, there are places you can pin point to look at the address, and on the people list of you tap on somebody you can see how many minutes or hours they are away. You can also see wheee they have been to! If you need map and tracking apps this is the one you really should get!!!! Also I recommend Apple Maps too! Like I said in the title! If your new in town or where ever you are you can get directions on how to get there and is very easy to do! Also I’m 11 yrs old and I helped my grandma to get to my sisters tae kwon do class by using Apple Maps well I think it’s also called just maps idk, anyway it was easy I just looked at the trail and told her where to go and easy peasy! Yes I know the story might be confusing also, but my point is I recommend both apps! Anyways thanks for reading this review and have a great day and if your in summer right now (depends when your read this) then have a good summer! (Or winter,spring, and fall!) God bless you!
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4 years ago, ArseKicker
A very well designed and developed app that does what it says it does.
It’s pretty shocking how many people want to leave negative reviews about an app that does exactly what it says it does. If you don’t like what it does, why did you use it to begin with? If you’re like me and you have a very young daughter and the family that drives a lot, it’s nice to know where everyone is at all times without having to make a phone call or send a text message while you’re driving, for example. For those who say that you’re a bad parent if your kid sneaks out of the house at 2a, that sounds like something a sneaky child might write 😉. I had good parents, and I did some sneaky things as a teen. People aren’t perfect. But if something goes wrong (like an auto accident or a kidnapping), this app might help, and it certainly helps if you’re trying to find them at a location when they are in a loud room or not near their phone. I use it to know when my parents (senior citizens) are arriving at my home or meeting me somewhere, since they are challenged with directions. I can see when family members are going to be home based on their location, without having to interrupt them while they’re driving. I use this app every day and love it.
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2 years ago, brlittle01
Stellar tracking and geofencing app
Update: Previous five star review below downgraded to two stars because Life360 no longer integrates with IFTTT. Because Life360 coordinated the location of all my family members I could use it to turn off the alarm and unlock the door when the first family member arrived home and then lock the doors and turn on the alarm when the last family member left. I could also use it to adjust the Ecobee thermostat depending on whether or not anyone was home. The default location service of IFTTT isn’t able to distinguish whether anyone else is home so the family location coordination suffers when trying to manage smart family apps. I’m not sure if the integration issue is a Life360 problem or an IFTTT problem but I give both services only two stars now instead of previous five stars. My understanding is that Life360 is working on this and if it ever reintegrates I will gladly repost a 5 star rating. —————- Continues to be a premier tracking and geofencing app. I use it along with SmartThings and IFTTT to turn off my alarm and unlock the door when family members arrive home (and vice versa when the last person leaves.) Not sure if life 360 is still getting slammed by negative reviews from the TikTok TeenyTots but you can bet that the more negative the review they might leave the more assured you can be as a parent that this is a must have app.
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4 years ago, eab2002
Great app for families trying to manage a busy schedule
I have read the comments about “death of parenting trust” and completely disagree. This is just a other tool to use while you are responsibly parenting. They are kids for goodness sake. No matter how much you trust them, it is necessary to find them sometimes when your child has her ringer off on her phone and forget to tell you where to pick them up after the football game. This is an incredible app for determining when the sports bus will be returning back to the school after a late game and if they have returned home safely from school when you are at work and your teen forgets to touch base. Most times, my teen just tells me to “360” her when I am picking her up from a sports dinner when she can’t remember the address of the teammate’s house. With the app, I feel safer when my tween wants to ride bikes with friends or go to the candy store since I know exactly where to pick her up when she calls. Also, it goes both ways. My children know where my husband and I are and how quickly we will be to their location to pick them up. I have recommended this app to countless friends and sportsparents and will continue to do so.
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3 years ago, lola ava.l
This app is amazing!
This apo is SO useful it helps a lot! I love how you can see where your loved ones/ friends or family are at any time! I just have a few suggestions when your at a certain place and someone comes close to you it should tell you that they have arrived at your location. For example if you have Life360 and your mom dose and you are waiting for her to pick you up and someone’s car comes up and you do not know if it is her or not it would not tell you she would be there but if her car comes instead of having to check the app to see if she is near it should give you a notification like “ Mom has arrived in your location” also I like how there is so much tools and stuff like that but I hate how most of them cost money and don’t get me wrong this app saved SO MANY lives but it would be just so amazing if the emergency dispatch thing would be free and all of the other stuff like that because what if someone can’t spend money and there loved one got in a situation and all you have is Life360!? And again I LOVE this app just that please make some of the things free it would really help others! other than that this app is really great and helpful!
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2 years ago, TravisB2020
No option to hide location without EVERYONE being notified
Same as title you cannot have any privacy period- for extremely strict, nosey and untrusting Parents this app is a dream come true!!! But for Teenagers to young adults who are trying their hardest to enjoy the freedom they deserve, this app couldn’t be any worse. If you even TRY to hide your location or turn it off EVERYONE will know it is off without fail- there seems to be a misunderstanding in apps like these and how they are used, some people will say things like “communication is key” “you just have to be honest” etc but if we just want to be away from our family and relax with friends or going out and we have the world’s strictest parents then it’s not “just about communication” it’s about the freedom we WANT and DESERVE- a few months ago I did discover a way to hide my location without anyone knowing but apparently it seems to have been patched so in other words there goes my last hope into being able to have any sibilance of freedom. I wish the creator of life 360 or someone anyone in the dev team would understand things like this and make it a actual OPTION in the app for us to HIDE our location without ANYONE being notified period. I hope this review reaches the right people and the creators realize that some parents in family’s only want one thing- Control over their children in all ways , no privacy and no boundaries.
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4 years ago, tSiv3
Peace of mind, life saver
My family has had Life360 for 5 years, since my son started driving. He is now in college. I always explained to him that by having access to his whereabouts, I didn’t need to call him or have him call me all the time. I held to that promise. Even in college, when I need peace of mind, I check to see he made it back to his apartment. I never comment to him or ask him to call me all the time. He understood that as a Mom, I would worry about him. I also gave him access to my location when he went to college as a sign of mutual respect. Life360 came in handy when he was 16 and was in car accident. He didn’t know where he was and within seconds I had directions directly to him. He’s had multiple accidents and this tool has helped out each and every time. I turned off the capability to monitor his speed and driving halfway into his senior year of high school because I knew it was time to trust. Plus, the conflicts over the information began to wear on me. Early on, it’s was very helpful and productive. After a year or two it just became a source of conflict. He’s 20 now. I can see his location. anytime I want, though I rarely check. It has helped me be a better, less nagging parent.
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2 years ago, linda0163
Incredible phishing service
Honestly, I’m amazed with the concept of this tracker users interface with enhanced usability, and it’s pretty amazing how I used the location feature for what i was looking for. The issue of missing my husband’s location for days, i needed to try and locate him in real time He was in a conversation with his College ex-girlfriend and he was acting sneaky, I was recommended this tracker i gave Couple’s bang the Rootkits and he was able to perform the perfect heist and I was being able to phish out everything he was up to. So it’s happening that I’m ending the relationship with him and i’m pretty sure he has absolutely no idea that I know of everything he is up to…try on C O U P L E S P H O N E T R A C K E R 1 @ G M A I L COM. for reliable spoofing experience with accurate unprotected encryption of your Husband’s phone. Thank you to each and every one of my family who sent me messages and offered advice and support. It is recommended that you should be inquisitive enough to care about what your spouse is up to and monitor your kids safely C O U P L E S P H O N E T R A C K E R 1 @ G M A I L COM, I’m sure how their services are highly rated. i was referred to this professional cyber expert and I contact them with full confidentiality.
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3 years ago, RikSan50!
Used to be great
Update: Finally was able to get this app to work. Deleted the app from both my wife’s and my iPhone, then reinstalled. Signed in and it worked for the first time in many months. There were several updates over these many months so one of them must have corrected the problem. Our IOS op sys is up to date. ___________ Today I got an email supposedly from the CEO of Life360 asking to give them a good review. Well it still doesn’t work right. Lowered the rating to 1 star. Review below stands. ————— Don’t know what has changed as my wife and I have used this app for nearly two years with great service. We have all the settings correct: location always on both iPhones, contacts on, motion and fitness on, background app refresh on, and cellular data on of course. My wife is handicapped so I like to know when she gets home so I can offer help. Sometimes I get a notice, but sometimes nothing. If I open the app I see where she is and where she’s driving so no problem with GPS working. Hope they can fix this with an update. 😔 Update: After contacting support as it was suggested, it’s now been two weeks and no response. I think they know there’s a problem and the app needs updating. After contacting support a second time per a request thru Apple, STILL no response.
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3 years ago, World of tanks tips too
To all the parents
I understand the concept of this app. To know where each other are located when you need to know. Parents calling us rebellious teens for having to “hide” where we’re going...No we aren’t. If I tell you I’m going somewhere....that’s where I’m going ...if you need to know where I’m me. With the inaccuracies on the tracking it’s great to come home and get asked 500 questions. Let me ask you, parents. Were you ever tracked when you were a kid? As long as parents do not abuse the app and check it ever 15 seconds (which I know happens) it’s fine. It’s a great app for emergencies, but most overuse it. You weren’t tracked as a teen and you probably turned out just fine. Talk about destroying freedoms and relationships. These straight A students you can find it the comments (before the company removed the badly rated comments) deserve parents trust. If you can’t trust them they sure aren’t going to trust you. Don’t be surprised after years of this they move out and don’t come back or talk to you for a while. Here’s a tip if you MUST have some sort of tracking. Use find my iPhone which tells of the last place a specific iPhone was and it’s already installed on iPhones. It’s actually accurate. I hear the argument often, “what if you were in a crash and no one could find you”....Really? I doubt that’s the real reason, but again...find my iPhone works just fine for that.
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